He Bullies You Luke Hemmings (Tumblr Requested)

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It's been 4 years.

4 years since I've been happy.

4 years since I wasn't' scared of
talking that damn 20 minute walk.

4 years since he didn't make my life a living hell.

Who is he?

Two words.

Luke Hemmings.

Ever since I started my freshmen year of school, him and his friends made it their ultimate goal to make my life a living hell. And he has. Everyday, shoving, pushing, calling names, beating, the whole nine-yards. I sigh as I stand outside my locker, counting down the seconds until-

"Hey loser!"

"H-hi Luke" I hold my books close, so he wouldn't smack them onto the floor, but to no avail. As I feel the burn in my throat from trying to hold the tears back, I realize that he's alone. I have to say, Luke was the nicest out of all of them, just calling me names and the occasional slap and punch, but never beat me like his friends did. I always felt a little safer with just him, knowing that I'm not going to come home with a black eye and busted lip.

"Do you have my money?" He demands–well, tried to. He always tried to be as tough as his friends so he doesn't seem weak, but he's always been a softie.

"N-no..." I cry. My drunken mother spent it all on beer I add in my head. Next thing I know I'm being held up my my neck, choking, unable to breathe. I desperately try to pry his hands from my neck, my sleeve rolling up. The minute he see's my wrists, his eyes soften, his grip slipping until he lets go, letting me fall onto the floor–so I thought. I was expecting the hard impact of the cold floor, but it never came. I open my eyes to see that I was being held bridal style as He turns to put his back against the locker. I was put down as I stand in front of him, his stone hard face soft and scared,

""W-who did this to you?" He quietly asks.

"Did what...."

"Oh don't play dumb," He grabs my wrist, exposing my bruises and cuts.

"Who did THAT to you. Those bruises are fresh, and I know that neither Ashton, Calum or Michael hasn't touched you." And that's when I break down.

"M-my mom!" I sob.

"T-that d-drunken bitch h-hurt me again t-th-this morning!" I cry even harder as he pulls my into his chest, stroking my hair.

"I'm so sorry..." He says, I could hear him fighting back the tears as he pulls away facing me.

"I'm so sorry Y/N, for all that has happened to you. You don't deserve any of what Has happened. You deserve so much better. I'm so stupid. When I first saw you, I had the biggest crush, but I thought things would never work out. So I thought that if I bullied you, all of my feeling would go away, but they didn't. They grew stronger. Now I know things would never happen, but please, forgive me, I'm so sorry!" He cries into my shoulder.

8 o'clock" I smirk, looking at confused face.


"For our date. Pick me up at 8"

"But-" He begins, fighting back a smile, but I quickly cut him off.

"Luke, this is your last chance to go out with your crush, it's now or never." He smiles, his blue eyes beaming with glee.

"8 O'clock then"


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