He Finds Out You Have Anorexia (Michael)

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2nd P.O.V

It's been about three weeks since you've eaten a full meal. Every time you look into the mirror, no matter how skinny you are, all you see is a fat monstrosity. Every night you cry yourself to sleep, thinking that you'd never be good enough. You knew that there was something wrong, you just wanted to ignore it. You didn't tell anyone, not even your boyfriend of 3 years, Michael about it. You were too scared that he'd leave you, think your a freak. You're currently sitting on the couch watching a movie with him, all the lights turned off.

"Want some popcorn?" He asks, handing you the bowl. You look at the bowl, wanting to eat handfuls of the popcorn sitting in front of you.

'Stop thinking like that, you had a granola bed this morning, that's already fating enough' you think.

"No, I'm not hungry" You whisper, turning back to face the TV, knowing that Michael wasn't convinced.

"Y/N, why aren't you eating?" He asks, pausing the movie, making you look at him.

"I-I am, now play the movie" You reach over him, trying to grab the remote. But he grabbed it before you, not handing it over.

"Y/N, when was the last time you ate?"

"This morning" You mumble.

"This morning?! Y/N, it's 10 at night, you didn't eat anything since then? What did you eat?" He ask, a worried look on his face.

"A granola bar..." You trail off, not looking at him.

"Y/N, are you eating at all?"

"I told you, I ate this morning" You say, trying for the remote again.

"Y/N, you know what I mean. When was the last time you ate real food" He puts the remote on the table next to him, far out of your reach.

"Ok, it's been about 3 weeks since I ate a full meal." You give up, tears pooling in your eyes.

"Oh Y/N..." He trails off, pulling you into a hug, you start sobbing into his shoulder.

"I have a problem Michael, I'm scared" You cry in between hiccups, pulling back to meet his eyes.

"And I'm going to help you. But why?" His voice cracks.

"Because everyone on Twitter was telling me how fat I am, and that I should loose weight, and that you deserve someone skinnier and prettier, a-" You were quickly cut of by Michael's tear stained lips meeting yours in a long slow passionate kiss.

"You are the most gorgeous girl to ever walk this planet, no matter your weight. If anything don't deserve you. And don't listen you what people say about you, they're just jealous that your prettier and better than them. We are going to help you with your problem, together. It's going to take some time, but we'll take baby steps, starting with this bowl of popcorn. Y/N, I want you to try and finish the whole bowl beige we go to bed. Please, just try. For me" He pleads, handing you the bowl. You hesitate for a moment before realizing how much pain your causing him, and only how much more he's be in if you didn't try. You took the bowl and slowly began to eat the popcorn.

"That's my girl" He pecks your lips, playing the movie. You wound up finishing the whole bowl of popcorn that night, feeing unbelievably accomplished, taking your first step in the right direction.

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