Prize giving-Ashton (SMUT)

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Writer: landof5sossmut

Source: Tumblr

It was that time of the year again. You had to go and sit in your younger brother's school hall, on tiny plastic seats, for at least 2 hours, whilst the teachers gave children mediocre awards for doing next to nothing. He was 6 years old and everything was very exciting when you're 6 and can get awards for something as stupid as remembering to close the toilet door when you're pooping at school.

Your parents were ushered to the front of the hall to sit in the "reserved area". In other words it was just a spot, closer to the stage so that they could film their darling children receiving certificates. You were shown to the middle of the hall. You were in the back row, the seat next to you was empty and was directly next to the window, you saw that as an easy escape when it all got very boring.

You sat on your own, inspecting your fingernails with great interest when you felt a large presence on your left, looming over your getaway seat. You looked up to see proof of God's existence standing directly beside you. Your eyes trailed over his entire body without any shame. He was at least 6ft, a black button down threatening to burst at the seams around his large arms, black skinny jeans that wrapped around his thick thighs and the brightest smile.

"Hi, is this seat reserved?" He asked, a cheerful voice that made a smile arise on your face.

"No, it's empty." You smiled back to him. "I'm not a parent so I've been shunned to the back row."

He laughed at your quip and sat beside you, his legs spread slightly so his jean-clad thigh was resting against your own leg, the exact spot that your dress had failed to cover.

"I'm a parent but I got here late so I was also shunned."

"You aren't a dad!"

"Yes I am a dad!"

"No! Dads wear bootleg jeans and running sneakers, you look like a model!" It kind of slipped out past your lips and you hadn't meant to say it but you did and the man beside you thought it was quite the compliment.

"Well thank you, sorry I don't meet up to your dad standards." He rubbed his palms over his jeans. "I don't think I own a pair of bootleg jeans."

You laughed quietly at the conversation you two were having.

"I'm y/n, I'm here for my younger brother Eddie."

"I'm Ashton, I'm here for my daughter Lydia."

You were about to reply when the school's principle situated himself on the stage and commanded everyone's attention.

He babbled on about how great the year had been and how proud he was of all of his students and you honestly couldn't care less. You were focused on the hot dad beside you that smelt incredible and had his leg pressed against yours.

"What award is Eddie getting?" Ashton leaned in to whisper to you. His breath hit the side of your neck and sent shivers coursing up your spine.

"Safety scissor skills, how about Lydia?"

"Remembering to use her glue stick."

You both snickered at the ridiculousness of the awards, you had you hand other your mouth and Ashton was slightly hunched forward to stop people from noticing you both.

As the laughing subdued, he lay his hand on your thigh before straightening himself up. You looked down at his hand briefly but then turned your attention to the front of the hall to watch the children.

You felt Ashton lean into your side again. "Is this okay?" He asked, his voice was a hushed whisper and you could feel the hairs on your neck prick up. His hot breath washed over you and you nearly let out the tiniest whimper.

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