Going To A Concert With Him (All)

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Writer of this story: kateisinwonderland

 2nd P.O.V

Calum would be the type of protective boyfriend always checking if other guys were looking at you or not, and if they were, he would send them a dirty look. But as soon as his favourite song came on, he couldn't help but sing along and scream at the top of his lungs. He would make you crowd surf because he had tried it once and wanted you to feel how amazing that was and in that moment, he didn't care if there were a hundred people touching you, because he just wanted you to have that amazing feeling.

Ashton would be the type of guy that would simply enjoy every single song. Sometimes he would close his eyes and put an arm around your shoulder, swaying you from side to side and other times he would air drum like he was the drummer of the band. He would definitely enjoy going to concerts with you.

Luke would be the type of boyfriend who would let you sit on his shoulders so you could see the stage well. He would sing along to every song with you and he would have lots of fun. If you were seeing an artist he supposedly didn't like but you loved, he'd just show a straight face and pretend he wasn't enjoying the concert but he couldn't resist singing along to one of their songs and you'd be like "I thought you didn't like him/her/them" and he'd just shrug and keep singing.

Michael wouldn't sing the lyrics; he would scream the lyrics as loud as he could. He would have loads of fun and he wouldn't stop moving not even for one second. You would laugh a lot at the faces he does but he couldn't care less. He would have the time of his life and once you left the concert, he'd still be full of energy like he had drunk 10 cups of coffee.

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