Money Isn't Everything (Calum) pt.2

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Writer of this story: oopsiwrotethingsagain

Source: Tumblr

2nd P.O.V

Fuck. No. No no no.

"Hey babe what's taking you so long, cmon we're gonna be late!" you heard your husband say through the bathroom door.

"Just a sec! I'm almost done." You stifled out, trying to hide the nervousness in your voice.

"Unbelievable." You heard him sigh.

You closed your eyes tight and sat down onto the toilet seat, tears welling in your eyes.

You opened them again hoping that it would dissapear, but it didn't. There it was in pink and white- a test that you had passed, but had hoped to fail. Two pink lines. Pregnant.

"No. No. No. This can't be happening." You said outloud to yourself trying to hold back the tears.

How would Calum react? Would he leave? Be happy? You didn't know and that's what terrified you the most. Things had just gotten good with him again after a long bumpy road, you'd been through so much. Could he handle this?

"Y/n NOW!" He said sternly through the door, awakening you from your thoughts.

"Fuck." You said quietly to yourself.

"Ready!" You shouted and flushed the toilet.

You wrapped the little devil stick in toilet paper and threw it away.

"Sorry baby, you know, girl things." You said as you opened up the door - nearly knocking him down.

"Bout damn time." He said annoyed.

You looked down at the ground and he grabbed his keys.

"Sorry." You said quietly.

"We're already late. Cmon." He said rolling his eyes and walking out of the door.

You picked up the pace and got into the car, closing the door quietly behind you.

He locked up the house and got into the car, clearly annoyed.

"What the hell were you doin in there?" He asked harshly.

"I was getting ready. I'm sorry." You said looking out of the window and clasping your hands together trying not to cry.

He sighed and looked down before looking back up at you with apologetic eyes. "Im sorry baby. I'm not trying to be a dick. It's just, you know how important this dinner is for me."

You looked at him and tried to force a small smile. "I know Cal. I'm sorry."

"It's ok." He said giving you a small smile and grabbing your hand.

You grabbed his back and he kissed yours before driving off to the restaurant.

Tonight Cal was meeting with the head of another huge firm who quite possibly wanted him to take over his company as well. It was a huge opportunity and Calum seemed really excited about it.

You pulled up to the restaurant and Calum got out and opened up your door. He grabbed your hand and squeezed it as you walked, clearly nervous. You squeezed it back to let him know that you were right there and he would be fine.

"Reservation for Hood." Calum said to the hostess.

"Oh Mr. Hood, Mr. Keona has been expecting you. Right this way sir." The hostess said and led you to the table.

Sitting there was a white haired man, he couldn't have been any younger than 60, but you knew that he had to have been quite the looker when he was younger. He had beautiful dark skin, beautiful dark brown eyes, and a perfect white smile. Beside him was a beautifully put together woman. Hollywood glamour was the essence of her. Her red hair was faded to white and was put up beautifully. She looked like she would break if you touched her. Her skin was porcelain pale and her eyes were the brightest green.

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