You're Pulling Away From Me (Calum Hood)

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Writer: rainbowclifford

Source: Tumblr


[ "You're pulling away from me." ]

It was no secret that Calum loved you. He showed it through the way he was always taking candid pictures of you, the way he always smiled into your kisses, or the way his head between your thighs brought you more pleasure than anyone else ever could.

However it was also no secret that Calum was independent, and he liked his space. Sometimes this resulted in him not talking to you for a couple days, especially when he was on tour like he was right now. It had been a three days since you've talked to him, and you couldn't take it. You hated not knowing how he was doing. Luckily for you, he was in the same timezone as you were this week. You decided to take advantage of that and call him.

The phone rang for a while and you didn't think he was going to answer, but he did.

"Hi Cal! How are you?" You asked happily.

"I'm good." He replied blankly.

"You don't sound good..." You trailed off. "You haven't texted me in three days."

"I get busy sometimes, okay! I can't always send you a goodnight text. That's just how it is with dating me." He snapped.

You were taken aback. You weren't used to this side of Calum, so you didn't really know to be respond to it. You felt tears welling up, but pushed them back down. You decided that you needed to be strong for him.

"Babe...tell me what's wrong."

He cut you off. "No (y/n). Look I'm sorry I haven't texted you, but I'm just busy. Nothing is wrong. I'm fine."

"Calum." You began. "I know for a fact you're not fine. You're pulling away from me. Please don't. I'm here for you, alright? I'm always gonna be here to help you. Don't be scared to let me in."

You heard him sigh through the phone. It was physically killing you inside that you weren't there to help him. If he was home, this would be the time where you wrapped him in a hug, and slowly rubbed his back to help calm him down. But right now, all he had was your voice.

"Whatever is bothering you...yanno you can tell me right? I love you, and I'm not gonna judge you so if you're worried about that you shouldn't be." You explained.

"I'm so sorry." He said. His voice was quiet and shaky. "I'm such a shit boyfriend. I can't believe you stay with me. All I do is leave. But God (y/n) I miss you so much. I'm so stressed out about everything for some reason. These back to back shows just get to you. It's like after the adrenaline runs out you hit rock bottom. Nothing feels good anymore. I fucking wish you were here." He continued rambling for another few minutes, but you just sat and listened to him talk. You missed his voice anyways, but you also wanted to help him in every possible way.

"I miss you so much too. But I know that you'll be able to get through this. It's just a rough patch. It won't last forever. Focus on the fact that you are touring the world with your best friends. Don't worry about me. I'm not going anywhere. You might leave a lot, but I'm staying no matter what. I love you too much Cal."

"I'm glad. Because I love you too much too."

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