Regret pt.3

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Michaels p.o.v (day of the fight)

Ever since I've came back from tour, I've men ignoring Y/N. I can't face her, not after what happened on tour. Thank god she never found out, and I plan on keeping that way, but it's been hard to look her in the eye. Such a bright bubbly happy person, all mine. I could never believe what interest Y/N ever had in me, and I still don't. She's such a perfect human being, she deserves so much better than what I can give her. She deserves the world, and the best thing I've ever given her was some attention after touring, on breaks. Which, isn't every often. My heart shatters every time I leave her, each time I walk out that door becoming harder and harder. I know she'd do anything for me, hell, she'd die for me any day. And after what I've done to her, I'm not worth it. I'll never figure myself for what happened that day on tour. God I'm such an idiot. I had no right to do what I did, and I know that one day she'll find out, she'll leave me for someone better. Who'll love her more than I ever did. The thought of it makes me puke. So, I though that completely ignoring her existence would help make the breakup easier when she finds out. Every time she looks at me, I can see the pain in her E/C as clearly as you could see the stars in the night sky. As if on cue, she walks in, unsure of her movements. Before speaking, she takes a shaky breath.

"Hey, wanna go out and get something to eat. Maybe ice cream?" She sweetly asks. She must be desperate for my attention considering she hates ice cream, but I love it. The gesture makes everything I say and do harder, knowing that she thinks it's all her fault. As where I'd like to say it is, so I can take the blame off of me. I look into her guilty eyes before bracing myself for the foul words rolling off my tongue.

"No, can't you see I'm playing a game here?" I snap, not looking into her eyes. If I do, I'll break.

"Well, sorry for asking..." She whispers, Turning to walk away.

"Dammit Y/N, can't you be quiet?!" I yell, topping it off. I see the tears prick her eyes before leaving, the sound of a slamming door following after.

Guess she's eating by herself.


It's been 5 hours, and she still hasn't returned. I've been pacing around the house, a nervous wreck. I begin to play my game to take my mind off of her, the sound of a door opening following shortly after. As she makes her way past the screen, not even acknowledging me, she trips and falls over the wire connecting the tv to the outlet. My first instinct is to rush over, asking if she's ok. But I can't to that.

"I think I twisted it" she muttered. God, please let her be ok

"WHAT THE HELL Y/N?!" I scream, "anger" surging through my body. I stand up, walking over to her.

"I'm sorry, I d-didn't m-mean too-o" Her fragile voice stutters, tears pooling in her eyes, slowly breaking my heart

. "THE HELL YOU DIDN'T, YOU'VE BEEN ACTING LIKE A BITCH ALL DAY!" I screams louder, pointing at her face, her hot tears rolling off her face. All I want to to is hold her, tell her I love her, that I'm never leaving. But I can't.

"I didn't, I swear, please stop yelling!" She sobs.

"God, just fucking leave, why do you have to be such a pest?" I hiss, her face breaking like 100 year old fine china being smashed.

"Michael..." She whispers, the hurt I caused evident in her voice.

"JUST GO FUCKING LEAVE! HELL, GO DIE WHILE YOU'RE AT IT!" I scream, immediately regretting it. I've gone too far. I can't do this anymore. Before I have a chance to apologize and explain myself, she's running out the door. It takes me a couple seconds to realize what's happening as I run after her.




As I walk out, all I could see is the love of my life, lying on the street, covered in her own blood, a car not too far away.

"Y/N!" I scream, running after her lifeless body. Before I could get the chance to say anything , I hear her fragile voice quiver, fear trickling down my spine.

"T-tell Michael t-that I l-love-e h-him, even though h-he doesn't love m-me" The words cut deep, causing an ever lasting scar. She thinks I don't love her. The truth is I love her too much for my own well being. I'd die for her any day. And the said thing is, even after all this, and what I've done to her on tour, she'd still die for me. Any day.

Then she passes out.

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