Soft Spot (michael)

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Written by: cliffuhd

Source: Tumblr


Summary: As far as you knew, Michael Clifford hated your guts. The two of you never got along mostly because of how Michael treated you and you never really knew why his blood boils whenever you were around until one day when you accidentally wore a blink-182 hoodie that you mistook as Luke's hoodie.
Michael was shooting daggers out of his eyes your way as you sat amongst himself and the other boys at the dining table, eating the breakfast that you happily prepared, might you add, for them to eat. You and Luke were in a middle of a conversation about some funny dog video that he sent you the other day when you felt Michael's eyes on you. It seemed like every time you opened your mouth to laugh or even breathe, the blue haired boy would glare at you. Despite the intimidating stare, you kept up your conversation with Luke.
When Luke said an awfully corny joke, you couldn't help but laugh loudly and shake your head at how lame his joke was. Michael didn't seem to like this as he let out an audible groan and you immediately stopped laughing, giving him a deep frown.
"Anything bothering you, Michael?" You questioned him, cocking up an eyebrow.
"Your laugh is bothering me," He spat out, still glaring at you. "It's so fucking annoying. You're like a witch or something."
"What's wrong with you?" You scoffed, shaking your head. "You're literally just nitpicking now! I've not done anything to you, Clifford. Lay off me."
"Yeah, you're right." He agreed, letting out a humourless laugh. "You don't even have to do anything to annoy me. Just your existence is enough to do that."
"Oh, shut up," You groaned, rolling your eyes at him. "Now, if you'll excuse me. I have to go home and get ready for my date today with Dylan."
With a half finished breakfast on your plate and all the boys staring at you blankly, you got up and collected your belongings from the living room and left the house. As you got ready for your date with Dylan, the boy from your Maths class, you thought about your row with Michael that morning. The two of you have never gotten along, mostly due to the fact that Michael found you to be the most annoying person alive despite never having done anything to him.
You've done this before, try to trace back what made Michael hate you and pin point the exact moment he decided that he was going to be nasty towards you. But much like every other time, you failed to do so. You have absolutely no idea what could've made Michael act like a complete asshole towards you. By now, you just accepted that maybe that's just the way he is. Still, you wondered what it was that irks him about you.
After you've gotten all dressed and ready, you made your way to the cafe where you and Dylan have agreed to meet. You sat in one of the tables alongside the front window, smoothing down the material of your skirt as you nervously waited for your date to arrive.
The two of you were meant to be having lunch at half twelve and Dylan was not almost half an hour late. The coffee you ordered to occupy yourself with had gone cold and the customers who were previously in the cafe with you have now up and gone. You were starting to worry that something bad had happened to your date so you pulled out your phone and called Dylan.
"Hello?" He answered after a few rings.
"Hey, Dylan. It's (y/n)," You replied. "I was wondering if you're still coming to our date?"
Instead of an expected explanation, you heard Dylan let out a laugh. "I hate to tell you this, (y/n)," He paused to laugh once again. "But my mates only dared me to ask you out as a joke since you're, like, the quietest girl in class and we all thought you were too much of a prude to go out with anyone."
"Oh," Was all you managed to say after the boy had told you what was really going on. With shaky hands, you hanged up on Dylan. You stood up from your seat and hurriedly made your way back to the house that the boys shared.
By the time you reached their front door, your mascara and eyeliner had run down your cheeks as tears continued to escape your eyes. You hastily knocked on the door and as soon as someone, you couldn't tell who because of the tears blurring your vision, opened the door, you ran inside and upstairs into Luke's room.
"What's wrong?" Luke asked, hurriedly going to your side and enveloping you into his long arms. "What happened, (y/n)?"
You explained everything to Luke in between sobs as he rubbed your back and kissed your head. Luke swore that he was going to bash 'that fucking Dylan asshole' and that he will make sure he never does anything to hurt you again.
"It's fine, Luke. Honestly." You finally stopped crying, wiping the remaining tears with the back of your hand.
"I'll quickly run down to the store and buy you lots of ice cream and we'll watch Love Actually together," Luke said, giving you a warm smile. "Feel free to steal my clothes and change into something more comfortable. I will be right back." He planted another kiss on your forehead and left.
You searched through Luke's drawers and found a plain white shirt and a blink-182 hoodie and left yourself in your boyshorts. When you were done changing, you went downstairs to the kitchen to get a drink of water to soothe your throat after you've been crying.
"Why are you wearing my hoodie?" You heard a voice ask, startling you. You turned around to see that the voice came from a certain blue haired boy.
"Oh, I didn't know it was yours," You quietly replied, not really in the mood to argue with Michael. "I'll take it off if you want." You began unzipping the hoodie when Michael stopped you.
"Why are your eyes so puffy?" He asked, almost sounding like he was concerned about you. "Have you been crying, (y/n)? What's wrong?"
"It's nothing, don't worry," You replied, fully unzipping the hoodie. Once again, Michael stopped you, reaching out to grab your hand. "Please, Michael. I'm not in the mood to argue. I'll take the hoodie off and you can leave me alone."
"Tell me what's wrong, (y/n)," He asked again.
"I got stood up."
"What?" Michael asked, confused by your answer. You sighed and told Michael the whole story, trying not to cry as you recounted what just happened.
"I'm gonna fucking kill him," He growled, looking as pissed off as he did that morning. "Where does he live, (y/n)? Tell me, I'll bash him."
"Why are you so protective of me all of a sudden?" You asked weakly, looking up at him and noticing how close the two of you were to each other. Michael was standing so close to you, you could see his chest rise and fall as he breathed. "Just seconds ago, you were gonna yell at me for wearing your hoodie. Now you're saying you want to bash the guy who stood me up on a date? I expected you to laugh at me, to be honest. Say I deserved it because I'm so annoying and that you hate me so much."
"God, (y/n)," He groaned, running a hand over his face. "I don't hate you. Fuck no, I don't hate you."
"Then why do you act like it?" You questioned, frowning at him. "Five years, I've been friends with you. And not once have you acted like you didn't hate me. What is it then, Michael? Please clear it up for me because I'm so lost as to what you think of me."
"I don't hate you, (y/n)," He mumbled almost incoherently. "I'm just pissed off that you're practically dating Luke."
"Is that it?" You asked. "You don't want me dating your friends? Because I'm not dating Luke and I get you're protective over your friends but-"
"That's not the reason why I act like I hate you," He groaned, interrupting you. "I'm jealous, okay? The minute Luke introduced you to us and practically told me that you're into pretty much everything I'm interested in, I knew that I liked you. Hell, I'm in love with you, (y/n). Absolutely, ridiculously in love with you."
"What? But-"
"Don't interrupt me!" He said, shutting you up. "I'm in love with you and I have been for so long. I act like I hate you because I see the way you are with Luke and I know I don't stand a chance with him and that the two of you are secretly in love with each other. So I figured, if I made you hate me, it'd be easier to accept that I will never be with someone as you beautiful as you."
"That is literally the stupidest thing I have ever heard in my whole entire life," You exclaimed, lightly pushing him away from you. "If this is some kind of joke, Michael, then I don't want to hear any more of it. I've just had the worst day of my life and you're trying to play with my feelings. You're such a dick."
"But I'm not lying!" He replied almost too quickly. "I know it's hard to believe that I've actually been in love with you this whole time but it's the truth. And I'm so sorry for everything and you probably hate me even more now but I don't want to lie to you any more."
You didn't know what to say any more. You stood against the kitchen counter, your gaze towards the tiled floor and Michael's sock clad feet. The two of you were now back to standing so close to each other that you were practically sandwiched between Michael and the kitchen counter.
"I'm so sorry," You heard Michael whisper and felt his hands cup your cheeks, making you look up at him. "I know you'll never forgive me but I'm so sorry."
Still, you didn't answer. Michael let out a quiet groan, leaning forward so that your foreheads were touching. You didn't know what came over you but as soon as Michael closed his eyes and tears started falling down his cheeks, you leaned up to kiss him on the lips. Michael was frozen for a second until he realised what was happening and began kissing you back. One of Michael's hands travelled down to your waist, pulling you closer towards him. You wrapped your hands behind his neck, tilting your head to deepen the kiss.
"I'm sorry, (y/n)," Michael said in between kisses. "So so so sorry."
"I like you, too, Michael," You confessed as the two of you pulled away from each other. "I just need some time to process everything that's happened between us these past few years."
"If it helps," Michael began to talk again. "I think you have the most beautiful laugh in the world."

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