He's Popular And You're A Nerd Calum pt.2 (Tumblr Requested)

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Ever since I received that note from calum, and called him, he hasn't left my side at school, constantly reminding me of our date that took place a week from the call, almost as if he's scared I'd cancel on him. Well, one week later, the big date.

"You still up for our date tonight?" I hear a voice ask as I close my locker, revealing a tall handsome Calum Thomas Hood, leaning up against the neighboring locker.

"I swear, if you ask me that question one more time..." I playfully threat, standing up. As I take a look around I notice many-and I mean MANY-people staring at us. The girls give me dirty looks, whilst the boys question why he's talking to me. I begin to feel uncomfortable, taking in a shaky breath, pulling my books closer. Calum looks at me puzzles before looking around, seeing the stars for himself.

"Just ignore them Y/N"

"How can I? I mean, everywhere I go I'm being taunted by everyone, telling me that you're just playing with me, that you're going to leave me. Calum you and I know why people are saying this, I just can't help but be a little scared that it's all true" I say, a red tint glowing on my cheeks.

"I'm not going to leave you. I promise" he says as he lifts up my chin to make me look at him.

"Don't make promises if they're meant to be broken." I whisper as the bell rings.

"I'll see you for our date tonight. Dress code?" I ask, walking to me next class.

"Casual!" He shouts across the hallway, walking off in the opposite direction.

I walk into class, sitting next to Y/BF/N.

"Hey, can you come over after school to help me figure out what I need to wear for my date with Calum. Dress code casual" I ask her.

"Yeah, sure whatever" She sighs, not looking up from her notebook, making me feel like I missed something. She's been giving me the cold shoulder lately, and I don't know why. I mumble a quiet 'okay' and start copying down the notes the teacher started writing on the wall.


"Do I look ok?" I ask for the millionth time. Y/BF/N looks up from her phone lazily one more time before mumbling a 'pretty' and returning her focus back to her phone, earning a groan in annoyance. Ever since I showed her the note Calum-fucking-Hood gave to me, she's been more distant, not wanting to spend time with me anymore.

"Ok," I plop down on the bed, taking her phone away "why have you been ignoring me ever since I showed you that note?!" I ask, causing her to get up, rolling her eyes.

"Because Y/N, I've had the biggest fucking crush on-"

"I could cancel the date, I mean I didn't know you liked him-"

"NO!" She screams, causing me to fall silent.

"It's not Calum I've had a crush on. It's you."

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