Chapter 42

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It took me awhile to calm myself down once I started crying. Nash and Hayes led me to the waiting room and I curled onto a bench and they sat on either side of me.
"It's not that bad," Nash said to me.
"He could be just sleeping," Hayes tried to comfort me as well.
"I mean, I guess that's possible. Maybe he just hit his head and has a concussion," I gulped.
"Yeah. The more you think that, the more of a possibility it is," Hayes looked at me as I sat up.
"Good," I said kind of smiling at the possibility.
"Yeah, for once listen to my younger brother," Nash laughed.
"Ok guys, what happened?" We all whipped our heads around and saw Eva walking towards us.
"I'll tell you away from here," Nash told her, getting off the bench and walking toward her and then turned and walked towards the hallway.
     "Does he think I can't stand to hear it again?" I looked at Hayes.
    "I think so," he muttered, not trying to lie to me. They came back over and Eva looked at me with a pitying look.
    "Don't, I'm fine," I looked at her and said.
    "I know. Nash said that he would be okay," she told me.
    Leslie ran over. "Your friends are here!"
   "Where?!" We all ran to meet her halfway to us.
    "Down the hall," she sighed.
    "Thanks!" Eva yelled. "For doing your job for once!" We left to fast for Leslie to do anything, but we left her there red faced.
     "Are you guys the friends of-" a doctor came up to us. "Cameron Alexander Dallas and Shawn Peter Raul Mendes." He continued, reading off a clipboard.
    "Yes," we all agreed in unison.
    "Samantha is getting check, just in case, for any injuries," he informed us. "I'll take you to go see Cameron and Shawn while she gets check the rest of the way." He walked us to a curtain and opened it to reveal Cameron. Cameron looked bad. He was in a neck brace and unconscious. His left leg was in a small make shift cast and so was his right arm.
   The doctor opened the next curtain next to us to also show Shawn as we walked up to Cameron. Shawn didn't look much better. He was also in a neck brace and his face was all bruised. He had blood all over his pant leg.

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