Chapter 12

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His face was so red as he looked at me. He looked nervous. I looked at him and told him to go on.

"So as we were talking earlier, I felt really close to you," he started. "I wanted to know if you would stay with me the rest of this week while I'm here."

"I mean I want to, but I have to talk to my parents real quick," I told him.

"Ok, you can stay in my tour bus in the extra room on the back, we will provide food and stuff for you."

"I see that," I pointed at the pizza laughing.

"Yea. So do you want to go call your parents before it gets to late?"He asked me.

"Sure. I'm going to go outside," I told him as I headed towards the door.

Once I got outside, I couldn't breath, I was so in shock. I dialed my mom's number and waited for her to pick up.

"Yes," she answered.

"Mom, Shawn asked me to stay with him in town in his tour bus the rest of the time he's here, can I?"

"Uhm, as long as you are safe and know that your dad is going to call you everyday," she answered quite instantly.

"Really? Thank you so much," I thanked her speaking so fast that she couldn't make out anything but thank you.

"Yea, so how is he? Is he worth all your obsessing over?" She interrogated.

"He's really sweet. He's so funny too."

"That's good. Now I got to go tell your dad," she said right before she hung up. "Bye, have fun."

I was so happy. I ran back and knocked on the tour bus door. He opened it and saw my smile.

"You can stay?"

"Yup," I once again popped the 'p'

He looked so happy and I have no idea why. I was just a fan. Why would he want me to stay with him? We just started talking. Why?

I walked in and he jumped on his bed. He told me that I should make myself at home and then I realised I didn't have anything to wear or anything.

"Umm," I started ." I don't have anything."

"We are by a mall," he pointed out the window to the large building.

"I really don't have money with me though,"I muttered.

"I can pay," he offered.

"No! I'm not going to allow you to do that. We just met," I argued. "I have 50 bucks that I have for gas money. I can use that."

"Nope. I'm the one who asked you to stay with me, I'm going to help you," he argued back.


"Yes, no more arguing, lets go."

I grabbed my wallet and phone and followed him towards the mall.

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