Sam's POV

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This is Sam's POV of the day at the amusement park with Cameron.


      Alyssa and I headed to Cameron's hotel after I told her how our date went. She looked a little preoccupied as I told her but she seemed to snap out of it as I continued to tell her about my date with Cameron. She told me that she had talked to Shawn and that we could go to Cameron's hotel and hang out. I feel like Shawn had it planned.

    On our way there I was pretty nervous. It would only be the second time I would see him in person and we would hang out. We talked constantly over the phone and texted each other a lot, but it was still nerve-wracking.  On our way there, we stopped at Starbucks and then continued our way there. Alyssa had texted Shawn to see what room they were in so we didn't look all confused. We got to the hotel and went tot their room.

   As Alyssa opened the door, I saw a group of guys sitting on the bed in the middle of the room. There was Shawn and Cameron and two other guys that looked fimilar. I decided to to speak since Alyssa just stood there staring. It took me a moment to realise who they were. Nash and Hayes Grier from Vine. Alyssa had showed me them a couple times. She loved them, she thought they were absolutely hilarious.
"Hey guys!" I exclaimed. Alyssa quietly said hello and Shawn called to her and went over to her and they hugged. They were absolutely adorable. Nash started talking and I decided to answer since Alyssa was busy. I walked over to Cameron and sat down next to him. He hugged me as I sat and we ended up cuddling in that position. I loved that boy, even if I met him once.
"...amusement park..." was all I heard Nash say and I looked up. I realised what was asked and answered.
"Ok. Fine by me," I looked at Alyssa and tried not to laugh at her and Shawn. "Alyssa?" I asked her.
     She agreed and we all piled into two cars and went to the park. It was me, Nash and Cam in Cam's car and the rest in Shawn's. On our way to the amusement park, I asked if we could stop at Starbucks because I left my cup in my car and was really craving some coffee. They both seemed to like my idea and we stopped at the Starbucks we saw. Cam and Nash also got coffees, which I'm not sure they needed. Cam even bought my Starbucks. I fought him but he wouldn't let me pay. He kissed me as we waited in line and said I had just paid him back.
    We got our coffees and I made them go get Alyssa one because I knew she would want one. They looked at me like I had three heads that would eat them and then got in line. We got Alyssa's coffee and got back on track to go to the amusement park. The ride was a lot of fun. Nash really was hilarious and Cam was also. Especially with Nash.
    We got to the amusement park eventually and met the rest there. They seemed to be kind of annoyed. Alyssa seemed to be fine after I gave her her Starbucks.
     Alyssa said she was inviting Eva, and I liked Eva, she was a year younger than us but she was a really good basketball player. I met her through Alyssa when we played them in junior high. We went in without her since she was going to wait for Eva. Cam and I held hands as we walked with the rest of the group. Hayes and Nash were arguing over who had a better ride and Shawn and Cam were talking about what they wanted to eat. I jut walked with Cam, hands intertwined and watched it all. They really were a bunch of teenage boys.

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    We walked around and they scoped out what the wants to do

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    We walked around and they scoped out what the wants to do. They had every thing planned to a T when it came to the food but anything else they didn't know.
     About 15 minutes of walking around, Alyssa and Eva met up with us. Alyssa ended up talking to Shawn and getting his sweatshirt on but I wasn't paying any attention. I was too busy with Cam.
"What do you want to do?" He asked me.
"Whatever you want to," I answered looking up at him. His face shining with the smile that hung on his face.
"Let's just walk around when they are done palming stuff."
"Let's just go now," I said.
"They're almost done," he began and they all started to walk. "See?"
I nodded and we walked separately from them. The whole group broke up and we went to go get some popcorn and then to ride a few rides. We got popcorn and Cam was eating it like a pig. It was funny and cute though.
     "Hey, I didn't eat lunch," he looked at me as I laughed at him.
     "I believe you," I grabbed a handful of popcorn and threw it at him.
    "Hey!" He threw some at me. Overall, let's  just say we wasted more popcorn than we ate.
     After we finished making a gigantic mess, Cam wanted to go on the two roller coasters that were near by. We got in line and a few teenage girls in front of us looked back at us and squealed. They recognized Cameron. They didn't do anything else though which I was happy about. They probably saw me standing there and got the memo. We eventually got on the ride and Cam was having so much fun. You'd think he never went to an amusement park before. Then I thought, he never would have time.
The next roller coaster was really popular and had a really long line but Cameron insisted on waiting. I stood next to him and we just talked the whole time. He was amazing and I would've done nothing to lose him. Probably fifty hours later, we were able to get on the ride. It was a two seater so Cam and I sat next to each other without anyone watching us. We both put on the seat belts and sat back and waited for us to start moving. The first section of the roller coaster was going up a huge hill and then into a huge loop de loop. Then it was just all over the place from there.
     We went up the hill and Cam's eyes were lit with joy as we went down the hill into the loop. As we finished the loop I looked over to look at Cam who wasn't there.

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