Chapter 9

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After I got that text from Shawn, it all sunk in. I was actually talking to the SHAWN MENDES! We continued to text the rest of the afternoon about random stuff. He also asked me about my family and where I live and personal stuff like that. He's so nice.

He complimented me again on my picture which caused me to blush so bad that Sam asked me if I was turning into a tomato

"No! Shawn hates tomatoes,"I responded, laughing.

After I told him where I lived, he said he was doing a concert at the one mall a couple towns over the next week. He was going to stay for a week and he wanted me to come up. I burst with excitement. I told Sam and she said I had to do it. I agreed to it and told him I would text him on the at Wednesday about it.

Sam left at around 7pm, and as she left she told my mom about me getting close to Shawn and my mom flipped out. Now she finally gets it.

"Really? That's so amazing!"

Sam left and my mom and I talked out the details. She said I could go because it was over winter break. She told me to wait until Wednesday, when I talked to Shawn to see if it was ok with dad.

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