Chapter 25

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Shawn stayed in my hospital room all the time. He never left. He brought his guitar and practiced in my room. I gathered enough strength within the next two days and was able to sit up and have a conversation without pain. I slept a lot though. The third day I was in the hospital, Shawn said he needed to talk to me.
"You know how I'm supposed to leave tomorrow," he looked into my eyes with his brown eyes.
"Yes," I swallowed the lump in my throat that occurred when I thought about him leaving.
"That's not happening," he told me." I canceled the rest of my tour."
"What? No," I yelled as loud as I could- which wasn't loud.
"No yelling," he said.
"That's not ok, you can't put your career on hold because of me, I'm fine."
"No." He fought back. He didn't let me get another word in. He just went back to playing his guitar. He played for hours. I eventually fell asleep and woke up with him sitting beside me stroking my hair. I looked up at him and told him I was sorry I yelled at him and he told me not to worry. He planted a very light on my forehead and stood up. There was a knock on the door and he opened it.

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