Chapter 20

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I went up to my room and Sam trailed along. And so did my dog Martini. Sam came to help me unpack. My dog just follows us anywhere.

Also, Sam brought her dog, Sequoia, with her as she often does so our dogs also hang out

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Also, Sam brought her dog, Sequoia, with her as she often does so our dogs also hang out. They both followed us. I had all the stuff from Shawn to unpack. I tried to take my time because I knew what my mom would want to talk to me about. I'm acting a celebrity, it's not going to last. I know. I'm prepared. I didn't want to have that talk with her. I wanted to deal with that if it got to that and when it got to that.
"You are amazing," Sam said as she looked through my bags to put stuff away. "Dating Shawn Mendes."
"I guess."
He's so in love with you! It's so cute. Have you seen what he's posted on Twitter about you?" She asked as she pulled out her phone. Without letting me answer, she showed me. I knew about them. I was so happy. He posted the pictures from the first time we hung out- when
his girlfriend broke up with him.

"You girls done?" My mom shouted up the stairs.

"Yes!" Sam yelled back. I went over and kicked her.

"Ow! What was that for?"

"I don't want to talk to her. I know what she's going to say. I don't want to have to deal with that now. I just want to..."I just left the thought float in space as Sam walked out the door, dragging me behind her.

We got to the living room where my brother and my dad where playing Madden on the Play Station. They were arguing over who cheated and who didn't. Classic dudes. We walked into the kitchen where my mom was. She was cooking stuffed pepper casserole. (A/N: Thanks for the idea, mom. My mom gave me this food idea) She was making the casserole for the party that night. She saw us enter and out down the green pepper she was cutting.

"Sam, can you stay?" She asked Sam.

"Uhm, sure," she said, confused.

"I'm pretty sure you know what I'm going to say," my mom directed towards me. "I'm still going to say it anyways-" and she went into exactly what I predicted. She even made Sam agree with her. Ugh.

"Yes. I know."

"Ok. Just making sure, you girls can go have your fun. By the way, Sam you can come to the party. Your mom said so," she told Sam. Sam and I high-fived and ran upstairs.

We got ready, well I did. Sam was already ready. I grabbed a pair of jeans and another Shawn shirt- just because I was dating him didn't mean I couldn't be a fan. I did my hair and makeup in record time and sat on my bed. We had about 1.5 hours until we had to leave. I grabbed my phone off the charger where I put it when I got home. I had about 10 texts from Shawn already.

Did you get home safe?

I miss u already

Text me when u get home

I had a few more along the lines of that. I texted him straight away.

Yes. I got home safe. My phone was dead and I put it on the charger and then ate so didn't see this. I miss you too.

He saw it instantly. He texted me back.

That's good. I love you.

Love you too!😍 I responded.

He responded with a heart emoji and a bye and that he was going to be busy the rest of the day and he'd text me that night.

"You guys are absolutely adorable,"Sam said behind my shoulder. She had read ourtexts.

"Oh my, Sam. Privacy ."

She just burst out laughing and went on her own phone. About an hour later my mom said we were leaving early and we were leaving then so we had to get our butts in the car.

In the car, my mom said they told everyone they knew that I was dating Shawn and that the family would probably ask questions. She also told me that I would have to answer them if I didn't want to. I was so happy at that. We pulled into the driveway and the party went by in a flash.

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