Chapter 24

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I woke up in a brightly lit room. My head was all foggy and all I heard was Shawn in the background saying I was up. What was he taking about? I closed my eyes again and heard a bunch of feet. A bunch of hands were on my arms and touching my face. They opened my eyes and flashed a light in my face. Where was I?

"She's stable," I heard a rough voice say.

Stable, what did that mean? Why am I so confused? What happened? The last thing I remembered was hugging Shawn that morning.

"Thank you," I heard my mom.

Mom. What's going on? I tried to say but I couldn't. I couldn't even gain the strength to open my eyes again. What was wrong with me? I heard more foot steps come near me. I felt a hand on my face and it went touched my hair.

"Alyssa," it was Shawn. "You were just up, of you can hear me, please know that I love you." I knew he was on the verge of crying. But why?

Shawn, I can hear you. I love you too. Can you tell me what's going on? I thought. What is wrong? Where are we?

"Ok, I'm done," I heard Shawn crying.

I tried my best to open my eyes. I couldn't. I tried to talk again. I couldn't. I tried to move my hands and feet, I couldn't even do that. I decided to give up and I fell asleep.

I awoke in the same place. I was able to open my eyes. I saw my parents and Shawn standing beside me. I heard the monitors beeping. Then, it all hit me. I was in a hospital. But why?

"Hey," I croaked.

"How are you feeling?" My mom grabbed my hand.

"Confused," I responded no louder than a whisper.

"You were shot," my dad started to speak. "In the shoulder, and it gave you a concussion."

I tried to turn my head to look but I couldn't it hurt too much. They then explained how I was shot. Then I remembered.

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