Chapter 28

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     Sam texted me after her date with Cameron, thank you. I guessed it went well. She told me she would tell me details tomorrow. I also had a text from Shawn saying that Cameron had a good time but he wouldn't give me details until I talked to Sam. 
    I was on my bed on my phone when they texted me. When I knew I wouldn't get any details I sighed and tossed it to the foot of my bed. I was so ready to hear all about their date. I didn't know if Shawn was going to stay with Cam or not so I went downstairs and grabbed the tv remote. I turned it to Netflix and watched some Grey's Anatomy. It was about 7pm and my mom was cooking dinner, chicken Parmesan with angel hair pasta. I watched an episode to Grey's before I even realised she was out there. I went and asked her if I could help.
She glanced at my shoulder, trying to not make it obvious and then said I could do a little. I knew she would let me. Every time I asked her if I could do something she let me even if I shouldn't because I couldn't do a lot of stuff I wanted to do- like play basketball or kiss Shawn as much as I wanted.
     We ate as a family and then I went up to my room and continued to watch Grey's Anatomy on my phone. Shawn still hadn't come over so I figured he was staying at Cams and he would come over in the morning. I texted him to make sure and he confirmed what I was thinking. I told him I would see him in the morning and I would miss him and he replied that he loved me.  I put my phone away by 10 and went to sleep. I wanted to see Shawn again. I hadn't really seen him at all that day. I knew I would deal with that for months when he went back on tour, but I wanted as much time with him as I could. He said he'd be around at his usual time-10.
      I set my alarm at 8 the next morning so I had time to look decent before Shawn came over. He always came over at 10 if he stayed with Cam in the hotel. Cam was here for past week and for the next two weeks. Shawn usually split his time equally with us because he really would never see either one of us on tour. We had yet to all spend time together.
    I went downstairs to the kitchen and pulled out a box of muffin mix. I was going to try to make muffins for Shawn. My parents and Braden were still in bed so I wouldn't get yelled at until they were already done or cooking for not listening to the doctor. The muffins took me an hour to make and by then my family was awake. My parents yelled at me for a couple minutes and then they were over come with happiness when I told them I was making them for Shawn. It was 9:30 and I was impatient to wait for Shawn. I decided to play MineCraft with my brother until he came over. By noon he still wasn't there and I figured he was still asleep or with Cam. I called his phone to check and he didn't pick up. I decided to call Cam and ask him if Shawn was still there.
    "No Lys," he called me by the most awful nickname every time we spoke now. "He left and said he had to do something."
    Where was he? I then realised I shouldn't be like that. He had a mind of his own. I was worried though. I called him and he picked up.
    "I was just wondering if you were still coming over," I said into my phone as I was building a brick house on the living room tv with Braden.
     "Uhm, yea I had plans I made late last night. I'm sorry. I'm coming now," he explained.
     "Sorry 'bout it, I forgot to call you," he apologized.
      "It's fine. What did you have to do?" I asked. 
     There was a pause and he started to speak again.

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