Chapter 7

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I automatically gasped and dropped my phone. I couldn't believe it. I had just recovered from him following my account, let alone all of this. Why?

I opened the dm once I picked up my phone and could actually work it properly. Sam also joined in my excitement. I read the dm out loud for her,

"Hey Alyssa, just wanted to thank you in person  (kinda) for the fan page and all your support. I really want to get to know you. You can respond back this way, if you want."
We both screamed, not like little girl squeaky scream, like actually screamed. Sam was excited for me because she has been with me through out the entire Shawn "obsession" (as she calls it) and she knows how amazing it is for me.
"You have to dm him back," she ordered as I was still rereading the dm, to make sure I read it right.

"Ok. I will right now," I whispered as I began to dm him back.
Hi Shawn, this is like a dream come true. I can talk now if you'd like. If you get this anytime soon since you are super busy.

"Got it," I alerted her as I finished.
She nabbed the phone out of my hands and read it, then she sent it. She also kept my phone in her hands for the next 15 minutes as I went to the bathroom and then started my homework.
"He answered!" She half-shouted across the room.
      "Give it!" I screamed at her, a little too loud as my mom yelled up to tone it down a little. She didn't understand my excitement.
Sam tossed the phone to me, which didn't make it to me and fell on the carpet floor. I picked it up and opens his message.

Hey! Thanks for the response. Most fans don't respond they usually think it's a prank or whatever. I can talk now too. I don't have anything today.
I started to type right away.
Ok. That's amazing. What would....
I stopped halfway. I didn't know what I should say. I needed to make myself seem decent at least. I wanted to make a good impression- even if it was online. I deleted everything and started over,

Thank you for the response! I'm super excited. What would you like to talk about?
I figured that would do and sent it. I let Sam not read this one because who knows what she would send next. She was one to be funny.
I got a response instantly.

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