Shawn's POV

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This is Shawn's point of view of the first kiss between him and Alyssa.

Alyssa was so much fun to hang out with. I had a bunch of awkward pictures of her. They were all as cute as she was. As I looked through them with her piled on top of me, I realised I was falling for her. She was so sweet. When I first met her she started crying, then I realised how important I really was for her.

When I first got that picture, I couldn't believe my eyes. She was beautiful. She was natural, she didn't cake makeup on her face or try too hard to impress me. It was a normal photo. Her long blonde hair hung past her shoulders just the right way and the glitter in her eyes as she smiled. It all intrigued me. I wanted to know more about her. So I did. I invited her to come meet me. That's what started this all.

My girlfriend Emily walked in as Alyssa and I were looking at the pictures we took of each other. She asked me to go outside. She was angry. She saw me and Alyssa goofing around.

"What was that?" She barked at me as soon as we exited the bus.

"She's just a fan, she's just here for the week," I explained. I really didn't like my girlfriend. She was bossy, overprotective when I'm around fans, and just plain rude- but I still liked her. "

"She's the one with the Twitter account. Remember? You asked me about it."
"No. We're done. I can't trust you, this is enough," she started to cry. I wasn't good with crying- like when Alyssa cried I just held her tighter, which I couldn't to Emily now.

"You're doing it to yourself, your the one ending it. If you want to, it's fine by me. I was hoping to break up soon anyways. You're bossy. You're rude. You're so mean to all my fans and my parents hate you. I hate you,"I screamed, hoping Alyssa wouldn't hear.

"Fine." She sauntered off.

I started to tear up. I didn't want to break up. It just hurt me. I mean I really didn't like her a lot, we weren't completely the best couple and barely ever hung out. I don't know why I got so emotional. She was my first true girlfriend but we didn't even kiss. The most we ever did was hug. 
I walked into the tour bus knowing that Alyssa would ask questions. I just ignored her and laid face down on my bed. I decided to text her. I knew she wouldn't stop asking me about it. I told her about us breaking up. I even told her why. I don't know why I even answered that question, I knew it would just make her feel guilty.

I continued to just lay there after our text conversation was over. I heard a rustling noise and felt her body sit on my bed. She started to try to make it up to me. That's when I kissed her. I don't know why I did. I couldn't help myself when she asked if there was anything she could do. I told her yea and leaned in.

I kissed her hard. I didn't want to screw up. I did my best to not hurt her as she was so tiny in my arms. She smelt so good as she kissed me back. Her lips felt so fragile on mine. Her lips seemed full of energy, they were pressed hard on mine. I grabbed her body which fell limp in my arms. She was as into this kiss as I was. It seemed to go one forever and I didn't want to stop. My lips traveled up and down her neck with curiosity and smelt her smell. Her skin was so soft on mine. I knew I would have to stop. I started to pull away and she did too.
I apologized as soon as we were done. Her eyes were shut and she was breathing heavy. She wouldn't take the apology. She said that she enjoyed it, her face red.
"You're a great kisser," I complimented.
"Thanks," she said, confusion heavy in her voice.

"Would you do it again if you could?" I asked her. I could feel the wildness in my face that I didn't want. I couldn't help it. She nodded and I kissed her again. This time I trusted myself a little more. She seemed to trust me more to as she allowed herself to kiss me back, when cue in Cameron Dallas. At the worst possible time. Alyssa sat upright and her face was burning as she saw Cameron. She said she was going to go call Sam; her friend, and So Cameron and I could talk.

Once she left, Cameron started to laugh at me.

"Is that fan girl?" He asked between laughs.

"Yes, Emily and I broke up. We ended up kissing. It was all me," I confessed. "It was a really good kiss though."

"I mean she is hot," Cameron said, raising his eye brows. "Like I know that was probably completely awkward, but why don't you talk to her about it? Maybe ask her out," he suggested.

"Yea. That's what I'll do. I mean I just met her and I kissed her, I have to explain myself. Maybe I'll ask her out first," I agreed. "That was actually our second kiss. She said she would be willing to kiss me again so I kissed her again! Maybe she'll say yes. Can you go get her?"

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