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7:00 A.M

"Nicki coming to the party", Chris said teasing me.

"I don't care about that bitch", I rolled my eyes sighing.

Nicki was the captain of the girls basketball team and I was the captain of the boys basketball team but she always thought she was better and had a bitch attitude which I couldn't stand. Our moms are bestfriends but me and her will never.

C: "Oh shut up y'all will end up fucking and falling in love"

I chuckled shaking my head, "In your dreams", I through the ball swish all net, I can't believe a bitch think she better than me.

7:56 A.M

"Meek and Chris having a party please go with me", Cierra begged pouting.

"Y'all know I hate that nigga", I said with a mean mug, "But I will go".

C: "Yes now stop with the mean mugging y'all might end up having so much in common"

"Meek? No he always thinks he's better than me", I shot the ball swoosh all net, I can't believe that nigga think he's better than me.

School Time...

"Stooop Cierra", She pulled me towards a group of boys which was led by the party brothers Chris and Meek.

(Q: Have y'all realized I love making Meek and Chris brothers for some reason 😭💕)

"Well well well", Meek said pulling me away from the group to the side, "Look I don't want that bitch ass attitude at my party", He said through gritted teeth, I smirked stepping on my tippy toes to whisper in his ear.

"I'm sorryy daddy but I can't make that promise", I snatched out of his grip stomping into school behind Lauren.

L: "I seen you with Zaddy Meek , I told y'all that love/hate relationship will turn into pure lust"

"Shut up I hate him plus he's a hoe", I rolled my eyes I knew I had something for Meek deep down but didn't know how to express it.

After School...Nicki's House

"Come on Nicki jeans? Wear shorts it's a pool party", Lauren groaned rolling her eyes.

"Fine asshole", I pulled off my jeans and slipped on my shorts, Lauren came back in the room smiling.

L: "Sexyyy damn if I was gay I would totally fuck that"

I laughed as she winked and grabbed my phone, "Let's go Chris text me saying he needed help", She nodded following me out to the car.

"Where Cierra at", I asked scrolling down my timeline.

L: "Her mom said a pool party was an invitation to getting pregnant so she couldn't go"

I giggled shaking my head, "Mama Tina crazy well I'll send her pictures I guess", Lauren nodded pulling up to Meek's house parking.

"There is my favorite big booty shorty", Chris yelled walking over to me hugging me tight.

L: "He--Hey Chris"

I smirked knowing Lauren had a crush on Chris I mean who wouldn't? He's a sexy light skin with tattoos and plays basketball, I would've been hopped on that dick if I was feeling him.

"Wassup", He slapped her back picking me up and carried me to the house with Lauren following, I could obviously tell she was jealous.


I walked into the kitchen seeing Nicki I can't lie she looked gorgeous and her ass I never noticed how big it was until now. She looked at me rolling her eyes, "Keep rolling them watch they get stuck".

N: "Look don't speak to me and I won't speak to you"

"Whatever stop being a bitch", I looked up at her noticing tears forming in her eyes and that was the first time I went soft for her.

She pushed passed me and grabbed her arm stopping her, "Don't...touch me! I fucking hate you", She snatched from me storming away, I shook my head grabbing a Pepsi.

"And she's still a bitch"

Party Time...

"Aye wassup Wayne", I dapped him up pulling him into a hug.

W: "This party is lit man , But you know we have to have a b-ball game tonight"

I laughed nodded and walked away, "Nicki is upstairs go talk to her", Chris pushed me upstairs to the guest room that Nicki was in and left.

"Nicki let me talk to you", I closed the door behind me going to sit down next to her, "I'm sorry for calling you a bit--", She kissed me straddling my lap, I kissed back gripping a hold of her waist and finally pulled apart.

"I'm sorry Meek", She tried getting up but kept her down by her waist.

"You feeling me that's why you been having an attitude with me, I've been feeling you to baby", I kissed her again rubbing on her booty while she started grinding on me.

N: "Mm Rihmeek"

"Let's go", I took her hand taking her downstairs to enjoy the rest of the party, "Stay here babygirl", I left bumping into my ex Fahima.

F: "Hey baby I missed you"


I looked around for Meek and walked up to see him kissing his ex which is a cheerleader, "Oh this is why you left me hanging", He pushed her off and turned around, I walked out the backdoor heading towards the basketball court.

"Wait Nicki", He caught up to me grabbing my arm, Everyone was inside so it was only us two.

"You tell me you feeling me then you kiss Fah", I shook my head going to leave again.

M: "Play Me"

I turned around confused, "What", He stepped closer picking up the nearest basketball.

"Play me if I win you stop playing games and be daddy's girlfriend and if you win I'll never bother you again", He threw the ball to me, "It's your choice baby".

I nodded agreeing, "Strip ball", We started the game and for some reason I wanted him to win.

Almost the end of the game...

We were tie and whoever made the last shit was the winner we were both down to our swim suits, He dribbled and I easily sunk the ball swooshing the shot.

M: "I guess this is it huh"

He walked away with his head down, "Hey Meek", He turned around and I ran jumping in his arms.

"I made that shot for you so you win", I kissed him and felt him deepened the kiss, I was in love with him and now I could no longer hide it.

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