Highschool ❄

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Nicki's POV.

"Nicki get up for school", I heard Tasha annoying voice from downstairs I got up going into the bathroom doing my hygienes and soon got dressed grabbing my phone and keys heading to school .

"Aye Nicki wait up", I stopped waiting for Meek to catch up .

"I don't like you so what you want ?"

M: Shut that shit up....BigBootyLewinski , gimme another lap dance .

I looked at him smirking walk into class going to our seats, we started having a whole conversation until this one skinny girl came towards us eyeing Meek like he was some candy .

"Hey I'm Rihanna and you must be Meek...Me and my sister were talking about how fine you are and maybe a threesome", Meek looked at her with disgust throwing his hand around my neck .

M: I'm sorry but my girlfriend wouldn't like that.....Ain't that right baby girl ?

"Um uh yes so get your ass on and leave MY boyfriend alone , he'll be eating this pussy at night bitch so begone", I gritted my teeth as Meek gripped my thigh hard smirking . She walked off leaving me nervous to look at Meek .

M: I'm really going to eat that pussy at night I'm mean...If its true then I'll eat it right now baby .

He rubbed his hand on my clit as I put my head in my hands , I tried hard not to moan but my kitty was easily getting wet ," You wet mami , you like this".

"Moveee Meek , you ain't gone be eating this pussy baby", I slapped his hand away rolling my eyes at him .

M: That attitude need to get handled baby girl , I'll fuck you up baby .

"Yeah whatever", I gathered my stuff walking out nobody was here and I was getting bored quick . I walked into the bathroom redoing my hair and makeup , I heard the door open but didn't turn to look at who came in .

M: So you think its cool to just walk out what's wrong with this stank ass attitude you got ?

"Its nothing Meek*voice cracking* I'm okay so can you just DROP IT"

Meek's POV.

I looked up at her noticing she was crying , I picked her up placing her on the counter wiping her tears .

"See something is wrong so tell me what it is baby girl I'm not gonna judge I promise now tell me"

N: My step mom makes me strip and then takes my money afterwards I have a bipolar problem and a blunt handles that but lately she been taking my blunts now im all over the place .

"Why you ain't just tell me that , come here girl", I got her down taking her hand in mine as I walked her out the school and to the field sitting her on the bench . I pulled out a blunt lighting it blowing a puff holding it up for her .

N: I don't want it that way....

I looked at her confused but took another puff she kissed me making the smoke go in her mouth while she blew it out,"Mm you like it like that huh".

I did it again as she kissed me but never broke the kiss , we started making out while I wrapped my arms around her once we finally came up for air I had the courage to ask her...

"Nicki would you do the honors of being my girlfriend"

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