Imagine Me III

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Meek's Pov.

Today was the day I was getting Papi , I felt movement and looked to see Nicki on my arm . She's a heavy sleeper , Let me feel y'all up on a few things .

Me and Nicki are not dating , I mean I asked her a few times but she said she wasn't ready . She sleeps over time to time but we never had sex or anything serious but it's time she meets my son , I hope he likes her .

"Nicki come on we have to go", I pushed her off the bed running out the room so she wouldn't get me .

N: Asshole

"That's what I'll be sliding into night if you don't hurry yo ass up", I smirked closing my eyes , this will take a minute .

1 Hour Later...

I felt a pillow hit me across the face and opened my eyes to see Nika running out the door,"About damn time".


"Alright so about my son, he loves beautiful girls and big booties so just tuck it in and hide your face", I told her as we reached Fah's new house . She looked at me shocked and sat back , I shook my head getting out walking up to the door knocking .

"Who's knocking on my damn doo--Oh Papi your daddy here, who's that hoe in the car", She said looking past me to the car .

"My wife she didn't wanna get out because she's 2 weeks pregnant and her stomach hurts , welp come on Papi", I smirked at the tears in her eyes and picked up Papi going back to the car opening the back seat .

"Daddy there's a girl in here", He whispered . I chuckled as Nicki looked back at him smiling,"And she's prettier than mom, wassup I'm Papi", He said winking .

N: Oh wow , hi i'm Nika

I smirked at their interaction and got in the car driving off,"Papi how your moms treating you".

"Not good , all she does is cries about you and yell your name", He sighed I wished I could take him away but I can't , at least not right now .

Nicki's Pov.

After spending a whole day with them I finally came home , I sighed a sigh of relief that my parents weren't home but someone was definitely in the house . I heard the refrigerator door close and walked slowly into the kitchen to see Safaree ?

"Safaree what are you doing here", I asked crossing my arms putting all my weight on one foot . Safaree use to be my bestfriend/boyfriend until he slept with my mom .

"Your mom and dad went on a trip and wanted me to look out for you baby", He said smirking I snarled my nose in disgust and walked away with him following .

"I don't need you to look after me hoe", I heard him chuckle .

S: You know Nika I'm not the same boy who let you run over him , I'm Safaree and you will respect me .

He said grabbing my arm forcefully and soon pushed me on the steps , I wasn't scared but I had nowhere to go,"Whatever". I walked up the stairs locking my door and checking my phone .

From Daddy: Just checking to see if you made it inside safely , Papi misses you already and I can't wait to see you .

To Daddy: I'm okay baby but my stomach hurts you mind bringing some food please?

I stripped off my clothes going to take a shower while blasting "Black Beatles" By Rae Shremmurd .



"Onika", I heard I turned off the shower walking into the room not looking,"Meek is that you", I looked up seeing Meek sitting in the bed .

M: About damn time , who that jungle nigga down there?

"My bodyguard apparently", I said rolling my eyes straddling him,"Where's Papi at".

"He's with his mom, she came to get him because she can do that and u have no say in it, he was crying and yelling for you", He sighed laying back .

"Awe my baby", I kissed him multiple times pulling him up and slipped on my robe pulling him out the door and downstairs,"Your tired go get you some sleep and text me when you make it safely I like you", I said kissing his jaw line .

"Alright I got your favorite food, and I like you to", I watched Ashe left and closed the door locking it .

S: Moms wouldn't allow you to be having no bf

"Safaree you cannot call someone you fucked moms, it's illegal and disgusting", I said laughing going to answer the house phone .

"Hello", I spoke into the phone .

R: Onika how's everything going? Is Safaree there?

"Good and yes he's here", I looked at my nails eagar for this conversation to end .

R: Okay well well be back as soon as we can , love you bye .

"Finally", I hung up the phone and walked upstairs not giving a damn about what he was doing .

This is my favorite for some reason , what y'all think...Should I keep it going ?

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