Miracle From Heaven Part II

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"Dr. Maraj we have a football player by the name of Robert Rihmeek Williams, he's been in a bad accident", They wheeled him in, today was supposed to be my day off but they called me in for an emergency.

"Oh no I known him he's one of the best out there", I immediately hooked him up to tubes as they tried to resuscitate him.

"Come on baby boy come on", They stopped after we finally got a pulse and I sighed smiling, "Yall go ahead me and Izzy got this".

They nodded leaving out, "Did you contact his family members".

I: "Yes his mom by the name of Kathy Williams and his daughter Arielle Williams are on their way apparently that's the only family members he got"

I nodded looking at him, "A star football player probably on his way to a party with the team and he didn't make it", I sighed picking up the phone they brought in and went through his contacts.

"Heeey Meek where are you man"

"I'm sorry to inform you that Meek Williams have been into an accident and was admitted a few minutes ago, you are free to come",

I explained to him a few more minutes and hung up putting his phone back on the side while Izzy turned on the tv.

"A philly football player by the name of Meek Williams admitted into the hospital after a semi collided with him"

Izzy shook her head turning off the tv,"Its crazy how it's already on the news", I said making sure he was stable and told Izzy to watch him before walking out.

"Ahh Dr. Maraj this is Meek's mom and I told her you will be her son's doctor", I nodded as he left out.

"Is my daddy dying", the little girl asked with tears in her eyes and I smiled reassuringly bending down to her level, "No baby he isn't I'll make sure he's back with you playing ponies soon as possible", I tickled her as she giggled and got back up looking at his mom.

"I'm the best and I will assure you your son will be fine and I will work my hardest with him", I said she grabbed my hand.

K: "Thank you so much"

"Nicki get in here now", I slowly dropped Kathy's hand and ran inside the room, "No no no, don't give up on me now Meek, he's not responding we have to resuscitate him again", We did it three more times and still no response.

I: "Nicki he's gone we have to pull the plug, the accident collided with his heart and in order for him to live he has to breathe on his own"

I wasn't giving up, "Just get out for a bit, GET OUT", she ran out as I looked at Meek praying.

"Father god don't take him away , it's not his time. Please don't take him from his daughter or mother, heal his heart and his soul father god please...In the name of Jesus amen", I felt a tear slip out my eye and looking at him gracefully.

Meek *Near Death Conscious*

"My son you are not ready to go, you have a beautiful daughter and a mom that's holding her hope in you", God explained, "But I cannot make the choice for you, it's up to you to decide if you want to make it out or not"

I nodded my head, "Take me back to my family", He smiled nodding.

I woke up to lights flashing in my eye and beeping looking over seeing the machine, "Where am I".

"Oh my god your up", I looked over at a beautiful lady holding my hand wiping her tears.

N: "Your in the hospital you were involved in a hit and run, I wouldn't stop unless I knew you made it because your daughter--"

"Oh my god my baby is she okay", I sat up wincing quickly laying back down.

N: Yes she fine I'm your doctor...Dr. Maraj I'll go get your mom and daughter"

Before she could pull away I tugged at her hand kissing it, "Thank You", I whispered causing her to blush as she left out, I closed my eyes for a little bit.

A: "Daddyyyy your okay"

Arielle came running over to the bed, Dr. Maraj picked her up putting her next to me.

N: "I'll give y'all some time"

She said about to leave, "No please stay", My mom walked over grabbing my hand.

K: "Thank god your okay"

She sniffed kissing my hand and looked over, "Thsnk you so much Dr. for saving my baby".

N: "Its no problem now all we have to do is get you healed and get you on that field soon huh"

I smiled nodding and winced as Arielle leaned on my side, "Be careful Arielle daddy is still hurt".

K: "Um..Dr. Maraj do you mind taking Arielle to the cafeteria so I can talk to Meek"

She smiled nodding and came over picking up Arielle, "Come on princess how about we go for some ice cream", Arielle giggled shaking her head yes as they left.

"Meek Sasha called and she's wants to see Arielle", My mom explained I sighed leaning up a little.

"Mom I don't know what if Ari gets attached to her huh and she ups and leave", I said getting frustrated.

"Now remember Meek...You're the one that left her and took Ari away", She said causing me to think I'm the reason my daughter is being out through that at school but what was I supposed to do?


A: "I'm allergic to chocolate but daddy always seems to forget"

We both giggled while eating our strawberry/vanilla ice cream, "I always forget my daughter is allergic to strawberry but hey it's a mommy/daddy right".

She sighed nodding, "I wish I would've met my mommy, kids laugh at me because my dad always comes to mommy/daughter things".

I grabbed her putting her on my lap lifting her head, "Hey princess it's okay", She layed on my chest still eating her icecream.

I poured thinking of how much she was like my daughter and knew I had to get them together for a play date.

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