She's 3vil

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Meek's Pov.

"Fah my babymomma has to come live with us for awhile , her mom recently kicked her out", I sat on the sofa next to her rubbing her leg .

F: Why can't she get a hotel or stay with family ?

"She's five months pregnant I'm not about to have her in a nasty ass hotel and I'm the only family she got in Philly", She sighed getting on top of me .

F: Fine but she better not try anything , I would beat her ugly pregnant ass .

I looked at Fah trying not to laugh Onika will beat her ass in seconds and would still look better .

"Good cause I already told her she could and she's here", I got up opening the door letting Nicki in.

"Hey baby girl , this is my girlfriend Fah", I hugged her then leaned down kissing her stomach while she looked at Fah .

F: Um yeah I'm HIS GIRLFRIEND Fahima , woah your big .

"Um Meek let me talk to you", Nicki grabbed my arm pulling me in the kitchen with no doubt I knew Fah was listening .

"What's wrong Onika", She backed up from my grip crossing her arms .

N: Why didn't you tell me you had a girlfriend?

"I uh forgot", I scratched the back of my head nervously .

N: I thought we were gonna fix us but it's nice to know you moved on already .

I sighed looking down we ended on a bad note and I knew it was a bad idea to move on .

"I know, I'm sorry", I pulled her to me pecking her lips .

"Come on let me show you your room", I picked up her bags and took her upstairs to the guest room .

N: I have to take a shower byeeee

"Ain't like I ain't already see it all before...You hungry? We ate but I'll whip you up something", She flicked me off smiling .

N: No I ate plus its getting late so imma just gts after my shower , I love you Rihhhhmeek .

"I love you to, goodnight", I kissed her cheek then kissed her stomach leaving and going into our room to see Fah on the bed naked .

F: I was thinking we could....Do it.

"Fah we haven't had sex in a year , kind of why I have a babymama now", I stripped down started the shower getting in while she got in behind me.

F: When exactly did that happen?

"Um she was Safarbitch girl at the time so...He had a party and invited me I'm a Philly nigga and you wasn't giving me no pussy which we need to survive in these streets and she was the most beautiful girl there and we both headed upstairs to talk I made the first mood next thing you know I got a text saying she pregnant", I summed up the story not wanting to tell her the freaky shit we did .

F: So it could be his baby and not yours?

"Don't say that shit that's my baby", I finished washing and got out getting dressed going to check on Nicki .


I opened the door seeing her sleeping and closed the door going back in the room laying down , Fah got in bed wrapping her arm around me as I went into a slumber .

Nicki's POV.

"Mm...Owee", I felt a little pain in my stomach and realized I didn't take my pills . I slipped on my slippers grabbing my pills and headed downstairs to the kitchen to make a glass of water .

"Can't sleep huh", I jumped almost dropping my glass and turned seeing Fah with her hand behind her back .

"Um...Yeah I forgot to take my prenatal vitamins to I came to get a glass of water", She smiled destracting me .

F: So how close are you and Rihmeek

"Well were really close ya know he's the father of my child", I turned around going to take my vitamin until she gripped my hair putting a gun at my temple .

F: If you go anywhere around him I will kill you bitch .

She pushed it further in my temple and made me drop my glass of water backing up , I could hear footsteps and soon enough Meek came running in.

M: What happened are you okay?

I tried to look for my pill but couldn't find it and the pain was getting worst causing me to burst out crying .

F: I was up and heard the glass shattering so I came to check on her .

"No that bitch threatened me and pulled out a gun", He picked me up placing me on the counter so I couldn't hurt myself I looked and noticed she didn't have the gun anymore .

M: Nic she wouldn't do that you must be tired , come on .

"No no n--owee", He picked me up carrying me out I looked back at her while she winked smirking....I'm shocked he didn't believe me .

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