A Rapper's Shed 1: Walk Away

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I had just got done recording a song with Tory Lanez and was on my way home, "Baby I don't see why I can't come to the studio with you", My girlfriend Lisa whined. She was three months pregnant but I damn sure didn't think it was mine.

"I know baby but I'm pulling up now", I sighed hanging up the phone and parked getting out. We had a shed out back that I go to whenever I want to be alone and away from her.

I walked inside smelling cooking, "Baby go wash up I'm cooking your favorite", I faked smiled nodding it wasn't that she couldn't cook but the fact that she over cooked things. I took off my shirt hearing a noise in the backyard and peaked out the window to see the shed door open.

L: "Meek did you hear that"

"Yeah I'll go check it out", I slipped on another shirt and went to our back door opening it.

L: "Meek not in the dark wait until the morning"

I agreed taking a look one more time and walked back inside closing and locking the door, "Im gonna go take a shower I'm not really hungry so come back up after your done".

She smiled weakly nodding, I been falling out of love with her lately and I don't know where's it's coming from since we been together in high school, I just feel like there is someone else out there meant for me.

The Next Morning...

I heard the same noise from last night and got up looking out the window seeing the door now closed, I slipped on my slippers and went to our back foot opening it and walked towards the shed.

I opened it slowly startling a women holding a baby, "Ma'am what are you doing in my shed". She had to be in her late 20's she looked at me tiredly.

"I'm sorry my husband kicked me out and I seen this and came here, I'm sorry we'll leave", She said with her voice breaking and tried to walk out but I stood in her way.

"Don't be sorry", I looked over at her dirty clothes, "Here come with me", She followed me inside and stood in the living room while I went into my room to find her some clothes.

"Here go take a shower and I'll take care of this little one", Her daughter looked up at me with droopy eyes and smiled showing her gums.

"Thank You", she said weakly going into the bathroom, I picked up the diaper and new onesie we had and took her to the kitchen sink bathing her. She stuck her chubby fingers in her mouth just for me to pull them back out since she was still dirty.

"Oooo", She cooed as the water came into contact with her skin, I washed her until she was sparkling clean and put her on the diaper and onesie and threw the dirty one away.

"It's okay princess", I said as she started to cry and rocked her, I looked up at the woman coming in with her head down.

"We better get going now", I looked at her confused and shook my head no.

"No your staying here, Im not about to let you or this princess sleep outside", I handed her the now sleeping baby, "Go take a nap we'll talk when you wake up", She nodded leaving I sighed feeling bad.

Later That Night...

"Baby I'm home", Lisa called out but no response, she walked into their room but no sign of Meek. She heard snoring and looked in the guest room to see Meek asleep with a woman next to him and a baby on his chest.

"MEEK WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS", She yelled startling Nicki and Meek both.

M: "Shut the fuck up with all  that yelling, Lisa this is Nicki and her daughter Amir I found her in our shed and told her she could stay here"

Meek kissed Amir's forehead breaking Lisa's heart, Meek was already attached to a baby he had just met today and knew he might even put her over their child.

N: "Maybe I should go"

Nicki got up taking Amir out of Meek's arm getting ready to leave but Meek stopped her grabbing her waist, "You can't leave, you have nowhere to go", Meek pleaded. Lisa watched as he interacted with her, Meek was touching her like he used to touch her when they first met.

"Meek can I talk to you", Lisa said walking away and Meek followed.


I heard them yelling and sighed, I put Amir down on the bed and walked towards the yelling listening.

L: "You bring this woman that you don't even know in here? And your kissing all over her fucking baby".

M: "Baby I was just helping her out , she will go as soon as she find somewhere to stay"

L: You promise baby"

Meek nodded kissing, I fought back my tears, I walked back to the room closing the door locking it and went back over to the bed holding Amir close soon drifting off to sleep.

The Next Morning...

I woke up to Amir sucking my thumb and got up smiling, "Is my baby hungry", I tickled her and opened the door walking out to the kitchen.

L: "Oh Nicki your up Meek went to the store to buy you some more clothes"

I rolled my eyes at her fakeness and sat down as she placed a plate in front of me, "Thank You", I said quietly and began feeding Amir.

L: "Your not going to eat"

I shook my head no hearing Meek walk in, "Hey baby Nicki's not eating", Meek looked at me sincerely and walked over to me while Lisa walked out.

M: "Nicki you have to eat"

I shook my head no still feeding Amir, He turned my head to look at him and leaned in kissing me, "Eat please", I sighed finally eating feeling the urge to throw up.

L: "Nicki how are you so thick if you haven't been eating"

She asked walking in, I shrugged not talking, "Dada", Amir said looking at Meek causing us all to look at her.

M: "Was that her first word"

I nodded and he smiled brightly I didn't understand why he was being so nice, "We better get going".

"Do you have a place to stay", Meek asked looking worried.

I shook my head yes, "Were taking the bus to the airport and my mom will meet us there", I said getting up.

M: "No I'll take you there come on"

I changed into the clothes he had just brought and followed him to his car getting while he strapped Amir in a car seat he had in his car and got in himself, "You could've stayed here".

I stayed silent leaning my head on the door drifting off.

At The Airport...

"Nicki were here", I shook her causing her to pop her head up breathing hard, "Are you okay".

N: "Just a nightmare"

We got out the car and stood there awkwardly, "Thanks again for everything", She began to walk away but I pulled her back kissing her as she wrapped her arms around my neck and Amir looked up watching. She finally pulled away and picked Amir up walking away and I didn't know if that was going to be my last time seeing her or what .

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