Chapter Forty-One

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Hello :) I like to dedicate this chapter to my two great friends Chen and Robe! :D They are the sweetest couple everrr :"> yes, that's right be jealous of them hahahaha joke. Stay strong both of you and happy monthsary in advance! x

Here's Chap 41 ~



Weeks had passed and it’s already the second semester.

“Bree, what will you choose?” Steph asked me.


“Just try dancing again! It’s been a year since you last dance.” Bri interrupted me. Actually we are in the situation of picking clubs to join.

“But you guys know that I love singing.” I told them both.

“You can always join two clubs!” Bri suggested.

“It will take a lot of hard work. I mean I have singing, dancing and studying.”

“We know you can do that! Last two years ago, you’ve done the same thing. So it won’t be that hard, Bree.” Steph told me.

I sigh.  “I’ll think about it. But I’m sure about singing.” I said as I wrote my name in the list.

“Oh, okay. We hope you’ll think right.” Bri told me. After I wrote my name, we started walking to the school hallways. “So, how’s the long distance relationship thing?”

“Going strong, Bri.” I answered.

“That’s good to hear.” He paused. “Hey, you texted me last night saying that you have these weird thing about your boyfriend knowing about Chen.” Well, I really texted him because I know that Bri knows this kind of things.

“Oh, yeah I almost forgot. I got surprised when the time after we talked on skype, he texted me saying Chen must stay away from me because when it comes to me, he’s a sensitive person. The main question is, how does he know?” I explained.

“Protective much?” Bri said as I rolled my eyes. “Maybe he’s here.”

“No, that’s not possible. When we go on skype, his background was still his room.” I said and I know Ethan can’t leave Paris.

“Hmm, maybe he got somebody around the school to watch you just to make sure you’re safe.” Steph added in.

“I doubt and I agree with her.” Bri said.

“That’s sort of fast I mean he already had a connection here? But I doubt about what you had said Steph.”

“I know right.” She said smirking. “Hey! Don’t change the topic! Are you going to dance or what?”

“It’s not me who change the topic. It’s Bri.” I said.

“Babe!” Steph complained.

“It’s not my fault she’s the one who texted me first.” Bri defended himself.

“Bree!” Steph complained once again as I try my best to hide my laugh.

I mean, she doesn’t even notice that I’m changing again the topic .HAHA


After our art class – we studied fashion of course – it was our Math time with Ms. Jane Canes. Only Kia, Nichole, Gela, Lily, me and one of Chen’s girlies named Bernadel Fray.

“What is the measurement of this angle?” She points the question on the board and asked the class but we just don’t know the answer and if someone had an idea, they don’t want to speak up. “No one will volunteer? Okay, Lily.” She called her. Lily stood up but didn’t spoke so it was understood she doesn’t know the answer. “Remain standing. Miss Autums?” She asked Nichole and still no answer. She called almost all of my friends including me and only our classmate named Andrew answered the question. Then she looked at all of us. “You are all close to each other and so noisy when all of you get together then when it comes to class each of you is quiet as a fish!” She scolded us. Ms Jane, we don’t know the answer that’s why we can’t speak my god. “Now all of you sit down!” As soon as she said that, we all quickly sat down. We all looked at each other and of course we understand what we wanted to say. Lol, we’re cursing in our minds and the each of us knows it.

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