Chapter Forty-Two

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It’s been five days since me and Ethan last talked. Every night, I wait for him to call me for every five hours. But I got nothing. It brings my mood down. I mean I really miss him!! Is he too busy? Did he miss me too? Or…. Did he forgot about me? I wish he didn’t.

He won’t forget you of course Bree! You’re his girlfriend so how could he possibly forget you?! Cheer up! He was only busy at his tattoo shop. Don’t worry he will get back at you. You just have to wait.

I heard my inner voice. Yeah, it’s right. I just have to wait.

For five days! He didn’t even called you or reply at your emails! Remember the saying? When a person really loves you, either if he/she is busy they will make time for you! Now look what’s happening?! Nothing, right? You’re just wasting your time. He forgot about you.

There’s another voice in my head. That is the negative one. The one that I’m listening before Ethan came in my life. Now, they are like having a constant argument in my mind. I really hate this shit. It makes me so confused. Ugh!

But I soon realized that I don’t have to put myself down. Ethan loves me. He said his words and even vowed them. So, I don’t have to worry. He will eventually call me sooner or later.

“EARTH TO BREE?!”  Ejhay shouted at me directly in my ear.

And that made me jump. “You don’t need to shout at my ear you know!”

“I’ve been talking here for the whole damn time and you didn’t even pay a single attention!” She said a little irritated. Actually we are just chillin’ at the school field. It’s a free time for two hours. They say you use this time for accomplishing homeworks, projects, thesis, reports, etc. But really, we just use this to just rest from the stress of our college life. And after this time, class is over.

“Oh, sorry about that. I got lost in thought I guess.”

“You guess?! It is very obvious!”

“Okay, calm down.” I paused. “What are you talking about again?”

“Ugh, forget it! I’m not in the mood to talk about my super duper hot boyfriend named Josh anymore.” She rolled her eyes. “Anyway, what are you over thinking about?”

“Uh, nothing important.” I said as I avoid eye contact.

“How many times do I have to tell you that you can’t lie to me.” She paused. I really hate her for knowing me so well. HAHA. “Spit it out.”

“I just don’t want to talk about it.”

“But I want to talk about it. C’mon, Bree.” She said as she showed her puppy eyes.

I rolled my eyes. “Okay, fine.” I sighed then spoke, “Ethan and I haven’t talked for the past five days.”


“Yes I know the reason Ejhay. He called me last five days ago the reason why he’s not calling for the past five days.” I said my tone full of sarcasm.

“Stop being sarcastic, geez.” She paused. “But what could be the reason?”

“How would I know? Did I talk to him?” I said.

“Your sassiness is coming out, stop it my gosh. It usually comes out when you’re really in a sad or bad mood.” She told me. See? She really knows me.

“You can’t blame me. I’m sassy.” I said making an ‘I’m a boss’ look.

“Yeah, right.” She said sticking her tongue at me. “Cheer up!! He will get back at you somehow, Bitch 2.”

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