Chapter Fifty-Two

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Dedicated to Mirka95! :) Thank you for the wonderful messages! :> I can't even believe that this story reached your country, Slovakia. I hope we can be real close as possible! x



It’s sad when people who are very close to you have to leave. I mean sometimes it’s for a good reason but it can also change you to a very lonely state, those nights that you’re going to miss those days with them and their presence.

And it was also hard when you even watched them walk away from you.

But in my case with Stephanie and Brian, they really have to leave for the sake of their future. I know it hurts me but it’s for the best. It’s like they are going to take away a puzzle piece in my heart. They are really close to me and I treat them as my very own siblings. If I can be with them, I would do it in a heartbeat. But I came to think that they are perfect for each other and they need to be together even without me. I have my own path to take, a journey that I face alone.

We are actually in the airport. Today was the worst day of our three strong friendship’s life. Stephanie and Brian have suitcases carrying in their hands and all of us are here to watch their departure.

“Have fun at New York.” Rona told Steph.

“But not too much fun, you are without us.” Nichole added as she chuckled. Then her face was quickly back on the phone. I wonder if that Steven guy is what she’s texting with.

“Take care guys.” Kia spoke.

“You can always contact us through facebook or even skype.” Denise said.

“Don’t forget us, okay?” Dianne says as Steph nodded in response.

“Go be with your silly boyfriend in New York. Just put your paws up, ‘cause you were born this way baby.” We all stifle a laugh at her Lady Gaga quotation. But we all admired her being a big fan.

“No more roadtrips?! Damn it, I’ll be in the suitcase!!” Fevy pretended that she was crying as Bri chuckled. And the award for being the worst actress goes to, Fevy Swan.

“Ohmygosh. Don’t forget that I am the most beautiful friend you had or else I’ll smack you!” Ejhay joked as the couple laughed in response.

Well, Steph and Bri hugged them one by one. And now, it’s my turn.

“Don’t look at me like that, Steph. Fergie says big girls don’t cry.” I said as I looked away.

She chuckled lightly. “I am not the one who’s going to cry, you are.”

I have to be strong and happy for them. I don’t want them to leave and they are worrying me. I did my best to control my tears. “Looks like the tables have turned. Before, I’m the one who’s been watched to leave the country and now the both of you are.”

“Yeah, I can’t believe this is really happening. We don’t want to leave you, you know.” Steph spoke as her head was directly looking at the floor.

I hugged her. “Don’t worry about me, I’ll be okay.”

“I know. You’re the strongest person I’ve ever met.” She whispered as we let go of each other.

Then Bri spoke, “Sis, I don’t want a dramatic goodbye.”

“Ha-ha. No hug for my Bro.” I stick my tongue at him.

“You’re so unfair.” He says as he was the one who hugged me first. “I’m really going to miss you, zombie.”

“Shit, I’m going to miss more of you calling me zombie!” I whispered-yelled. Bri laughed as he tightens his hug around me. “You know, you are the best unbiological brother I’ve ever had.”

In Paris (Under Major Editing)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن