Chapter Twelve

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Dedicated to @Gelo_Germanotta! :) thank you for being a kind friend :* she's a little monster guys! follow her on twitter! :D

Ethan was out getting his car at the restaurant. He forgot to get it yesterday, such a silly guy. So, I'm just here at the living room talking to my mom on the phone.
"Mom, how's Jake?" I asked her. My brother's name was Jake.
"He's good. Did you want to speak to him?" Mom asked.
"Hello?" Jake said through the phone. A smile formed in my lips.
"Hi Jake! It's Brianna!" I said cheerfully.
"Bwianna! Where are you? I miss you!" He said. He can't pronounce my name right. It was so cute.
"I'm in Paris. I miss you too, Jakey!"  I said.
"Why didn't you let me come with you?" Jake said out loud. He's a sweet and cute kid but he's a spoiled brat sometimes.
"Because it was sooooo far away."
"When will you go home?"
"Soon. Be a good boy, Jake. Okay?"
"Okay, Bwianna. Love you." That was sweet.
"I love you too." I really miss him.
"Mommy wants to talk to you."
"Brianna." Mom was now on the phone.
"Yes mom?"
"What are you doing there lately?"
"I just hang out whenever I want to and explore Paris more. Actually, I have my period today. So, I just rest here."
"Did you have extra napkins?"
"Did you already have a few friends instead of Athena?" She really believed about the whole 'Athena' thing. I think I didn't have to lie about Ethan. Besides I can make an excuse about it.
"Yeah. His name was Ethan." I hope she didn't panic.
"It's a guy? Brianna! I told you to avoid making guy friends in there! You're all alone! Did you just even think that guy friend of yours can rape-"
"Mom!" I interrupted her. "Ethan was A-Athena's brother. They live in the same house so she introduced me to him." Please believe me.
"Are you always with him? Did you two go out without Athena? Is he doing something more than just a friend?" She's becoming an investigator again. I once suggested her to work as an investigator.
"We always hang out with Athena and he just treats me like a friend. Calm down, mom."
"I'm perfectly calm!" She really is calm. (sarcasm!)
"You didn't sound like one."
"Brianna, stop insulting me!" She's getting angry.
"I'm not insulting you!"
"Don't raise your voice on me! I allowed you to go in Paris and now you're shouting at me!" She's now shouting.
"Mom, I'm just saying that you should calm yourself down." I said calmly.
"Then you said I didn't sound like one!"
"Because you're shouting."
"Brianna what happened to you? You didn't respect me anymore! What kind of daughter are you? You don't care about me or to your brother! You're so useless!" Mom's loud voice cause me to put away the phone in my ear, but I can still hear her.
"But Mom-" She hang up. This one of the reasons why I'm terrified or annoyed whenever she calls. We end up arguing. I didn't even insult her! I'm just trying to explain but I think she didn't understand. I know that I make a valid point but she didn't accept that. She always put the 'respect thing'. I didn't care for her and Jake? I always think of them first before myself yet she didn't see it.
"She said 'Useless' to me once again." I mumbled then the door swung open revealing Ethan.
"Hey, cupcake." He smiled at me. I smiled back. A fake one.
"Hey. How's the car?" I asked. He closed the door and sat down beside me.
"The car was fine. It was only out of fuel."
"Oh okay."
"By the way, I heard you talking. Who are you talking to?" He asked.
"Mom." I said coldly.
"Are you okay? Is there something wrong?" He asked.
"Nothing's wrong." I smiled at him. I can't tell him that we had an argument almost because of him.
"Are you sure?"
He let out a sigh. "How did you feel?"
"I'm just a little down. I feel my body's heavy."
"Are you feeling dizzy? Is your tummy aching?"
"I just feel dizzy."
"Lay down." He said. I obeyed him. "I'll just get your medicine." He stood up and went to the kitchen. He came back with a glass of water, medicine and my chocolates are on the tray. "Here you go." He gave me the medicine as I put it on my mouth and drink my glass of water.
"Why did you bring the chocolates?" I asked.
"I thought that you would like some."
"You're perfectly right!" I said cheerfully and grab my chocolate and eat it. I'm making myself to be in a good mood. Ethan giggled as he sat down beside me.
"I heard girls are moody when they have their period." He said.
"That's right." I told him as I continue to eat my chocolate.
"Want to watch a movie?" He asked.
"Movie again? We watched last night."
"But it's a different movie. If we watch on the television programs, you will never understand them because the language was French." He got a point.
"Okay, what movie?" I asked.
"Any suggestions?"
"Despicable Me?" I suggested.
"Okay." He smiled as he stood up to prepare the movie. I never expected him to have a movie like that. The movie was a little childish and girly but he have one. I'm not saying that guys can't watch like that movie, It's just more kids and girls like that kind of movie instead of guys. Ethan sat down beside me as the movie started.
Then moments later, I feel sleepy. I always feel sleepy when I have my period. My eyes are getting heavy then I finally gave up and sleep.

• • •

  I woke up and saw that the television was off. I felt my head was resting something hard. Pillows supposed to be soft right? I can smell a guy's cologne. Could it be? I lifted my head slowly and saw Ethan's handsome face sleeping. We sleep together? On the couch? His hands are on my shoulders and I didn't notice that I'm hugging his chest! Oh my gosh. I still feel a little sleepy but then he's starting to wake up. He opened his eyes and smiled.
  "I think you feel sleepy." He said. His voice was so fucking sexy.
  "Yeah." I whispered then I feel his hand in my head is gesturing me to place it in his chest. Is he trying to make me sleep again?
  "Go back to sleep. I know you had a rough conversation with your mom earlier. You can forget that by sleeping." How did he know?
  "How did you know?" I asked but Ethan didn't respond. He's back to sleep. I can't believe it. He never heard my mom talking or maybe he heard what I mumbled earlier? Oh God.
  My eyes are getting heavy again. I think it's a sign that I should stop over thinking and give my mind a rest. I rest my head in his chest and hug him. I feel a little needy. Besides, I need someone to talk or chill after what happened with me and my mom earlier. I feel Ethan was hugging me. He's hugging me back like he's comforting me. I smiled as I close my eyes and sleep.

  It feels so right to be trapped in his arms.


Hellooooo :) here's the update! :D yaaaaay!

Micah xx

In Paris (Under Major Editing)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat