Chapter Ten

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Hiiiiiiiii! :) I like to dedicate this one to @_elizabethcstllo :D thank you for loving my story pretty! follow her on twitter x

Here's the update ~

  Two weeks later.

  It was one lazy afternoon. I think Ethan was in his room sleeping while I was also in my room watching movies on my laptop for the whole day. I've watched Twilight, The Hunger Games & The Notebook. Now, I'm watching A Walk To Remember. Yes, I'm a sucker at romantic movies and books. It was like you were too focus on the story, you can already forget the reality and everything around you. It helps you to escape the difficulties of life and enter a world of imaginations. A kind of life that you sometimes wish you have. For example, Edward & Bella from twilight. Even though Edward's a vampire, Bella didn't care because she loved him. She accepts him from who he is and she doesn't even care if it's between life and death situation. Another one is The Notebook. Noah and Allie fell in love but Allie's parents refuse for their relationship. Even if they got separated for many years, they still met each other in the end. No matter how old they are and have own families, their love for each other will never change and it will remain 'till their last breath.
  Going back to the movie I'm watching, I was on the wedding part. I really love this part. It was very touching. That feeling when someone never leaves you even if they know you are going to leave soon. They want to express how much they love you. He fights for you from everything, he doesn't care about what people says, he helps and supports you from your dreams and he respects you. Imagine if you have someone like that, you will never ask for more. But this type of guys only exists in movies, everything they do was on a piece of paper. They act everything. None of it was true because nobody's perfect. Look at Jamie and Landon, they are like the happiest persons on earth. Because they found love, true love. Sometimes I ask myself 'When will I meet my true love?' But because of my horrible past, I think I didn't believe in true love anymore. Because nowadays, people just play with each other's feelings. They didn't even think how much it hurts.
  This part of the movie never failed me to cry, because those questions keep replaying in my mind. I was touched by the movie and sad for myself at the same time, wishing you had something like that. As I watch the movie, my eyes are getting blurry. And I know for sure, that I was about to cry. Seconds later, one teardrop escaped my right eye then my left eye comes next 'til I was completely crying. I was about to sniff when-
  "Little Cupcake is crying!" Yup, it's Ethan. Curse this guy for interrupting my moment!
  I wiped my tears and look behind me. "I'm not! I just yawn."
  "Yawn? Really cupcake? You're about to sob any minute now if I didn't interrupt you!" He said as he laughs. An irritating laugh.
  "How did you came in? Why didn't I hear you coming? How long have you been behind me?" I changed the topic.
  "I opened the door and I came quietly like a ninja on a mission." He paused doing a pose like ninja's do when they are ready to fight. Silly boy. "I've been here since the bride was walking down the aisle." He said fully grinning. I look at my laptop and saw the scene. They were already married! It really is true when they say you forget everything around you when you're too focus on what you are reading or watching.
  "You still cried! I thought you're one tough girl? Romantic movies are just your weakness? What a shame." He said using an annoying tone. I swear, if this guy didn't do a lot of sweet things to me, my hands are in his neck right now.
  "I told you I didn't." It was my private moment and I don't want to be ashamed in front of people.
  "Don't lie to me. I have a lot of things I can do to make you say the truth." He said as he smirk.
  "I'm so scared!" I said pretending a terrified face.
  "You keep pushing me to do this. Well, It's fine by me." He said as he touched my waist making me tickle. Oh God no, I don't like this. I never expected him to do this. I moved away from him as he came closer.
  "Ethan, don't tickle me please. I'm one of the most ticklish person in the world." I stood up from my bed and move away from him until I feel the wall on my back.
  "Thank you for telling me that. You're encouraging me more." He said as he came slowly. Damn, why am I so stupid?
  He's now inches from me. Our nose was touching, breaths mixing, his left hand was pressed in the wall and his right was holding my shoulders. I felt it going down to my waist. His eyes were focus on mine.
  "You just have to admit that you cried." He whispered. I want to say yes but I think he will just tease me. His eyes are now focus on my lips. Oh My Gosh. His lips are coming closer to mine. Is he going to kiss me? Then he smiled. "Admit it." He whispered once again then I feel his hand were now tickling my waist. Oh shit.
  "I didn't cry!" I pushed him away as I ran out of the room like a mad person and went downstairs. I went to the kitchen and hid under the table.

In Paris (Under Major Editing)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz