Chapter Three

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DEDICATED TO @STEFInAndOut for being my very first commenter!! She's also my best friend :) I love you sweetie xx

hope you enjoy this chapter! :D

"Are you going to kill him?" Ethan whispered in my ear. We're actually standing in front of him but this jerk was sleeping so he didn't notice us.
"If it's legal, I already killed him by now." I whispered angrily. I want to hold his neck and strangle him to death, but I'm not that kind of person.
"Then what will you do?" Ethan asked.
"Did you already finish your drink?"
"No." He answered. I looked at my drink to see that it's not finish too. A smirk formed in to my lips.
"Don't tell me we're going to-"
"Yes we will. He didn't respect me, So will I." I interrupt as I looked at him evilly.
"What if we get caught?"
"We won't. I got it all under control." I said smiling at him. Starbucks is one of my favorites but there is no other option to get revenge. I'm suffering my drink for this jerk because he deserves it. He deserves my revenge. We opened our cups and ready to pour it in the jerk's head.
"You ready?" I asked.
"Ready." I can see him smiling. He's enjoying the plan. We're so evil today.
"One... Two... Three... Go!" I shouted as we pour our drinks in his head. He's waking up as I kick him in the balls. "You deserved that motherfucker!" I shouted at him. "Let's go!" I ran fast as I feel Ethan followed. I looked back and saw the jerk standing up and facing our direction. His hand were holding in his now wet head and the other one is holding his balls. I can see him suffering in pain. Oh yeah!
"Revenir ici!!" (Get back here!) I heard him shouted, but I don't understand him. I saw Ethan was now in front of me. God he was so fast. He looked back at me and held my hand as we ran. I feltthe short electricity again.

He held my hand!

We saw a trash can nearby as we threw our empty Starbucks cup and ran away from the park. Ethan saw his car as he released my hand and go to our seats. I felt cold without his touch. Ethan started the ignition and drove off. I saw the jerk walking fast after us. He's still holding his balls. Aha!
"That was so.. fun." I said panting.
"Afraid to admit, but it was fun too." We both started laughing. "By the way kicking the balls was not part of the plan." He said as he laughed again.
"It is to me. He deserve that." I said as I laughed as well.
We finished laughing and went silent for a little while. A smile was plastered on our faces.
"So, where are we going?" The sky was going dark now.
"It's still a surprise." He said looking at me and wink. Stop being so adorable!
"Oh C'mon!" I complained.
"You'll like this one, I swear." He said smiling. I let out a long sigh. I'm pretty sure he will never tell me.
We stop in front of a cupcake store. We went out as my eyes are never leaving the store. I like cupcakes. No, I love cupcakes.
"You look like a little girl who won a teddy bear at the carnival." Ethan said in an amused tone.
"Cupcakes are my most favorite." I said smiling. I felt him pushing me towards the door of the store. He opened the door as we entered. I can smell cupcakes everywhere!!

That's why it's a cupcake store. What did you expect? Lemon scent? Stupid.

I heard my inner voice. I smacked myself mentally. I'm so stubborn sometimes.
"What flavor did you want?" Ethan asked.
"Chocolate flavor." I told him smiling.
"One chocolate cupcake, please." He said to the cash register. Ethan was getting money from his wallet as I stop him.
"No, let me, It's my food anyway." I said holding his hand to stop him from getting money. He shoo my hand as it went to my sides.
"I told you, I'm a gentleman when it comes to you." He said smiling. I have no choice but to agree with him. I don't want to start an argument with him.
"Here you go, One chocolate cupcake." The cash register told us sweetly. She's in mid-thirties I think. I smiled at her as she smiled back. Ethan grabthe cupcake as he gave it to me.
"Are you two a couple?" The cash register asked.
"Um, no. We're just friends." I told her.
"Too bad, you two look like a sweet couple. " She said smiling.  I smiled back at her. I just don't know what to say. I felt heat on my cheeks.
"We better get going now, thank you." Ethan told the lady smiling. We went out of the store as we headed to Ethan's car.
"You're so cute when you blush." He said. He caught me! Oh My God. This so embarrassing. I shyly smile at him as he opened the passenger seat. He closed the door and went to the driver seat. He started the ignition and drove off.
I opened my cupcake and started to eat it. This is sooooooo good. I felt Ethan looking at me then back to the road, but I don't care. I'm too focused eating my delicious cupcake.
I feltthe car has stop and right on time, I finished eating my cupcake. Oh how I wish I had another one!  We got out of the car and started to walk.
"Where are we going?" I asked. My curiosity is killing me.
"Look." He pointed his finger in front of us. I followed his finger and I gasped.

Oh. My. God. The. Eiffel. Tower.

I can't believe what I'm looking at. The Eiffel Tower was more beautiful in person! I can now crossed 'See The Eiffel Tower' on my wish list.  The moon was out and the Eiffel Tower was shining because of the lights surrounding it.
"Ethan... This... Is... Oh... My... God." I don't know what to say!
"Beautiful, I know. Let's go," He said as we walked. I never leave my eyes off of the Tower, like it's going to disappear.
"Let's go up." Ethan said as we head upstairs of the tower.
After 10,000 stairs, we finally made it up. Okay, maybe I was exaggerating a bit but I was so tired! I think I need to work out. I saw Ethan looking through the telescope as he smiled. He stop looking and turn his gaze at me.
"Take a look at this." He said. I quickly obeyed. I looked through the telescope. I smile formed in my lips. You can see the whole Paris in here! I love everything here! I stop looking through the telescope and stare at the sight. I was in The Eiffel Tower. It's a dream come true.
"What's your favorite color?" I heard Ethan asked. That was very random.
"Light blue. You?" I said. I felthim beside me.
"Navy blue." He paused. "Hey, I was wondering, are you still staying in my house?" He asked. I almost forgot. Shit.
"Um, Ethan-"
"Please stay, you can be my housemate. Besides we're already friends and I don't want you to get in trouble around here. Paris is a nice place, but there's still some bad guys around." I looked at him and saw his puppy eyes. Those adorable puppy eyes I can't resist.
I let out a sigh. "Oh okay, I have no choice though." I said as I smiled at him.
"Yehey!" He said cheerfully. He's so cute. "Thank you for staying with me, cupcake." He said as he smiled. Did he just call me 'Cupcake'? I felt heat in my cheeks again.
"Did you just call me 'Cupcake'?" I asked him shyly.
"Yeah, it suits you and your cuteness." He said. His dimples are visible. I'm cute? He complemented me? I swear my heart just skip a beat.
It was getting cold. I regret wearing my outfit. What was I thinking? I embraced myself to make me warm, but it's not working. Then I feel a warm thing covering my shoulders to make me warm; it was Ethan's jacket.
"Wear it, I don't want you to get cold." He said warmly.
"How about you-"
"Don't worry, I'm fine." He said as he smiled. It's pretty cold then it's fine? What is he? Jacob Black form Twilight? Even when it's cold, he's warm?This guy was something.

He was being nice and sweet to you. Admit it Bree, you like him doing this to you.

Like My Ass! I know that someday he'll get tired of this and treat me shit in the end. Then Ethan started to speak. "I've been here so many times, But I never get tired of admiring this place." He said with a smile.
"I agree, it was breathtaking." I forgot about my constant argument in my mind and admire the view in front of me.


Hii!! :) I'll be updating next weekend :) Hope you like it! :D BARBARA PALVIN will play as BRIANNA SUMMERS and JEREMY KAPONE as ETHAN PARKER ;)


  Micah xx

In Paris (Under Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now