Chapter Two

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  "Hey Bree..Wake up." I hear a sexy voice calling me.
  "Bree, you need to wake up. It's time for breakfast." I heard it again.
  "Bree, C'mon wake up." I felt his hand poking my shoulder and shaking me a bit. I opened my eyes and saw a guy looking at me. He was so handsome. Is he human? Is he an angel? Am I in heaven?
  "Good Morning, Bree. C'mon before the breakfast gets cold." The angel said to me. Then in one quick second everything came back to me. It's not an angel. It's Ethan. The guy who was with me yesterday. The owner of this house. The guy who made me feel different. I sat up, rubbing my eyes.
  "Good Morning too, Ethan. You go first. I'll be right down in a minute." I said then I yawn.
  He chuckles. "Okay, make it fast though." He stood up and went out of the room.
  I stood up also, making my way towards the bathroom. I look at myself. Woah. My morning face look like a mess. Ethan saw me this way? Oh Shit. I let out a sigh. I brushed my teeth and wash my face. I grab a towel and rub it in my face. I went out of the bathroom, through the door as I went downstairs. I put my hair in a messy bun. I can smell pancakes. Yum!
  I went through the kitchen and saw Ethan placing two plates in the table. He finally saw me and smile. I smiled back. "There you are. Let's eat." He said as he sat down. I sat across him.
  "Hmm, Pancakes." I said as I get one pancake and pour some syrup. He did the same. I took a bite of his pancake then I notice he's watching my every move. I think his waiting for my response.
  "The pancakes is so good!" I told him while taking another bite of his delicious pancake.
  "Thank you." He said smiling as he took a bite of his food.
  We continue eating silently. But when we look at each other, we smile warmly at each other. I feel comfortable around him. Then he started to speak.
  "We're going around Paris today right?" He asked.
  "Yes. What time are we leaving?" I asked with excitement.
  "Maybe in the afternoon. When it's not that hot anymore." He said smiling.
  "Cool, let me wash the dishes." I stood up, getting all the plates and put it on the sink.
  "Hey, don't do that. Let me finish it." He said. I didn't notice he was now beside me.
  "Ethan it's fine. It's just a few plates. You help me a lot last night. Relax." I look at him and smiled.
  He let out a sigh. "Okay." I saw him sitting in the tiles near the sink.
  "Why are you sitting there? There's a chair on the table." I amusingly said.
  "I want to watch you." His words made me smile. I noticed that he doesn't want to be alone. Maybe he's tired of it. So I'm not going to push him away because I'm tired of being alone too.
   I continue to wash the dishes as he ask me questions "Do you have any brother or sister?"
  "Yeah, I have one little brother. He was only four. You?" I told him. My eyes are focusing on the dishes.
  "I don't h-have one." He answered. He stutter?! I looked at him and saw his eyes are on the floor.
  "Are you okay? Is there a problem?" I ask concerned.
  He looked back at me and smiled. A fake smile. Like I always do. "Don't worry I'm fine."
  I'll let this slide. I want to ask him. When it comes to his family, his mood change. Like last night. But I know for sure, I will ask or he will be the one to open up to me. We just need to know each other more as friends.
  "Okay." I smiled back. I finished washing the dishes as Ethan help me to put it back to its proper place.

• • •

  It was already afternoon. Ethan told me to get ready. I was done taking a shower, but I have one problem.

  What to wear?

  I study at fashion and now I'm here nothing to wear! I was staring at my closet for like fifteen minutes now and I think we will leave at 10 minutes! Sometimes, I think the reason why girls has a lot of clothes, but say they have nothing to wear is that we, girls didn't like to repeat the same clothes all over again. They want to be different in every way when people saw them. It was just my opinion. I don't know what other girls' opinion is.
  Going back to my problem, I saw a white tank top with a big word 'Vans' in the middle and I spotted a black shorts. Did I wear this before? I don't remember. Instead I took it. Ethan said that the weather was warm. So my chosen outfit is perfect. I wore my clothes as I wear my black vans. I look at myself in the mirror. I tock my top to my shorts and I pull the pockets down to reveal it. My hair was messy, It was the way I like it. I put lotion in my body and apply powder in my neck and face. I didn't like make-ups. I just use that to special occasions. I wear my black watch and my silver cross necklace. I grab my black jansport then put it on my back. I'm sure all that I need was in my bag. Including my camera. I grab my phone from the nightstand and went out of the room.
  I went downstairs and saw Ethan sitting in the living room. He seems lost in thoughts again. I wonder what he's thinking.
  "H-hey." I didn't want to interrupt him, but we need to get going.
  "Oh, hey there." He stood up as he look at me from head to toe. Maybe he didn't like my outfit. People back home, they will just say 'I like your outfit' But their eyes spoke the truth.
  "You're simple. " He paused. "Simplicity is beauty." He said smiling. His dimples are visible and his eyes, I feel pure honesty. Is he really telling the truth? Because people say that boys know how to play their feelings.
  I just smile back at him. A fake one. I know he will never notice that. Because almost all people I know, they believe my smile. I was really great at hiding things.
  "Let's go." He said as he went through the door and open it wide. "Ladies first." He said politely. He's waiting for me to go outside. I went outside and Ethan was really telling the truth, The weather is nice today. Then Ethan rests his hand on my shoulder. I feel my spine is tingling.
  "C'mon, Bree." He said smiling at me. He went through his black car as I followed him. He open the passenger's seat, I got in as he closed the door. He went through the driver's seat then he sat down and close the door. I don't know why, but why the heck am I watching his every move?It's not like his going to disappear. What's wrong with me today?
  "Ready?" He said putting his seatbelt on. I smiled as I also put my seatbelt on. 
  "Ready!" I said cheerfully. He started the ignition as we drove off.
  "So where are we going?" I asked.
  "It's a surprise." He told me excitedly.
  "Tourist guide tell his or her passengers their destinations and information about the place. And as far as I know, you're going to be my tourist guide today." I told him. I wasn't a fan of surprises, but I like it sometimes.
  "Well, I'm a different tourist guide. I want to surprise you. I want you to get excited." He said. His eyes are focused on the road. I let out a long sigh. Even though I make him say it, I know he wouldn't.
  "Okay, surprised me!" I said loudly with a straight face.
  He looks at me then laughs. "C'mon, Everybody loves surprises."
  "I'm not a big fan of them. But I like them sometimes." I said half smiling.
  "You'll like my surprises. I swear." He said smiling even though his eyes were on the road.
  "Oh okay, I'll give it a shot." I said fully smiling now.
  "That's the spirit!" He said cheerfully. I chuckle lightly. He's so cute!
  We stop in front of a huge building. A luxury building. Ethan got out of his seat as he went through his car to open my door. This guy was really a gentleman today.
  "You're such a gentleman today. I mean I can open it by myself you know." I told him as I got out of the car.
  "It's not bad to be a gentleman. I think you're not being treated like this before right?" He asked.
  "Yeah." I said as I smile shyly at him.
  "From now on, you'll have a nice gentleman with you and I know you're going to get used to it." He said as he winks at me. He was so hot when he winks. Lord help me.
  "Hmm, If I'll get used to it and you get tired, don't put the blame on me." I said. I experienced this situation before, acting all sweet and gentleman then treat you shit in the end.
  "Don't worry. I'll never get tired of it." He said smiling. I can't help but smile back. "Anyways, we're in The Louvre. This is the site of the world's largest and most diverse collection of pre-20th century painting, sculpture and decorative objects." He said while looking at the building or should I say museum. "Let's go inside." He told me as I follow him, but of course I'm not like his tail following from behind. I was walking beside him.
  We got in as I let out my camera. God this plac was huge! Ethan showed me some paintings and sculptures. I can't help but to admire them all. The Venus De Milo is a really great painting, but something caught my eye. I can't help but to stare because of its beauty. The Mona Lisa. I saw this picture on the web, but I never thought that this painting was more beautiful when you see it personally with your own eyes.
  "It's beautiful right?" I heard Ethan said as he stare at the painting too.
  "It really is. No words can explain its beauty. If I can take this home, I already had it in my hands in one second." I said never leaving my eyes off of the painting.
  "I agree. Did you know that Mona Lisa was really not a girl? It is the girl version of Leonardo Da Vinci." He said. This guy was really smart.
  "Of course I knew about it, smarty pants." We both chuckle. "Mona Lisa and Da Vinci's lip are the same." I said.
  "That's right, smarty pants." We both chuckle lightly because he used my words.

• • •

  We already stop nearby in a river. Why are we here? Is this a tourist spot?

It's a tourist spot of course, you idiot. That's why he brought you here.

  I heard my inner voice inside me. How can I be so stupid? I swear, there's something wrong with me. We got out of the car as we look at the river.
  "You're probably wondering why are we here. We're at the Boat Tour of Seine River. I don't want you to miss this experience. You'll see some other tourist spot here at Paris." He said while looking at the sight.
  "Sounds fun. Let's go!" I said cheerfully. We bought tickets –Ethan's treat of course. He doesn't want me to pay- and went inside the boat. We sat at the most corner to let me see the river and other spots at Paris.
  I heard the tourist guide talking about some place. I didn't pay attention because my eyes are admiring the sight. The view was beautiful. It was so nice and makes you feel calm. I can't help but smile at the view. It was breathtaking.
  "Beautiful, right?" Ethan asked. I just nod. I don't know what to say. I have lost for words.
  "It was so beautiful." Ethan spoke. "Beautiful." He repeated and said it almost like a whisper. I feel him looking at me. I look at him and saw he was still staring at the view. He was referring to the sight. Not me. How can I be so ridiculous? I'm not beautiful.

• • •

  After sight-seeing, we went to starbucks and buy some drinks. Then we stop at the park. Is this a tourist spot?
  "Ethan, is this a tourist spot?" I asked curiously.
  "No, I just like this place. Let's have a walk." He told me as we started to walk at the park. There was a lake in there with swimming ducks. Some old couples sitting at the bench and a few kids playing. It's such a nice place.
  "This place is making me comfortable already." I said as I took a sip of my drink.
  "It really is." Ethan said.
  As we keep on walking, I saw a guy sleeping below the tree. I think he's in mid-thirties. He was so familiar then I remembered, he's the jerk who pushed me at the hotel!
  I feel anger boiled inside me. I want to strangle him right now then Ethan spoke. "What are you looking at?" He asked.
  "Look at that guy, he's the guy who pushed me at the hotel last night." I said as I pointed my finger at the guy.
  Ethan saw the guy and his mouth shaped a perfect 'O' then my face form into a smirk.
  He looked back at me. "What are you thinking?"
  "I have a plan."



Hope you guys love this chapter! And I hope you vote thank you!


Micah xx

In Paris (Under Major Editing)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن