Chapter Four

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  We went home because it was already cold and late outside. As we entered the front door, I quickly headed to the kitchen. God, this day was fun and exhausting! I opened the fridge and drank some water then I heard Ethan coming towards the kitchen.
  "Vous êtes beau." (You're beautiful) He mumbled. What the hell is he saying?
  "Um, what did you say?" I said looking at him.
  "It means you're-"

'F*** this pussy boy, F*** it!

F*** it right boy!

(You know I love it when you)

F*** it, f*** it right boy!'

  My... ringtone 'Do My Dance' by Tyga interrupted Ethan. His eyes widen at my chosen song. I know it's an awkward song for a girl, But hey that song was pretty catchy. You can't blame me. I picked up my phone and saw the caller that mom is calling. Others are happy when they're moms call, but except for me. My face was terrified. I think I already get used of it because every time she calls, she always nag me about everything. But of course, I miss her.

'Do My Dance on your dick, Ooh you know you love this sh*t!'

  Oh yeah right, I need to answer my phone or else mom will get worried and to stop my embarassment from Ethan.
  "Hello Mom?"
  "Brianna!!" Mom's voice cause me to put away the device on my ear. I even think that Ethan heard it.
  "Hi, Mom." I said calmly.
  "How are you?" She asked with excitement.
  "I'm fine, You?"
  "Great! Where are you?"
  "Good, how's Paris? Is it wonderful?"
  "Yes! Paris was amazing! Actually, I went sight-seeing today." I said cheerfully. I noticed Ethan was chugging down a glass of water.
  "That's nice. Do you already have friends?"
"Is it a girl or a boy? Brianna if that's a boy I swear I'm going to-"
"Mom my friend is a girl okay!" I said, interrupting her. I've had enough in her lectures. She's really protective in me making guy friends. I think Ethan was listening because his eyes widen once again about 'my friend is a girl' thing.
  "That's good. What's her name?" Oh God. What name? Think Bree, Think.
  "Et- Athena." That was all I can think of. Besides, the name Ethan was close to Athena. Ethan gave me a confused look as I gave him an 'I'll explain to you later' look.
  "How did you two meet? How old is she? Where did she live?" She asked. Mom was becoming an investigator again.
  "We live in the same floor unit and she's twenty." I lied. Sometimes, I'm pretty good at lying. I hope mom will believe me.
  "Oh, how did you guys meet?" She repeated the question.
  I sigh. "We're neighbors, Mom."
  "Oh, now I get it." Thank the Lord.
  I fake yawn. "Mom is pretty late here and I'm tired. I should probably go to sleep."
  "Oh, yeah right. You need to sleep. Don't sleep when you're hungry and take care of yourself! Stay away from strangers mostly guys as much as possible!" She said urgently.
  "I will Mom. Good night, stay safe always."
  "Good night, Brianna. I miss you."
  "Miss you too." Then she hang up. I look at Ethan and remembered his interrupted answer earlier.
  "Sorry about the interruption. It's just Mom. What were you about to say earlier?" I asked.
  "I- uh- actually forgot about it. Um, why did you tell your mom that your friend was a girl?" He said.
  "Because Mom was protective when it comes to boys. I swear, she'll freak out if she knew that I'm staying with a guy in one roof."
  "Oh." He paused. "I think you're tired. You should sleep." He said smiling at me.
  "You're right. It's been a long day." I said as I walk out of the kitchen.
  "Wait!" I heard him shout.
  "Yes?" I asked.
  "Nice ringtone, by the way." He said. A smirk plastered in his face. I rolled my eyes. Ugh, he still remembers that? I think it's a funny moment for him. But for me? It's pure embarrassment. I swear, I'm going to change my ringtone.
  He chuckles. "I really had fun today. Thank you."
  "No, thank you. It's really thoughtful of you for being with me today. I had fun too." I said as I smiled at him. "You're not sleepy?" I asked.
  "Not yet. Go to your room, now. You look exhausted." He's right. I'm exhausted and him? He still looked fresh.
  "Good night, Ethan."
  "Good night, Cupcake." He said smiling at me. I felt blush on my cheeks when he calls me that. I smiled at him again and went upstairs.

• • •

  Ethan said that he's going to his tattoo shop today. I want to come, but he said I'll just get bored. So I stay in the house, here in the living room this afternoon and skyping my best friend, Stephanie.
  "You like him, Bree!" She said while clapping her hands. I told her all about what happened these past few days. Starting from the guy who push me at the hotel, Ethan helped me, he offers his house and we went on tour around Paris.
  "I didn't! I just appreciate his kindness and handsomeness." I said.
  "Don't fool me! First of all, you said you feel different whenever he's around. Second, you like him calling you nicknames. Third, you're so attractive to him. And fourth, You say 'Good Morning ' to him!" She told me.
  I sigh in frustration. "I feel different because he was so handsome and kind to me. It's been so long since I met a guy that handsome and so kind, I can't stop him calling me cupcake and he wake me up gently."
  "Bree! You are never a morning person! I always wake you up gently for school, then what did you do to me? You kick me and push me away. That's why you're always late!" She almost shout.
  "If you're in my shoes, you'll do exactly what I'm doing that time. Because of his handsomeness, I even think he's an angel! He look like an angel waking me up."
  "So that means, I'm a devil when I wake you up?"
  "Sort of."
  "I hate you! How dare you tell your best friend she's a devil!" She shouted then she laughed.
  "I'm just being honest, truth hurts." I said as I smirk.
  "I swear, if you're here, my hands are in your neck right now."
  "I'm so scared!!" I said sarcastically as we both laughed. I can see Steph smiling at her phone. It was obvious that she's texting someone and I'm sure it was her boyfriend, Brian.
  "By the way, how are you and Brian?" I said grinning like an idiot.
  "We're fine. I told him I was on skype with you right now." She paused then her phone beep signaling there was a new message. "He said he miss you already!" She smiled.
  "Tell him I miss him more!!" I said cheerfully. Me and Bri are really close, he treats me like his little sister.
  "I already told him." Steph said. "He said: 'P.S. Tell her she still looks like a zombie!!'." I rolled my eyes. He always teases me with the word 'Zombie' because of my pale white skin.
  We chatted for a little longer. I think it lasted for four hours. Me and Steph are pretty talkative. After talking with her, I closed my laptop and put it upstairs. Then I wonder, I haven't explored this house. So, I went through the middle door. I hold the door knob to open it, but it was lock. What's in here? I went through the first door that I assumed was Ethan's room. I want to go inside, but I don't want to mess with his privacy. I sigh as I go downstairs.
  I went past the kitchen and head to my right. There was a door at the end of the hall. I slowly walk towards it. As I went closer, I feel a little scared. Do you know the scenes in horror movies when the person was opening the door and got scared or killed? I feel that way right now. Maybe there was a monster waiting for me to open it or a psycho killer who wants to kill me? I was now in front of the door as I hold the doorknob shaking. I was about to open it-
  "What are you doing-"
  I screamed on top of my lungs. I looked behind me and saw Ethan. His eyes widen and surprised.
  "Thank God, it was... just you." I said calming myself down.
  "Why did you scream? And what are you doing here?" He asked.
  "I was just exploring your house."
  "That's the basement." He said pointing his finger to the door behind me. "You don't need to go in there. It was full of old stuff."
  "Oh Okay." I said half smiling.
  "Why did you scream?" He asked smiling.
  "I- I- was surprised when you came." I said.
  "Surprised? Or scared?"A smirk form in his lips.
  "Scared? Of course not! How can I be?" I said laughing nervously.
  "Because you're here all alone or maybe there's a ghost inside the basement." He said grinning at me.
  I rolled my eyes. "Let's get out of here." I walked past him and went back to the kitchen.
  I heard him chuckle. "By the way, I brought you some ice cream."
  "Yay!" I said cheerfully putting my fist in the air.
  "You're so cute for your own good, cupcake." He said as he wink at me. God, this guy was killing me softly by his hotness.

Maybe, I already like him.


Here's the update sweeties! :) I hope you guys will comment or vote for me to know what you guys think about my story. You can also share it as well :D Thank you!! mwa! ;)

Micah xx

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