Chapter One

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  We stop at the front of a two-story house. It was a simple and beautiful. Ethan got out of the car holding the umbrella and go through the passenger's seat.
"Want me to carry you?" He's referring to my aching hip.
"No need to, I think I can still walk." I told him. It doesn't hurt that much anymore. He gave his hand as I took it. I got out of the car slowly. He assisted me 'till we reached his front porch.
  "Wait here." He said as he walkedd back to his car to get my bags. I thought he was going to have a hard time in carrying three bags while holding the umbrella, but I was wrong. He's walking back here with no problem.
  "Why are you looking at me like that?. You look confused." He's now in front of me as he put the two bags down to get the keys of his house.
  "It's just, you're strong. I have trouble carrying those bags. And you, It looks like nothing." I told him.
  He closed the umbrella as he unlock the door. "I'm just working out that's all, get in."
  He said smiling warmly at me. Everytime he smiles, I feel like I'm melting.
  I went inside and took a good look at this place. It was huge yet simple house. This place was so welcoming and it makes me comfortable already.
  "Nice place you got here." I told him while my eyes are still looking at his place.
  "Thanks. Now, let's put this bag upstairs and you need to take a shower." He told me as I saw him going through the stairs. I followed him as we go upstairs. There were three doors in the hallway. I followed him as we stop on the third door.
  "You can stay here." He said as he opened the door. There's a single bed with light blue sheets. The walls are white and the floors are wooden. The curtains were also in blue sheets. He went inside and put my bags in the corner.
  "There's the bathroom." He pointed his finger through the other white door beside the closet. "Oh and after you finish taking a shower, you can go downstairs. I'll make some hot chocolate." He said as he walked back through the door and open it.
  "Thank you so much."
  "You're welcome. I'll wait for you in the living room."
  "Okay." I smiled warmly at him as he smiled back. He went out and closed the door.
  Wow. If my mom knows about me staying over with a stranger alone, she will be hysterical and nag me about being irresponsible and will talk about 'don't talk to strangers' thing. She said that thousands of times before I went here. The worst thing that can happen? She'll black mail me about something and force me to come back home or she'll come here instead. So it's better not to tell her. I know I shouldn't trust this guy yet but I feel really comfortable  around him and he's kind.
  I opened my other bag to get my towel, shampoo, soap, toothbrush & my toothpaste. I went inside in the bathroom and look at the mirror. God, I was such a mess. I mean my brunette hair was so damp and my nose was red because of the cold outside. I blame all of this to that jerk in the hotel. I let out a long sigh as I remove my wet clothes and open the shower. The warm water made me relax.
  As I finish taking a shower, I chose to wear shorts and my blue sweater. I stil feel cold. I comb my wet-dry hair, apply lotion in my body and use powder in my face. I took one last glance of myself in the mirror and went out of the room. I head downstairs as I smell some hot chocolate. It smells good! I went through the living room and saw Ethan taking a sip of his hot choco while looking at the fireplace. Even taking a sip of his choco was still hot.
  "Hey." I told him.
  "Oh, hey, I didn't notice you were already there. Come, take a sit." He said patting the space of the couch gesturing me to sit. I satbeside him as he gave me my hot chocolate.
  "Thank you." I said as I took a sip of my hot chocolate. Wow, this is so good.
  I didn't notice he was staring at me. "I- Um, this is so good. You made t-this?" I asked him. Did I stutter again? Oh my.
  "Yeah, I'm glad you like it. I think you're hungry too. So, here's some lasagna." He said while holding the food. Okay, is this guy know me? I mean lasagna was one of my favorite foods. My love for this food was like the love Garfield has.
  "Oh, thank you. Lasagna was one of my favorites." I told him as I put my hot choco to the nearest table and started eating the lasagna. "You're not hungry?" I asked him.
  "No, I'm full. I ate while you're taking a shower." He said as I nod and eat my lasagna again. "So, can you tell me now what happened back in the hotel?" He asked. Oh, I almost forgot. He needs an explanation. I put my lasagna down and took a sip of my hot chocolate.
  "I landed here in Paris this morning. I want to spend my whole summer vacation here. I was finding a cheaper hotel when I saw that. I came inside and saw that guy in the front desk watching the television lazily. I asked him if how much one night cost. Well of course he didn't know how to speak in English. I even act there to make him understand. But still, he didn't get a single thing. I screamed at him saying 'You're so stupid!' I know he didn't understand that but he knows I screamed at him. He push me outside the hotel angrily together with my bags. He said something I didn't even understand before going back to the hotel. And then you came." I finished while taking a deep breath. I notice he never left my gaze as I told him the story.
  "That guy has no mercy." He said his tone states that he's annoyed.
  "You got that right." I said. "By the way, your house was huge and you're alone, where are your parents?" I asked him.
  He stop staring at me and look at the fire again while taking a sip of his hot choco. He's avoiding the question I can tell. I don't want to be pushy so I change the subject. "What did you do for a living?" I asked him. I hope he'll answer this now.
  "I have a tattoo shop." He said as he look at me then turn his gaze back to the fire. "How about you?"
  "I didn't have a job yet. I'm still in college, But I'm graduating next year." I told him.
  "What is your course?"
  "Fashion Designing." I look at the fire. I already know why Ethan is looking at it, the fire is making us relax and calm even though it's hot when you touch it. I took a sip of my hot chocolate as he asked me a question.
  "What is your full name?" He said. I looked at him and notice his full attention is on me. His whole body was in front of me. I did the same. So we're now facing each other.
  "Brianna Jane Summers. You?" This conversation is more like a game of twenty questions, if we're going to have twenty.
  "Ethan Anthony Parker. How old are you?" He asked. It's nice to know that he's the one who's starting to ask questions while I did the same.
  "Twenty. You?"
  "Twenty-three. Where are you from?"
  "Seattle." I told him smiling. Seattle is such a nice place. I never regret growing up there.
  "Oh, why did you came here in Paris all alone?" He asked. Shit. I don't want to answer this one.
  "It's just I- My friends' parents didn't allow them to come with me. And my mother was too busy at work. My mom was about to say no but I already have my passport and I don't want it to get wasted. So she allow me here even though I'm alone.." I lied. I didn't want to tell him that I came here because I want to go far away for a little while. I just met him.
  "Oh." Was all that he said. I hope he believed my lie. I put my hot choco down and get my lasagna to finish it. I have to change the topic or else he will doubt about me coming here. "Um, I thought it was summer here. Why is it raining?" I asked. Wow. Great way to change the topic, Bree. Weathers.
  "I don't really know. Weathers are weird." He said as he look down, ignoring my gaze.
  "Oh Okay," I told him while taking a bite of my lasagna. We became quiet for a little while. He was looking at the fire while taking a sip of his hot choco while I was finishing my food. Ourour bodies we're still facing each other, but our heads are not. I finish my food and put it down to get my hot choco. Then he started to speak.
  "You know, you can stay here as long as you want. It's hard to find some place to sleep here in Paris." He said. He was now looking at me as we're both holding our cups.
  "Oh no, no. You helped me a lot today. I don't want to cause any trouble." I told him. He was still a stranger. No, an acquaintance. We already know a bit about each other.
  He took a sip. "First of all you're not trouble, second I have a big house and I think five or more people can live here and third, you are so easy to be with. C'mon, I won't bite. Please stay. I'm all alone." He said giving me a sad smile and a puppy eyes. He's so adorable when he did that. No wait, He's adorable in every way. Wait a second, Did he just like beg? Beg for me to stay here? He doesn't want to be alone? He enjoys my company? Oh My God. I can feel my heart getting fast.
  "I- I- I'll think about it." I said smiling. This guy is making me stutter.
  "Okay." He said smiling.
  "I was wondering." I paused. "I want to explore Paris tomorrow. Can you um, come with me?" I asked. I didn't know a thing here in Paris. I don't want to get lost. He didn't answer and just stare at me. "Um,If you don't want to go it's okay-"
  "Of course I'm coming. I don't want you to get lost." He said smiling at me. He was just smiling and I feel butterflies in my stomach.
  "It's very sweet of you. Thanks a lot." I said smiling back at him.
  "You just landed today right?" He asked.
  "Yeah, why?"
  "You must be pretty tired, you need to go to sleep." He said standing up. I did the same as we head upstairs. I open the door and look back at him.
"Thank you for everything, Ethan. It's very sweet of you." I said.
  "No problem. I hope we can be great friends." He said smiling. He wants to be friends with me. I feel like I'm screaming inside.
"We will. Good night." I said smiling from ear to ear.
"Good night, Bree. Sweet dreams." He said then he closed the door.
  After he close the door, I jumped in my bed and screamed at my pillow. I'm sure he didn't hear it. I feel alive. It's been so long since I felt this. I feel like everything's new. I open my phone and went to facebook to message my best friend.

  Hey Steph! I'm finally here. Too bad it's raining, But Paris was so wonderful. I have so much to tell you, But I'm tired. I need to go to sleep. I miss yoooou already! Mwa!

  As I finish typing the message, I closed my phone and put it on the nightstand. It was still raining, I can hear through the windows. I cover myself with my blanketd and I fell asleep smiling.


HELLO! This chapter was long compare to the previous one :) Hope you guys like it


Micah xx

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