Chapter Sixteen

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  It was already evening and here I am preparing myself for a date with Ethan. Of course I said 'yes' and I can't believe that the date was tonight. I was wearing my red skinny dress and my heels. I seldom wear heels but I used it in special days likewise my make-up. My make-up was like a badass look because of my red lipstick and my black eyeliner. I used my silver earrings and my watch. I grab my purse, took one last glance in the mirror and headed downstairs. As I was walking on the stairs, Ethan was looking at me smiling. He was wearing a plain white shirt, black blazer, black jeans and jet black shoes. His hair was messy in a hot way and he was just... perfect. His messy hair reminds me of Zayn Malik and his style reminds me of Harry Styles. He looked so hot when he wears some one direction trademarks.

  Stop your One Direction fan moment and move your ass!

  I heard my inner voice. I didn't realize that I stop in the middle of the stairs looking at Ethan. Oh My Gosh. I continued to walk downstairs and stop in front of him.
  "Why did you stop?" He asked, amusement was in his tone.
  "I-I got lost in thought I guess." I stuttered I just feel nervous. I mean it's been so long that I have been on a date.
  "You look wonderful." He said smiling warmly at me.
  That boost up my confidence. I smiled and said "Thank you. You don't look so bad."
  "I don't really look bad, I'm perfect!" We laughed. He's right though, he was beyond perfect. "Let's go?"
  "Yeah." I said as we started walking and went out of the house, got in the car and drove off. "So where are we going?" I asked him cheerfully.
  "It's a surprise." He said smiling while his eyes are on the road.
  "Oh c'mon!" I complained.
  "You're going to like this one I swear." He looked at me and wink.

  We arrived at a fancy restaurant. I didn't saw anyone inside. They didn't seemed to be seen in the window. As we got in, The restaurant was really empty.
  "Ethan, are we too early?" I whispered in his ear.
  He chuckled. "The restaurant was reserved only for us." Oh my, I can't believe this.
  "This costs too much. I'm fine being in a normal date." I told him shyly.
  "Don't worry about the money. C'mon." I have no choice but to agree with him. At the bright side, this seems romantic. He offered his hand to me as I held it and lead me gently to my seat.
  "Good evening Ma'am and Sir. I'm Veronica and I will be your waiter for tonight. May I take your order?" She asked. I think this girl was from London because of her strong British accent. Thank God she speaks in English.
  "Can we let the chef choose for our dish tonight?" Ethan told her.
  "Sure thing sir. How about the drinks?" She asked.
  "Red wine, please." I said being polite as I could.
  "Coming right up." She said cheerfully as she walks away.
  "It's nice of you to bring me to an English speaking restaurant." I said smiling.
  "English speaking restaurant?" He said as he laughed. I can't help but laugh with him too.
  Minutes later, the food and drinks was finally served. I don't know what kind of food this was but it looked and smelled delicious. I took the first bite.
  "How's the food?" Ethan asked.
  "Delicious." I said as we continue to eat.
  After eating, we chatted while drinking our red wine.
  "What are your hobbies?" He asked.
  "Eating, Hanging out, Watching movies, Surfing the web, singing." I said as I took a sip of my wine. "You?"
  "Sleeping, watching movies, taking pictures and drawing." He answered back. "By the way, your voice is beautiful."
  "How can you be sure? You never heard me sing."
  "I heard you once. Remember when we have an argument? I was at your door 'till I hear you singing 'Mad' by Ne-Yo." He said as he took a sip of his wine as well.
  "You really heard me? My voice was so low that time."
  "No you're not. Your voice was powerful. Can you sing again?" He asked.
  "Thank you but I can't sing when I'm being forced to."
  "Why not?" He asked sadly.
  "I just don't want to. I'll sing when I want to. You'll be lucky if you heard me again." I said as I smirk.
  "Don't worry, I'm going to hear your amazing voice again." He said. "Did you have any talents except singing?" Shit. I don't want to answer this.


  I was done dancing in front of my friends as I chug down a glass of water.
  "You know sometimes you can dance sometimes not." One of my friends told me.
  "What did you mean?" I asked.
  "I mean maybe you have other talents but you didn't discover them yet. Keep on trying harder. You're over reacting sometimes."
  I can see that she's just being kind but deep inside she doesn't like md dancing. She just hides it for being nice. 'Keep Trying Harder' means that I'm trying hard to dance. Over Reacting? Maybe because I dance like this because I express my feelings inside. Nobody understands what I feel! She doesn't know a thing that I'm going through.

  End Of Flashback

  "Bree? Hello?" Ethan said as he waved his hands to me.
  Oh, yeah right. Sorry, I got lost in thought." I said half smiling.
  "You're always getting lost in your thoughts. What's bothering you?" He questioned.
  "Nothing." I paused. "I'm always like this. That was one of the things you should know about me and I didn't have any other talents." I said smiling at him. A fake one.
  He let out a sigh. "Okay." Then I heard music playing. Ethan stood up and walk in front of me. "Shall we?" I felt heat on my cheeks but I held his hand as he put his hands on my waist, while I put my hands around his neck.

  'I was a quick-wit boy, diving too deep for coins
  All of your street light eyes wide on my plastic toys
  Then when the cops closed the fair, I cut my long baby hair
  Stole me a dog-eared map and called for you everywhere.'

  I recognized the song was 'Flightless Bird' by Iron & Wine. A soundtrack from the movie Twilight.
  "This is not a Twilight movie right?" I asked in an amusing tone.
  "Don't put the blame on me, cupcake. They said they are in charge of the music." He said as we both chuckled.

  'Have I found you
  Flightless Bird, jealous, weeping, or lost you, American mouth
  Big pill looming.
  Now I'm a fat house cat
  Nursing my sore blunt tongue
  Watching the warm poison cats curl through the wide fence cracks
  Pissing on magazines photos
  Those fishing lures thrown in the cold
  And clean blood of Christ mountain stream.'

  "You told me you don't have any other talents. Except singing." Ethan muttered.
  "It was true." I said.
  "Liar, you can dance." He said smiling.
  "How can you be so sure?" I asked.
  "You're swaying more than me." He said as he winks. "I think that's the reason why you're lost in thought huh?"
  "Y-yeah." I admitted.
  "I think you're a great dancer."
  "You haven't seen me dance. They say I'm not good at it."
  "It's your passion. I can see it in you. I know you're an amazing dancer. I can feel it." He said smiling warmly at me.
  "I stopped dancing for a year." I said looking down, avoiding eye contact with him.
  "He held my chin and made me look at him. "A dancer will always be a dancer no matter what struggle he or she face."
  "Thanks, Ethan." I smiled warmly at him as I kissed his cheek and rest my head in his shoulder.

  Is this already love?


Hiiiiii :) I just want you guys to know that this story have many characters. You'll meet them sooooooon ;) Comment, Vote & Share! :D

Micah xx

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