Chapter Six

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This Chapter was Dedicated to @Emma_2! :D Because her comments make me smile. You rock! :)

Here's chapter six! enjoy!

   After we wash the car, Ethan quickly left. He says that there's already a lot of costumers in his shop. He got late because we didn't notice the time. We're having so much fun earlier! Actually, Its already evening. I spent the whole afternoon on tumblr and reading some romance stories. I ate my dinner alone. I finished taking a shower and lay down on my bed. I want to sleep, but I can't. My mind can't stop from over thinking. You guys want to know what's in my mind?


   Do I really like him? Or I was just appreciating his kindness? Is it wrong to get attached to him? Does he feel the same way whenever I'm around?

  He feels the same way! Did you see the way he looks at you? Don't be afraid of falling in love again!

   I heard my inner voice. Maybe it was right. He's being nice to me in every way.

  How can he feel the same way? Look at you! We both know that you're not pretty and he's too hot for you!

There's another voice, I think this one was right. I'm not pretty.

You're beautiful, Bree. Remember when Ethan told you that you're too cute for your own good? It means he likes you!

He said I was cute. A smile formed in my lips.

  He was just saying that because he was just being nice! Remember when you get too attached with someone? What happened? That guy hurt, rejected, abused and used you. Don't be so stupid! You've been hurt a lot of times and I know you don't want to get hurt again. You don't want to die inside again right?

  My smile faded. Ethan was just a friend. He was the one who offers me friendship. So I think it's going to stay like that.

  There's still hope when it comes to love.

  Hope? How can you have hope in love if you have no hope, trust and faith at yourself?

  I sighed in frustration and buried my face in my pillow. I hate having a war in my mind, it's making me loose my sanity. I just don't know what to do anymore.
"Bree, I'm home!" I heard someone yell downstairs. I was a hundred percent sure it was Ethan. I went out of my room and head downstairs.
I smiled. A fake one. "Hi Ethan!" How was your day at the shop? I asked him as I saw him sit at the couch.
"Exhausting! I got a lot of costumers today. But it was cool 'cause I finish them all." He said looking at me.
"You should get some sleep, Ethan." I said.
"But I'm not sleepy. It was only 10:15. What about we watch a movie?" He said smiling hopefully.
  "Are you sure? You really look tired. What about tomorrow?" I asked with concerned.
  "I'm fine. Besides, we're just going to watch." He said.
  "Oh, okay. What movie?" I have no choice but to agree with him. He stood up and grabbed some CD's on top of the fireplace. You see, there's a fireplace and the LCD television was hanging on top of it.
  "We have Fast And Furious, The Hunger Games, Hansel and Gretel, The Notebook, A Walk To Remember and Friends With Benefits." I noticed there were a lot of romantic movies. I love romantic stories and movies, but I don't feel watching one tonight.
  "Do you have any horror movies?" I asked. It was the perfect time to watch something like that. I like horror movies.
  "Let's see." He paused. "Here we have Paranormal Activity, Drag Me To Hell, Final Destination, The Exorcism of Emily Rose, The Last Exorcism and Insidious." He said finally looking at me.
  "The Exorcism Of Emily Rose." I said feeling proud.
  "Are you sure? This one was pretty scary than the others."
  "Nah, it's okay. Let's watch!" I said as I sat down at the couch. Ethan ordered pizza and we started watching the movie.
  It was a little boring at first so, Ethan and I chatted for a while. Then we heard the doorbell rang.
  "It's the pizza, I'll get it." He said as he stood up and headed towards the door.
  "I'll go get the drinks." I went through the kitchen and open the fridge. I grab a big bottle of coke and get two glasses. I headed back to the living room and saw Ethan eating a pizza. I went beside him and place the coke and the glasses at the center table.
  We watched the movie silently. Our eyes never leaving the T.V. screen, but our hands our moving because we ate and drink. I think I was the one who ate more pizza than him. I can't control my love for food sometimes.
  We're watching the scene where Emily was being possessed by demons. Actually, I already watch this movie. The thing is, I always got scared in this scene. My eyes are still watching the scene as my hands are finding something that I can hold. I can't take it. Oh My God. Then I already found something warm. I don't know what is it, but I don't care. I'm scared and I need something to hold on. I squeeze that warm thing as hard as I could. I was so scared. Then I heard Ethan spoke.
  "You said you will be fine. Look at you, now." He said as he giggled. I look at him and I notice we're just inches away. Our breaths our mixing and I think our nose was touching. I felt that electricity again, then I look at the thing I was holding to... It was his arm. God why didn't I even notice it?Something's really wrong with me. I quickly let go of his arm and move a little away from him.
  "I'm sorry! Did I squeeze your arm hard?" I asked worried.
  "No need to be sorry. It's not that hard, don't worry." He said smiling.
  "I was just... scared on that part." I said being honest. I look at the television and saw Emily-
  I shouted on top of my lungs. I saw Emily looking like a scary piece of shit. The worse thing was, itwas close up! I look at Ethan and saw his hands are on his chest.
  "You... got scared too?" I said calming myself down.
  "No." He paused. "I was surprised that you scream."
  "Oh, sorry, Emily's face was just really scary." I told him.
  "You already watch this right?" He asked.
"Yes, why?"
  "Then why did you choose this movie if you knew it was going to scare the shit out of you?" He was now perfectly calm and so was I.
  "I just like this movie even though it scared me. It was just a few parts that I got scared."
  "Few parts? Oh c'mon, you're scared at the whole movie." He said grinning like an idiot.
  "No I'm not!" I denied.
  "Yes you are! I was looking at you at the whole movie and your face looks like you're going to faint any minute!" He said as he laughed. I can't help but laugh with him too. We finished the movie as we headed upstairs. It was now already 12:30 am.
  "Good night, I mean Good morning Cupcake." He said smiling.
  I chuckled. "Good Morning, Ethan. See you again later." I said as we went inside of our own rooms. I yawn and lay down at my bed. There's one thing that Ethan said that keeps replaying in my mind..

  I was looking at you for the whole movie.

  As that sentence keep replaying in my mind. I fell asleep smiling.

• • •

  I woke up when I heard someone's knocking loudly at the door. I stood up and went through the door to open it. I swung the door to open and see nothing was here. I look at my left to right and still see nothing's in here. It couldn't be Ethan because he was sleeping and I know he'stired. Maybe I imagined someone knocking. I closed the door and went back to bed. I was about to sleep when I heard someone tapping the glass window. I stood up again and look at my window and saw nothing. Maybe it was just the wind. I was about to turn around when someone push me at the wall and start to strangle my neck!
  "I'm going to kill you." His voice was deep and scary. This is not Ethan. I don't know what to do!
"Help!" I paused, cause of the killer strangling me. "Ethan help me!" I yelled then I heard the killer laugh evilly. I'm in deep trouble.
  I felt him losing the tight grip in my neck and turned on the lights. I can finally the person who wants me dead.
  My eyes widen at the guy in front of me.
  "ETHAN? What the fuck!" I said as I pushed him away from me.
  "Your face was priceless!" He said while laughing.
  "How did you came in? Why are you doing this?" I asked angrily.
  "Remember when I told you I'll be back for revenge? I crawl inside your room when you open the door." He said smirking. He was referring to the war we had when we were washing his car.
  "You can get your revenge some other time, but you just can't scare me after we watched a movie that scared the hell out of me! Did you know what time it is?" I shouted as I crossed my arms in my chest.
  "3:00 am." He said calmly.
  "Three fucking am and you're still awake!" I can see Ethan's eyes widen at my outburst.
  "Someone's mad."
  "How can't I be mad huh? You scared me more than that movie! You don't even think I can have a panic attack!"
"Okay, Okay. I'm sorry." I think he's already guilty.
"Sorry?!" I yelled.
"Yes. I'm sorry, Bree. I just enjoy making fun of you. What can I do to make you forgive me?" He asked as I can see his adorable puppy eyes.

What can I do to make you forgive me?

His words replayed in my mind. That gives me an idea.

This is going to be fun.


Hope you guys love it :) Brianna Jane Summers on the side! :D Comment, Vote & Share guys ;) thanksss!

Micah xx

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