Chapter Fifteen

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It was one lazy afternoon. I was just using my laptop scrolling through facebook and I think Ethan was asleep. Actually, I can't get over what happened to us last night. I mean that kiss was so damn special compare to my ex. I was surprised that after the kiss, we didn't get awkward at each other.


"I like you too." I told him shyly.
"Don't be shy." Ethan whispered as he hold my chin. "I'm serious about liking you since the day that we met." He said looking deep in my blue eyes like he's staring at my soul. I just smiled at him. I just don't know what to say and I know for sure that I'm blushing.
  "Let's go home?" He asked.
  "Sure." I said. He helped me to get down at his car and open the car's door for me to get in. He went across the car, opened the door and got in as we drove off.
  "So I think we're not friends anymore." He said.
  "What do you mean?" I asked. We just like each other and he like to take our friendship to the next level? That fast?
  "I mean we're special friends." He said smiling. Thank The Lord. I'm not actually ready for a relationship. LIKE was different from LOVE.
  "Yeah, special friends."  I said.
  We got home and went upstairs. I opened the door of my room and look at Ethan.
  "It's weird." He muttered.
  "What's weird?" I asked curiously.
  "It's supposed to be that I'm taking you home. I mean in front of your house after we hang out. But here I am in front of your room in my house after we hang out." He said as we both chuckled.
  "I agree. Good night. Thank you for tonight." I smiled at him. I was about to close the door when he stop it and kissed my cheek.
  "Good night, cupcake." He winks at me and he closed my door.

End Of Flashback

I was lost in thought 'til I heard a beep from facebook signaling that I have a new message. I opened the chat box and saw my close friend, Ejhay was the one who message me.

"Bree! Did you still remember your gorgeous friend?! I miss you so much!! Let's skype!!"

I type a message to her:

Me: I miss you too! Go on skype I'll be the one to call you ;)
Ejhay: Okaaaaaay! :)

I went to skype and log in. I searched for Ejhay's username. I still remember that her username was 'EjhayWatsons' but I think she changed it. I was right because I saw her already online and her new username was 'GorgeousAndSexyEjhay'. Well, I'm not surprised about that. I click her name and started calling her. After five seconds, she finally answered it.
"BRIANNA!" She screamed on top of her lungs. I was lucky that I'm not using my earphone.
"Ejhay!" I yelled.
"I miss you so much!!"
"I miss you too!" I paused. "Lower your voice you don't want me to go deaf right?"
She rolled her green eyes. "I just really miss you." She said calmly. Thank God. "How's Paris?" She asked excitedly.
"Paris was amazing. The Eiffel Tower was so beautiful in person!" I said cheerfully.
"You should let me go with you." She said as she sighed.
"You already know why I want to be alone right?"
"Yeah, you want to go away for a little while and to forget your shitty ex."
"That's right." I said coldly.
"Hmm, Did you already met someone?" She asked changing the topic. My eyes got widen and avoid her gaze. "You really met someone. You always avoid eye contact in questions that make you nervous." I looked at her and see that she's smirking.
"Sometimes, I curse you for knowing me so well." I said rolling my eyes and laughed nervously.
"What is the guy's name? Is he handsome? How did you two meet?" She asked.
"His name was Ethan and yes he's handsome." I said smiling.
"You like him?"
"Y-yeah." I answered.
"Is he your neighbor? Or you just really met him?"
"Actually, we live in the same house."
"Same house? Oh my fucking gosh Bree! Are you guys already a couple? Are you protected? Did you have a condom-"
"Calm down!" I yelled. "He helped me when I first came here. That's how we met. He let me stay in his house with no payment, we're just friends and we didn't do anything." I explained to her.
"That's good. Does your mom know about this?" She asked.
"No." I paused. "Please don't tell her." I begged.
"Don't worry I won't." She smiled.
"Thanks." I smiled back.
"Can I meet him?" She asked excitedly.
"I think he's sleeping."
"Out of all times, he chose this time to sleep!" She yelled in frustration. "But did you have a picture of him?"
"Yeah, wait I'll get it." I said as I grab my wallet from the night stand and get the pictures of me and Ethan last night at the carnival. I showed Ejhay the pictures.
"He's one handsome man." She paused. "Oh my god he kissed your cheek!" She paused again. "The last photo was the cutest. The way he looked at you was special." She said.
"The last photo was our favorite but he let me keep it."
"When was the pictures taken?" She asked as I put back the photos in my wallet.
"Last night. We went to the carnival."
"How sweet!" She shouted. "I think he likes you."
"H-he is." I stutter.
"Oh my! When did he told you?"
"Last night as well. I told him that I liked him back." I said then I felt blush on my cheeks.
"You're blushing! Tell me everything! Not only last night but the very first time that you two met! Tell me every single detail!" She shouted excitedly.
"Okay! Okay! I will." I said.
I told her everything. Every sweet part, she squeezed her pillow hard and I think it was going to break any second. She made fun of me when I told her about the jerk who pushed me outside the hotel and she can't stop laughing about Ethan was forced to model in front of me.
"Bree, I think Evan is the guy that you're looking for." She said smiling.
"Ethan." I corrected her.
"Okay, Ethan." She paused. "What did you think?"
"I don't know. I will know soon. I don't want to assume. But what are we? At first we're just friends and now after we kissed last night, everything was different."
She clears her throat. "First of all, you two are never been friends. You treat each other special and you know that because he told that he like you from the very start. Second, the kiss changed everything because it was the key for you two to move to the next level. And third, you two are on the 'More than friends but less than a couple' stage. But I know for sure that you guys will end up as a couple." She said as she wink.
"Everything it's not a happy ending." I said coldly.
"Don't compare your past. Maybe this time, it will be a happy ending."
"Maybe." I said half smiling. "By the way, how are you and Josh?" Josh was Ejhay's boyfriend.
"Happy and in love!" She said as she made a dreamy face.
"Well, I'm happy for you." I said smiling.
"And I'm happy for you too. It's nice that you met someone that makes you happy." She said as her phone beep signaling there was a new message. Her happy face turned into a frown.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"Josh texted." She said sadly.
"Are you supposed to be happy? Because your boyfriend texted you?!" I asked in confusion.
"You still remember the jazz club that I'm working right?"
"Yeah, why?" I asked. Ejhay secretly works as a lead singer on that club. She never told her mom because her mom never let her to. Her mom says that their rich anyway, but she nags Ejhay about money when she needs it. So Ejhay wants to have her own money from her own hard work. Besides, she loves singing and the jazz club was the place she and Josh work.
"Well, I have to go. I have work to do. I just don't want to stop talking to you because I miss you, Bree." She said.
"Nah, don't worry about me. We can talk some other time. Now go. Good bye and I miss you too." I said giving her a flying kiss.
"Bye, Bree. Mwah!" She said as she went offline. I really miss that girl. I love to watch her singing while her boyfriend plays the guitar for her. Sometimes she let me sing because she wants people to know how good my voice was and I love my voice. It was the only thing that I'm proud of.

Two hours later, someone knock on my door as Ethan went in.
"Hi there." I said as I smiled at him.
"Hello." He said as he sit down beside me. "What are you doing?"
"Just surfing the web." I said never leaving my eyes off of my laptop screen.
"I know that you're a little confused about us." He muttered. My eyes got widen and looked at him and surprised that we're just inches apart.
"Yeah I was." I paused. "After the kiss... Everything was different."
"I know that because I feel that too." He took a deep breath. "Bree..."
"Can you go on a date with me?"


Hello my darlings! :) New character huh ;) Comment, Vote & Share <3

Micah xx

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