Chapter 8

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Niall's POV

I had saw Kate leave near the end of the show, taking Lou with her. I had no idea where they were going. As the boys and me where singing Rock Me, I couldn't help but thinking about not just where she went, but just about her.

The day I first met her was... eventful. When I was going down to the pool to get Harry, Lou had pooped her head out her room door and told me her new assistant was down in the gym.

Of course I was curious about who she was.

I hid behind the door as I watched her hit punching bag and she was good, almost as good as any member of security. I then decided to go over and introduce myself when she flipped me over and I was on my back, in a tremendous amount of pain.

I remember looking up at her as her hands flew up to cover her mouth as she helped me off the floor. I then got my first real look at her. She was gorgeous.

Her skin was pale, but it her cheeks were naturally flushed. Her dark hair fell straight down past her shoulders and I couldn't help but looking at her eyes. They were amazing. The outline of her iris was dark blue and the full of her iris as grey with green and brown specks in them.

After that, we were just getting closer and we were becoming great friends.

A few nights ago, after one of the shows, I will never forget when Paul came in and told us that Kate had been attacked by some asshole who had sneaked backstage. She came into the room and I hugged her. I had to. I had to know she was okay.

Now as she rushed out of the arena, I had no thoughts but of just thinking if she was okay.

A few minutes later, Lou came back in, but no Kate. I mouthed to her where Kate was and she told me she wasn't well. I nodded, hoping she would come back soon.

After two more songs, I saw Paul and about five security rush out.

What the actual hell is going on?

And there was still no sign of Kate. I was getting quite worried.

Soon, we were singing What Makes You Beautiful. Harry finished the song on the last line and I saw Lou, walking quickly out of the arena. We took a bow and then I ran out and saw Lou, bolting up the stairs.

I sprinted after her and I heard Harry call my name. I turned around and saw Harry chasing after me.

"Where are you going?" He yelled catching up with me.

"After Lou! I think she knows where Kate is!" I yelled back and we stopped dead in our tracks.

We saw Paul and other members of security carrying a guy away in handcuffs. Paul saw us and said,

"Boys, you better go downstairs," he said, but I shook my head.

"Where did Lou go?" I asked and Paul sighed.

"In the bathrooms with Kate,"

Harry and I found the bathrooms and entered. And I was shocked at what I found.

Kate was crouched over a toilet with Lou, who was crying.

"What's wrong?" I said, coming towards them and peered into the toilet.

Holy shit.

Kate was vomiting blood.

"How long has she been like this?" I asked Lou, moving a strand of hair away from Kate's pale face.

"I don't know! I came up here to see, if she was alright and I found her like this!" She cried, placing shaking hands on her.

"Lou, could you and Harry get some medical up here," I said and she nodded standing up and she led Harry out of the toilets.

And then I was alone with her.

I saw that she had stopped being sick and was mainly retching now.

"Kate?" I said, quietly and she shakily, moved a hand over her mouth, taking away the blood.

"Can you stand?" I asked, placing one arm around her waist and the other on her elbow and I slowly started to stand up.

Her knees shook as she gritted her teeth, trying to move the cramped muscles in her legs. She gasped as her knees buckled but I caught her round her waist.

God, she was really sick.

The doors flew open and a member of the medical team ran over to Kate, Lou and Harry, following her.

"How long has she been like this?" She asked me and I looked at Lou. She shrugged, tears smudging her eyeliner.

"About five minutes ago when we found her," I said, and she patted her shoulder. Kate opened her drooping eyelids and looked at the woman.

"Where do you hurt?" She asked and she pointed at her stomach. The medical woman touched her stomach lightly and Kate jerked, guarding her stomach with her arms and hissing in pain.

"We need to get her to a hospital," she said, "we can take her in one of the cars," she said and left the room.

"She was a lot of help," Harry said, sarcastically, folding his arms.

"Should we take her downstairs?" Lou asked and I nodded. Moving my arm down to the back of her knees and the other arm around her back I lifted her and Lou held the door open for me as we clambered down the stairs, walking down the long hallway and Harry opened two large doors which led us to the back of the arena where the tour bus was parked.

"Right guys, let's get her to the hospital now!" Preston yelled, a member of security. He swung the car keys around his forefinger as he jogged to the car Harry and Lou running after him. I walked quickly to the black car as Harry opened the back door for me. I crouched as I got into the back seat and Harry climbed in beside me closing the door. Lou jumped into the front seat and the engine roared to life as Preston pulled out of the arena and headed for the hospital. Kate's eyelids were dropping and I rubbed her cheeks. Her eyelids fluttered and she looked up at me.

"Hey! Don't go to sleep just wait until we get there," I said, rubbing small circles with my thumb on her cheek.

"Where am I?" She mumbled, her eyelids dropping again.

"We're in a car heading to the hospital," I said and she nodded and a jolt ran through her body. She groaned and leaned over onto her side.

"I'm gonna be sick," she mumbled, but I didn't understand what she said until she was sick onto the flooring of the car. Harry yelled and I held her hair back, placing my hand onto the small of her back.

"Preston how much longer?" I shouted and he yelled back, "two minutes!"

Kate moaned, clutching her stomach and she leant back in the seat. I still had my hand on her back and she was rubbing her stomach.

"We'll soon be there," I whispered as she placed her head on my shoulder.

As she started to shake, I just hoped that we would be there soon.

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