Chapter 49

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Kate's POV

***Five Days Later***

I felt a bead of sweat run down the side of my face as I looked at all the notes Harry and I had scribbled out about Shaun's actions over the past few months. I looked at the clock on the wall and saw it was 4AM. I felt my eyes rim with tears of fustration.

We were entering Day 5.

That meant I only had two more left to try and find Niall, Perrie and Zayn. And maybe one step closer to my death.

I sighed, and the kitchen door swung open and I saw a sleepy eyed Harry.

"Hey," he mumbled, walking over to the fridge, pouring himself a glass of water.

"Are you okay?" He asked, sitting down on the chair opposite me. I looked up and only noticed he was wearing boxers. Suppose it was better than last night, when he was walking round butt naked.

"We only have two days left, and we are no where closer." I whispered and Harry furrowed his eyebrows looking at the sheets of paper. He sighed and he rubbed my arm reasurringly.

"We will find them, Kate," he said and I put my head in my hands. Harry sat back down, looking at the pieces of paper, his eyes half-closed.

"Harry?" I said, slightly amused.

"Yeah?" He said, shaking his head, waking himself close.

"You can go back to bed, I'm fine really, we can look at this later," I said and he smiled, running a hand through his hair.

"Are you sure?" He said and I nodded. He smiled once more before leaving the room and I leaned back in my chair. I looked at the pieces of paper that we had scribbled over. One was about were Shaun had kept us last time. A house in the middle of the woods.

Then he kept us in a warehouse a bit out of town.

I then started to think of things more rationly. He keeps us in isolated areas.

"Harry!" I yelled and he came back downstairs.

"Yeah?" He yawned and I felt guilty but I was close. So close.

"I think I'm getting somewhere," I said and Harry sat down on the chair, his eyes widening a little. He sat down opposite me and I started.

"He took us to the house in the forest and then we were next held in the warehouse outside of town." I said and Harry looked at me blankly.

"He will be keeping them in an isolated place." I said and Harry sighed.

"But where?" He said and I leant back in my seat.

"I don't think he would have took them to far away from this town." I said, running a hand through my hair, "because he wants me to win the game," I blurted out before I could stop myself.

"Why does he want you to win?" Harry said and I mentally slapped myself.

"Harry, it doesn't matter," I said but Harry looked at me.

"Yes. It does." He said and I sighed.

"Don't freak out," I said and took a deep breath.

"If I win and find them, he wants to kill me." I said and Harry exploded.

"What!" He screamed and I stood up.

"Well what else do you expect me to do?" I screamed back at him and he stood up, coming round the table towards me.

"Not go on a fucking suicide mission!" He yelled and I got in his face.

"Harry! They've been taken by Shaun more times than I can count! And do you really think I would save them and then just stand still as Shaun puts a bullet in me? I will fight until I am dead! That's what I've been doing for the past eight months!" I said and Harry didn't say anything, his chest was just rising up and down quickly.

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