Chapter 12

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Kate's POV

Liam burst into the dressing rooms after the show, carrying Harry on his back, both of them singing the chorus of 'Kiss You'.

"YEAH, YEAH, YEAH, YEAH! YEAH, YEAH, YEAH, YEAH!" Liam and Harry screamed and Louis came running in after them, jumping on top of Harry, which caused Liam to fall, dropping Harry, the three of them on the floor. To finish this pile up on the floor, Zayn and Niall came sprinting in and tripped over the boys and fell over on the top of them.

Lou and I sat on top of the long dressing table, watching the boys unscramble themselves from eachother. When they had finished getting off the floor, Lou and I jumped off the dressing table, finishing packing away the hair products into a large bag. Someone jumped up onto the dressing table and I saw it was Niall.

"Hey!" I said, smiling.

"Hey, you ready to go?" He said and my mouth dropped.

I had completely forgot I was going to the cinema with him.

"Ummm... yeah, I'm totally ready, just give me five minutes," I said, grabbing Lou's arm and dragging her to the bathrooms.

"Hey Kate, you know I need that arm!" She said, rubbing the spot where I had grabbed her.

"Lou, I'm freaking out!" I said, fanning my hands in front of my face.

"Why what's wrong?" She said, rubbing my shoulder.

"Ummmm.... When I went down to the swimming pool yesterday, Niall came down and he swam with me and we started splashing water at eachother and then we stopped and we then... kissed and now we are going to go to the cinema and I forgot and I'm freaking out now," I said and Lou stood there with her mouth open.

"Uhhhhh... okay," she said, "are you freaking out about how you look or..."

"Yes," I blurted out and Lou smiled. She reached up to my ponytail, pulling it out letting my dark hair fall down. She took a comb out of her pocket, quickly brushing it and placed it back into her pocket.

"Your ready to go," she said and I looked in the mirror.

"But..." I started but Lou interrupted me.

"Look, I know Niall better than anyone and he likes natural beauty, you don't need makeup, you have lovely skin just as it is and your hair is much nicer down." She said and I hugged her.

"Thanks Lou," I said and she kissed the top of my head.

"No problem, sweetie, now go and have fun and I'll see you later," she said and I left the bathroom and saw Niall standing a little bit further down the corridor. He smiled as I walked towards him and held out his hand. I looked at it funny and he laughed.

"Hold my hand, silly," he said, and I laughed realising how stupid I had just been. We were about to walk out the door when Paul put his arm to stop us.

"Paul?" Niall said and he shook his head.

"If your going to go out there needs to be at least five of you," Paul said, crossing his arms.

"Why?" Niall asked and I knew exactly why. It was so there would be more protection than of it was just the two of us.

"Okay," Niall sighed and yelled down the hall when he saw Harry and Louis coming out a dressing room.

"Yo! Harry! Louis! Fancy going to the cinema?" Niall yelled and they nodded, linking arms with eachother.

"Double dating!" Louis shouted, jokingly and I saw Lou coming out of the bathroom.

"Lou! Fancy tagging along!" I yelled and she nodded and Harry put his hand on Lou's shoulder.

"Are you going to be third-wheeling on mine and Louis' date?" Harry said and Lou dug her elbow into Harry's ribs and Lou smiled when Harry doubled over in pain.

"On that note, should we go?" Louis said and we nodded, getting into Harry's car and heading to the cinema.

When we got to the cinema Harry, Lou and Louis went to one movie, whilst Niall and I went to another so we could still have our 'date'. Niall had put a beanie on as did the other boys to try and blend in. We sat at the back and we enjoyed the film.

The thing that really amused me was that Niall tried the 'move'.

During the middle of the movie, Niall yawned, stretching his arms in the air and placing one over my shoulders.

No way.

I shook my head, laughing silently and Niall whispered,

"What's wrong?"

"You tried the 'move'," I said and he smiled, leaning closer.

"But you like it, don't you," he said and I raised my eyebrows, making him think that I was deliberating. I then smiled, nodding, leaning my head onto his shoulder, his arm tightening around me.

After the film had finished we waited for the Harry, Lou and Louis. We sat on some sears outside the screens, keeping ourselves to ourselves as people past us, people giving looks as they caught a glimpse of Niall's face.

We then saw our friends come out of their screen and they walked over to us talking about the movie they had just saw.

"We ready?" Lou asked and I nodded, tugging at Niall's hand.

"Is there anywhere I can get water?" Harry said, coughing. I pointed my hand at the popcorn stall but then saw there was a massive line.

"I actually think, I saw a shop when we drove here," I said, recalling the route from the arena to here in my head.

"Brilliant," Harry said, putting his hands in his pocket.

"Should you and Harry go get water and the rest of us will go back to the car?" Lou suggested and I nodded reluctantly letting to of Niall's hand and pushing Harry along.

"Come on, styles," I said, as we left the cinema.

"So you and Niall?" Harry said, nudging and I smiled to myself.

"What about us?" I said and he laughed.

"Nothing, nothing," he hummed to himself.

We had got water and we now walking back towards the car. We talked about the movies we had saw and about the tour.

"It's just Niall hasn't really had that much luck in love," Harry said and I looked at the ground.

"I... I just don't want to see him get hurt, that's all," he said.

"Do you think I'm purposely put myself out there to break his heart?" I said, feeling disgusted.

"No, Kate, of course not! It's just many people have tried to use him for the fame and money and I think..." He said, staring into the distance.

"What?" I said.

"I think you are the first honest relationship that he's been in, in a long, long time," he said, smirking to himself.

"And I just want it to work out for the two of you," he said and I smiled, squeezing his hand.

Harry drank some of his water and handed some of it to me. The streets were very quiet and we walking along, just talking about anything when Harry leaned in close, his face, a bit anxious and he said something that made my blood run cold.

"Kate, I think there is someone following us."

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