Chapter 10

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Kate's POV

The nurses had left me, taken the tubes and wires out of my arms and I was now drinking some of the water Niall had gave me. A few minutes later the door opened and Lou entered. She rushed over to me and engulfed me in a warm hug. I clung onto her desperately and she pulled a chair up close to the bed.

"How are you feeling?" She asked and I nodded.

"Better," I said and Lou sighed.

"Kate, I talked to Shaun," she said and I raised my eyebrows. Shaun? Why would she be talking to him? He hasn't talked to me since I took the job, so I guessed I wouldn't be hearing from him again.

"About what?" I said and she sighed.

"About getting you to quit your job," she said and I flipped.

"What!" I said, shooting up in the bed and Lou placed her hands on my shoulder, lowering me back, gently onto the pillows.

"Kate, you were seriously injured! You were vomiting blood! What if next time you get stabbed or shot?" Lou said, tears rimming her eyes.

I opened my mouth and closed it again. After a minute of sitting in silence, I spoke.

"What did Shaun say?"

"He doesn't want you to quit, he wants you to stay," she whispered and even though Lou wanted the best for my well being, I couldn't help but feeling pleased.

"But then, I started fighting with him, when Niall came in and then Shaun left," she said and I nodded. I took her hand gently, squeezing it.

"Lou, I'm going to be okay, I'll probably be getting out tomorrow and then we can enjoy the rest of the tour," I said and she smiled slightly, stood up and kissed my forehead.

"I'll be back later okay?" She said, picking up her bag.

"Okay," I said as she left the room.

**Two Days Later**

"Excuse me, but where are you going?" Lou asked me as I was trying to sneak out of the hotel room to the gym.

"The gym?" I asked, hoping she would let me go but she shook her hand, placing her hands on her hips.

"No your not, the only exercise you will do is swimming in the pool," she said, like a strict mother. Huffing, pulled open a drawer and looked inside, frowning.

"Lou, where's my swimsuit?" I said and she stuck her tongue out, trying to remember.

"Oh yeah, the launderette came up and your swimsuit and a few other things are what I gave them," she said, smiling and then opened a drawer tossing something at me. It was a bikini.

I am not body confident in any way.

"We are both the same size," Lou said and I was hesitating, really not wanting to wear one.

"You could stay in the room with me, if you want," she said, laughing and I grabbed a towel, yelling a goodbye as I left the room, and headed down to the pool.

Lou's POV

As Kate left the room, I busied myself by organising hair products and hanging clothes up in the wardrobe. A few minutes later their was a knock on the door and I turned around as Niall and Harry sauntered in, throwing themselves on the bed.

"Can I help you?" I said, and they smiled at me and I rolled my eyes, going back to hanging clothes up in the wardrobe.

I think they purposely loved annoying me.

Harry started trying to zip himself into my suitcase and Niall then started trailing him around the hotel room. It was very entertaining to start with, but then I needed to finish organising things. Niall unzipped the case and Harry popped out the side, gasping for a breath.

"I nearly died!" Harry gasped and Niall laughed.

"That's what you get for being in my case," I said, and Harry stuck his tongue out at me.

"Hey Lou, where's Kate?" Niall asked me, lying back on the bed again.

"She went to the swimming pool," I said, lifting a few bottles of hair spray out of my case, which Harry was still sat in.

"Uhhh, do you think she would need some company?" He stuttered and I smiled, looking at Harry, who crossed his arms, smirking.

"I'm sure she would be glad of the company," I said and he smiled, jumping off the bed and leaving the room.

Harry caught my eye and he burst out laughing, as did I. We stopped laughing and I sighed.

"I think Niall likes her," I said, and Harry choked.

"Like? He never stops going on about her!" He said and I smiled, looking at the ground.

"Does she feel the same about him?" Harry asked and I shrugged.

"I don't know, Harry, she is very... secretive..." I said, shaking my head.

"I hope she does, Niall needs someone like her," Harry said and I smiled. I have thought about that as well. I think Kate is perfect for Niall. And Niall is perfect for Kate. When I see them together, her eyes are brighter and she seems to enjoy... just being with him.

"Hey Lou, you don't have to tell me anything, if you don't have to, but when Kate was in hospital, Niall said you were talking to this guy and Niall described him as creepy and that you were really off after you talked to him?" Harry said, my eyes locking with his. I gulped. I couldn't tell Harry about Shaun. It would be too dangerous for Kate's cover.

"He was an old friend just that I met at the hospital and we had a falling out, that was it," I said and Harry raised his eyebrows.

"Are you sure?" He said and I nodded and Harry nodded, going to sit back on my bed.

I then realised that if I had to keep hiding Kate's cover from someone like Harry, was going to be very difficult.

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