Chapter 44

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Niall's POV

"Goodbye, Niall," Kate said, hanging up.

"No, Kate!" I yelled but she was already gone. I yelled in frustration ground my teeth and punched the wall. Have I really screwed it up with her?

"Niall?" I heard someone call my name and I turned around to see Barbara.

"Are you okay?" She asked, putting a hand n my arm.

"Yeah, Barbara, I just want to go home," I said and she nodded, following me out the door.

"Do you want me to take you back home?" I said when she got into my car.

"No, I was hoping I could maybe come back and hang out with you?" She asked and I sighed silently, forcing a smile and nodding.

I really just wanted to be alone.

I pulled up at my house, getting out of the door, Barbara following me. I opened the door for her and she smiled. I took off my jacket and told her to take a seat in the living room. I walked upstairs and entered my bedroom.

I undid my tie and opened the drawer beside my bed. I lifted out the letter Kate gave me the day she left me and I also still had the engagement ring. I read over the letter again, playing with the small box in my hand, when a voice startled me.

"What are you doing up here?" She asked and I slammed the letter and ring on my beside table in fright.

"Sorry, Barbara, you scared me!" I said and she laughed coming over to me.

"I'm sorry, baby," she said, putting her head on my chest.


I moved slightly to the right and I heard Barbara gasp.

"What is it?" I said and she ran over to my bedside table, picking the black box up.

"Is this what I think it is?" She said, in a very overly excited tone, smiling form ear to ear.


"No," I said, taking the ring off her and throwing it on my bed.

"What?" She said, laughing, "who else could it possibly be for?"

I looked at the ground and she choked on the air.

"Your ex-girlfriend? Are you fucking with me right now?" She said and my eyes nearly popped out of my sockets.

"Jesus Barbara! Do you think that I would get engaged to you, just after one month of going out with you?" I asked and she came closer to my face.

"Why not? It's not as if you're with her anymore!" She screamed and it was my turn to laugh.

"She was there for me, more times than anybody was there for me in my whole life! I love her so much..." My rant was cut short by Barbara cutting in.

"Love? Don't you mean loved?" She said and I smiled, realisation filling my body.

"No, love. I love her. I still do." I said and she backhanded me.

I did not see that coming.

She also spat at me before leaving, running down the stairs and slamming the door behind her.


So I guess I just spilt up with Barbara.

"Shit," I breathed, sitting down on my bed, playing with the small box in my hands.

I tried to think of anything else but as I sat alone my thoughts drifted back to one thing.


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