Chapter 3

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Two Months Later 

I'm not someone who gets nervous. But as I moved bits of a piece of toast about the plate I was having for breakfast this morning, the feeling that is in my stomach is how I would describe nerves. 

I ended up binning the dissected piece of toast and went to my bedroom, pulling my suitcase off the bed and grabbing my backpack. I opened up the front compartment to pull out the gun and knife I had stored in there. Feeling the cool metal of the gun against my clammy palms. I check the clips that are stored with multiple bullets, making sure the magazine is empty. Don't want that going off unexpectedly in my bag.

There's a knock on my front door and I throw the backpack on my back and pull the suitcase alongside me. I take one last look at my little flat and sigh, opening the door. 

Shaun stands there in his leather jacket, all black attire, sunglasses over his eyes and chewing gum. 

"You ready." He says and gives me a warm smile.

I don't return it as I start pulling my case out behind me, pausing to lock my front door. He goes in front of me down to a black Range Rover, opening the door for me and taking my case round and putting it into the boot. 

"Let's go," He said, going to the driver's side. I hop into the front seat, bringing my backpack round to sit at my feet. I notice as we start to drive my leg starting to shake, and I clamp my hand over it, hoping in my brain it would convince my body to calm down. 

I saw Shaun's head shift my direction and he sniggers.

"Is Kate Burns nervous?" He gasps in fake shock. I glare at him in response, followed by a sigh. 

"I just don't like going into things I don't know what to expect." I mumbled and he put his hand out rubbing my shoulder.

"Listen, kid," He said and I made a small face. I didn't like that nickname. 

"This is going to be hard, but I believe in you! I would have never offered you this job if I didn't know you would 100% be able to manage it." He said, and I nodded, giving him a fake smile. 

Something about this job was making me feel so uneasy and I hadn't been able to shake the feeling no matter how hard I was trying.

"Okay!" He exclaims, trying to change the subject, "you'll arrive at the Plaza hotel and there you will meet Paul and who you'll be working closely with. Remember your job is to try and not be involved with the boys, only to observe and report. Here's a phone, linked to mine, you can keep me updated." He said, sliding a black iPhone into my hands. I nodded, placing it into my bag. 

We drove for another ten minutes, Shaun trying to make idle chit-chat and I just listened, giving him an odd nod or shake of my head. Suddenly a massive building came into my view, casting a shadow over the car, and making me gulp. 

It was huge. 

A man was standing outside on the steps, pacing back and forth, looking at his watch, and talking into a walkie-talkie. 

"That's Paul," Shaun said, pointing over to him. He opened his car door and got out, walking around to the boot and I heard the click as it opened, and he grabbed my case. 

I placed my hand around the door handle, took a deep breath and opened it. I stepped out to see Paul coming down to shake Shaun's hand. 

"Thanks for sorting this." He said and Shaun nodded, looking to me. 

"She's one of the best, I hope she can help give you peace of mind." He said and Paul nodded, taking my case for me. 

"So do I, come on, I'll show you were you'll be staying." He said, starting up the stairs. 

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