Chapter 18

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Kate's POV

Niall had a smile on his face and his eyes set firmly on the road as we headed out of Boston. Harry and Lou kept security talking as Niall and I sneaked out the back doors to where the car park was. We were now heading out of Boston, to where, Niall wouldn't tell me. His smile never left his face.

"We are we..." I started but Niall cut me off.

"Nope," he said, popping the 'p'. I smiled, shook my head and lay back in the seat. I turned the radio down a little bit and Niall took my hand in his, keeping his free hand on the wheel. We had been driving for a long time until Niall turned off the main road and started to go down a little country lane that led to a forest. He stopped the car and turned to me.

"You ready?" He asked and I nodded.

"The bad news is that there is going to be a lot of walking," he said, frowning a little, "sorry, babe,"

I sighed over dramatically and Niall laughed. I got out of the car, taking my bag with me and Niall went and opened the boot. Out of it he lifted a rucksack and gave me a duffel bag.

"Let's go!" He said, locking his car, wrapping a strong arm around my shoulders.

We walked through a small dirt track and I noticed something. There was tyre tracks through the dry dirt.

"Hey, do you see this?" I asked Niall and he looked down, his eyebrows furrowing together. He then smirked and shrugged, pulling me off the path to a different path.

"It won't concern us anyway," he said and stopped me when the trees got denser and the forest got hillier. I saw there were old wooden steps and he placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Okay, I won't keep you in the dark anymore of were we are going," he said and I laughed, "I asked one of the new stylists do they know any good secluded spots round here and she said she grew up around this area and they had built like a kind of secret hideout," he explained, as we started walking up the stairs. We reached the top and I gasped.

"Oh my god," I breathed. It was amazing. There was an old curtain hung to a tree which was kind of like a door. I pulled the thin fabric back and saw that they had built a balcony of sorts. They had hacked the leaves back so as when you were standing, you could see into the forest and see the small river running through the middle of the forest. I turned to my left and saw a small wooden bed.

"Wow, it's better than she described," Niall said, smiling.

"It's breathtaking," I said and Niall took the duffel bag out of my hand. He unzipped it and I saw what was in it. Blankets. Niall spread them over the wooden bed and we sat down and I couldn't feel the hard wood, just the soft fabric. I sat my bag, down on the ground and lay down beside Niall, enjoying the heat that was radiating from his body. He sat up a little, opening the rucksack and taking out two candles, lighting them and setting them down on the ground.

"What?" I asked, holding back my laugh.

"We never really had a proper date so I decided I wanted to make it special," he said, pulling me closer. He reached down into the rucksack again and brought out a plastic container. He opened and saw it was full of strawberries.

"You really have thought of everything, haven't you?" I asked and Niall nodded, smiling, lifting a strawberry out of the container and holding it to my mouth. I opened as he placed it in my mouth and I did the same, placing one in his mouth.

"I love you, Kate," he whispered in my ear, the smell of his strawberry scented breath, tickling my face. I smiled and hugged him closer.

"I love you, too, Niall," I whispered and Niall kissed my temple, moving round to my forehead, kissing down my nose, planting a kiss on my lips, brushing his lips over my cheek and gave me love bites on my neck. I gasped and took his hair in my hands, tugging at it lightly which made him moan. He climbed on top of me, his lips never leaving my neck. He moved back to my mouth, tugging at my lower lip slightly. He hands moved down my body and they started fiddling with the ties of my jogging bottoms. My hands found the bottom of his shirt, which I pulled off swiftly, placing my hands on the back of his neck, pulling him back down so his lips were connected to mine. His large hands roamed down my waist and up the length of my spine.

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