Chapter 50

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Zayn's POV

"Shit," I whispered as my eyes opened, taking in the dimly lit room around me. I raised a hand to my throbbing head and withdrew my hand, sucking a breath in through my teeth when my fingers grazed over the sensitive bump on my head.

As I became more focused to my surroundings I was surprised that I wasn't tied up. I groaned as I sat up on my elbow and saw I was in quite a small room. I stood up, stopping the spinning that was going around in my head and leant against the wall.

I walked over to the door, tried to open it but of course it was locked. I swore under my breath and tried to find something else to open the door with. I saw there was an old fuse box and I walked over to the fuse box, carefully opening it.

I breathed and touched the wires lightly, but they weren't live.

I sighed in relief and fiddled with the tangled wire until one came off in my hand. I walked over tot the door, bent the wire and stuck it in the door. I fiddled with the lock for about fifteen minutes and was about to give up when I heard the faint click of the lock.

I smiled and swung the door open, with a rusty squeak. I looked around and saw I was in some kind of house.

I needed to find Perrie.

I needed to know she was okay.

I cautiously walked down the corridor and I came to the end of the corridor. I saw that there were stairs going down into what looked like a basement. I held my breath and walked down the stairs, hoping Perrie was there.

But what I found, where two other people I wasn't expecting to be there.

Kate's POV

I was awoken by the sound of the basement door being opened. I roughly dug my elbows into Niall's side and I heard him groan and I felt his breathing change as he woke up. I managed to lift myself up into sitting position which was very hard with my legs and arms tied.

Niall managed to pull himself up just in time for Robert to walk through the door.

Jesus, but he looked so much like Shaun it made me cringe. They had the same features except for their hair colour.

"Tristan wants to speak to you," he said, looking at me and Niall laughed shortly.

"And what are you the messenger or something?" Niall said and Robert's features darkened.

"No, I'm the deliverer," he said, grabbing my upper arm and using a knife to cut the rope from around my ankles. He pulled me to my feet and the started to pull me backwards when I heard the impact of an heavy object meeting flesh and Robert slumped down on top of me.

I kicked my feet out, trying to get him off me and I saw Zayn standing there with a spare piece of pipe.

"Zayn?" Niall and I shouted in unison. Zayn dropped his piece of pipe and untied my wrists and I quickly crawled over to Niall and untied his wrists, ankles, knees and the rope around his chest. I engulfed my arms around him and he hugged me back, his arms, shaking.

"Have you two seen Perrie?" Zayn asked and Niall and I pulled back.

"No," I said and he looked at the ground.

"We will find her Zayn," I said and he smiled, weakly.

"Where do you suppose he would have her?" Niall's voice croaked and I shook my head.

"Who knows?" I whispered and I moved to Robert's unconscious body and found a gun. I checked how many bullets it had and I nodded in approvement.

"Come on, we are going to find Perrie," I said and they followed me out of the basement. I tried doors that were unlocked forts, but unfortunately all of them where locked. We then walked upstairs and we found an unlocked door.

I walked in and froze.

Shaun was standing there, holding Perrie, with a gun against her head.

"Let her go!" I heard Zayn shout through gritted teeth, Niall somehow managing to hold him back.

"Aren't you and Niall supposed to be tied up and gagged in my basement?" He asked and I raised my gun.

"Let her go," I whispered and he laughed.

"Suppose you did something to my brother? I knew I shouldn't have asked him to do my work," he mumbled to himself and then he started to smile. He moved his arm up to Perrie's shoulder, pushing her roughly towards us. She ran to Zayn and he held her, kissing his forehead.

"Kate, do you know what this means?" He said and I didn't but Niall certainly did.

"He wants to kill you," Niall whispered, impossibly close to my ear.

"You win, and I get to kill you," he said and I raised my gun quickly, firing and the bullet only grazed his shoulder but it still caught him off guard.

"Go!" I yelled, and we ran out of the room, "you all need to get as far as possible away from here," I yelled and Zayn and Perrie nodded.

"Do you think I'm leaving you?" Niall whispered, stopping me, his face, inches from mine.

"You have to," I said and he grabbed my face, kissing me desperately.

"I can't lose you again," he said and a gunshot rang through the air and Niall fell to the ground, clutching his knee.

"No!" I yelled looking for Shaun but before I could raise my gun he shot me in my arm. I hissed in pain, falling to the ground, my gun clattering out of my hand. I saw Zayn dragging Perrie round a corner and I was glad that they were not stupid enough to stay.

I saw Shaun walking towards me and Niall tried to get up off the ground and Shaun kicked the side of head, making him fall to ground, unconscious.

"No!" I screamed and he grabbed my hair.

He got down to my level and smirked.

"This is what I meant by making the game harder." He whispered and he slammed my head off the ground and darkness swallowed me.

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