Chapter 22

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Niall's POV

This was hell.

Complete and utter hell.

These guys were absolute maniacs. And I wanted to fucking kill that Shaun guy.

My eyelids were heavy when I woke up again for about the fifth? Sixth? Seventh time? I had been knocked out that many times I was beginning to lose count. I looked down and saw I was lying on the floor, with my ankles and knees tied together with tight rope, and I felt the rope, burning my wrists which were tied behind my back. I groaned and rolled over on to my side where I saw... Shaun.

Just when I thought my day couldn't get any worse.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty," he said, with a smirk plastered on his face. I remained silent and he sighed as he walked towards me. He kneeled down and I felt my skin come out in goose flesh as I stared into his eyes. He ran a finger up my exposed arm which made me shiver even more. What the hell is wrong with this guy?

"Time for us to get more aquatinted, what do you think?" He said, smiling. No. I did not want to get more aquatinted.

He moved round to my back and untied my wrists, taking a good hold of them and dragging me over to a chair. He threw me into the chair and quickly took a roll of duct tape out of his pocket, taping my wrists to the arms of the chair.

"You know you are more fun than the other boys," he said and I perked up.

"Where are they?" I whispered. I had not seen them since we had been taken.

"Oh, they are fine, but they don't really give away anything, except Harry," he said and an uneasy feeling started to arise on my gut.

"Give away what?" I said and I raised his eyebrows.

"Ways to get to you boys," he said and my breath hitched in my throat, "I have Harry and Lou in the same room together and it's fun when you use Lou to get to him, his pleads are so petty," he said and I clenched my fists. That son of a bitch. He must have taken Lou as well.

"And ways to get to you, Niall," he said, resting down on the balls of his feet, in front of me, "well, all I have to do is mention your little girlfriend and you explode," he finished and my breath hitched in my throat. He took out his phone, scrolling through it for a few seconds and then held it to my face. I squinted my still blurry eyes and saw it was a picture of Kate and I. I clenched my fists even tighter, that the whites of the knuckles where showing.

"She's real pretty, isn't she?" He said, and I just stared at the phone screen desperately, feeling tears stinging my eyes. God, I miss her.

"You still have me to thank that she is your girlfriend," he said and I snapped my head up to look at him.

"What do you mean?" I said and he laughed.

"There are some things you don't know about your Kate, and I'm going to be more than happy to tell you." He said, pulling up another chair to sit opposite me. What did I not know about Kate?

"It is my doing that Kate got the job as Lou's new assistant," he said and I tried to keep my face emotionless.

"I'm sure you already know that Kate is no damsel in distress, she is a fighter," he said and my heart beat started to accelerate. Kate was strong. The way she hit the punchbag in the gym. The way she flipped that guy Matt over when he had hold of her. Hell, even the way she flipped me over when I scared her, the first day I met her.

"That's because I taught her everything she knows," he said, smiling and my breath caught in my throat. What? Kate knew this guy?

"The truth is Niall, that Kate is an undercover agent, working closely with Lou, as I gave her the idea that you boys were in danger from a kidnapper and murderer, which is me of course," he said and I let the words sink into my head.

"She was suppose to keep me updated on how the tour started, I was supposed to be interested on how she was getting on, but I then found my own ways of finding out where you boys were and I sent my men to get you, but I wasn't counting on one thing," he said.

"Kate," I said, with a certain sense of pride in my chest. She had tried her best to foil his plans.

"Yes, her love for all you boys is too strong, especially for you, and it has started to get really annoying." He said and I started to break out in a cold sweat.

"What do you mean?" I said, feeling a bead of sweat roll down my forehead.

"After I knocked you out, from having your heart to heart with Kate on the phone, I gave her a clue of where we are, and she will figure it out because she is clever, I told her to come find you and the boys," he said and I exploded.

"YOU WHAT?" I yelled and punched me round my jaw, but I didn't care. That bastard is going to lure Kate here.

"What do you want her?" I said and he laughed.

"Weren't you listening to what I said? She has been annoying lately, messing with my plans etc, so I'm going to bring her here with you boys and Lou, it was quite pathetic really, how easily she was willing to come. I just threatened you and she was on the next plane to England," he said and I could literally feel my blood boiling. Wait. Hold up. We are in England?

Shaun started walking towards me, pulling the duct tape out of his pocket again and then he started laughing.

"What so funny?" I asked, my voice starting to shake.

"It's quite funny," he said and I raised my eyebrows.

"She is going to come here... and she is going to die," he said and my eyes nearly popped out of my sockets.

"What?" I whispered and he leaned over the chair, placing his hands on the arms of it.

"Open your eyes, pretty boy. She is not going to stop until she gets all of you out. Even if that means, getting herself killed. She is basically coming on a suicide mission. And I am going to gladly grant her wish." He whispered in my ear, placing some duct tape over my mouth.

I called him every name in my vocabulary, but of course it came out a mumbled mess through the tape.

"Oh yes, I will also let Matt have his fun with her before I kill her," he said and my chest started heaving in anger. I hate him so much. I fucking hate his guts.

"I might even let you see her, if you behave," he said, walking towards the door.

"I'll see you soon, Niall," Shaun said, walking out of the door.

My chest was still heaving in anger and I struggled with the duct tape on my arms and the rope around my legs and just groaned into the tape across my mouth, when I couldn't break free. I warm tear slid down my cheek and I could only pray now.

Please, Kate.

Please don't try and find me.

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