Chapter 15

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Kate's POV

I squinted trying to see in the dark as Perrie jumped and shrieked as the lights shut off.

"What the hell!" She shouted reaching out for me. I grabbed her forearm and then I heard something that was peculiar . The concert was still going on. I heard 'Rock Me' being played. Was it a fuse maybe in the corridor? If I could only open the door, I would be able to see what the problem was.

"Why is the concert still going on?" Perrie asked and I shrugged and jumped when the emergency lights in the dressing room turned on, casting an eerie glow around the room.

"I guess we will just have to wait it out until the concert is over..." I froze in the middle of my sentence and Perrie froze too, her eyes going wide. We heard the click of the door being unlocked and the handle slowly being pulled down.

"Hello?" I said loudly and there was no answer. My whole body was screaming that this was not one of the crew.

I looked around and saw a small en suite bathroom at the back of the dressing room. I grabbed Perrie's hand and dragged her over to the bathroom, locking us both inside.

I placed my ear against the door and heard nothing, except the loud concert which was vibrating through the flooring. The lights in the dressing room outside were suddenly switched on, light shining under the door.

Then the handle started moving and I could hear grunts of someone trying to get the door open.

Perrie put her hands to her mouth, her eyes starting to rim with tears. I placed my finger to my lips and put my ear against the door again.

"It won't budge, Matt," a man said. I could not here anymore voices except the two that were talking. So there was two.

"No problem," 'Matt' said, and I heard a familiar click. My blood ran cold. No. It couldn't be. It sounded like a gun.

Perrie started to move towards the door and I ran and tackled her to the ground just as a bullet went through the lock. The door swung open revealing two men, dressed in black.

Jesus how many was there?mI scrambled off the floor, as did Perrie and she gripped my arm, tightly. The men exchanged glances and then one spoke up.

"Hello ladies, for one of you its a lucky day, the other not so lucky," he said, smiling.

I held my ground and was waiting for what he was going to say next.

"You," the one who was speaking, pointed at Perrie, "it's your lucky day, sweetheart, your coming with us,"

What the hell?

They are after Perrie as well?

Perrie nearly squeezed the bones out of my arm as they said this.

"So the unlucky day is for you, babe," he then said, looking at me. He grabbed me by my hair and put me up against the wall of the dimmly lit bathroom. Perrie shrunk up against the opposite wall.

Out of his pocket he pulled out a small hand gun and held it to the side of my head.


"Please don't hurt her!" Perrie cried from the corner.

"Shut up!" He yelled and Perrie let out a small whimper.

"Sorry, we just can't leave any witnesses," he said, his warm breath, stinging my earlobe.

"Any last words?" he said and I knew I had to think fast on my feet. I widened my eyes and looked over at the other side of the room.

"What the hell is that!" I exclaimed and he looked away, his concentration breaking.

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