Chapter 36

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Kate's POV


I reluctantly opened my heavy eyes and I winced as pain shot through my body. I hissed in pain and tried to roll myself onto my stomach. I bit my tongue as my stomach exploded pain throughout my whole body.

I didn't dare be too loud incase Shaun was still lurking about.

I dragged myself across to the stairs and I looked back at where I had landed when Shaun had pushed me down the stairs.

Shit. There was a pool of dried blood and I raised a hand to my head. My head wasn't bleeding but I drew my hand away quickly as I touched a bump that had started to raise on the back of my head. I then felt something that made my blood run cold.

I looked down at my jeans to confirm this and saw they were covered in dry blood, which was mostly around the top of my jeans.

Oh god.

Niall and mines baby really is gone.

There's no way it could have survived the fall.

I felt a warm tear roll down my cheek and I sniffed, wiping it away. I needed to get out Niall and I out of here before Shaun tried to hurt us anymore than he has now.

I gritted my teeth, gripped the banister tightly and pulled myself up the stairs. It took me about ten minutes to make it up the stairs and I fell on my stomach again as I reached the top of the stairs. I looked both ways down the corridor and started to drag myself down to where Niall was locked up. I had managed to find an old rusty nail and I put that in my pocket, and continued to army-crawl along the ground.

I reached the door to the room and I knocked the door.

"Niall?" I whispered and I heard feet come quickly to the other side of the door.

"Kate?" He said, his voice full of surprise.

"It's me, I'm going to roll a nail under the door and you will need to unlock the door," I said, rolling the nail under the door.

For a few minutes I heard him curse and struggle with the lock and then it opened. I felt him grab underneath my arms and pull me into the room, closing the door.

"Oh my god," he said, his blue eyes starting to water.

"What happened?" He whispered, rubbing a hand over my cheek.

I felt tears freely roll down my cheeks and I couldn't stop them. I then saw the colour drain from Niall's face when he saw my bloody jeans.

"Shaun pushed me down the stairs. He knew I was pregnant, Niall. There was no way the baby would have survived that," I said and Niall pulled me up, wrapping me in a hug.

I don't know how long passed but I know that I cried for one of the longest times in my life. I felt a couple of Niall's tears fall on my face and I hugged him tighter. He moved his head and kissed my forehead gently and then kissed my lips softly.

I buried my head in the crook of Niall's neck and he rested his head on top of mine. And before I could stop myself, I felt myself falling asleep.

Perrie's POV

The line went dead.

I stood there frozen to the spot, having no idea what to do.

"Perrie?" I heard Harry say softly and I turned to him. I opened my mouth but nothing came out.

"Where's Lou?" He said, calmly and I shook my head.

"Harry, that was Shaun, he gave me an address and wants us to go there or we won't see Kate, Niall or Lou again." I said and Harry's eyes widened.

"So that bastard has Lou then?" He whispered and I nodded and he kicked over a litter bin, pulling at his hair, in frustration.

"What are we going to do, Perrie?" He whispered and I shook my head. I didn't know.

We couldn't go to the address. We wouldn't make it out of there. But then, we needed to save our friends.

"We go, well I go and you wait and run if I need help or anything," I said and Harry grabbed my shoulders.

"You're crazy," he simply stated and I felt like slapping him.

"Damn it, Harry Styles, I am not! Do you have a better suggestion? Because you know as well as I do what happened last time the police got called. Shaun went batshit and nearly killed Kate!" I said, tears of anger starting to burn my eyes, but I quickly blinked them away.

"I'm just saying, should we call Zayn or someone..." He started but I cut him off.

"No! We are not bringing Zayn into this mess!" I said, not being able to remember how I felt the last time he was kidnapped.

After another half an hour of arguing, Harry agreed that we would try and find the address. We jogged for an hour and we were moving further and further out of the town.

Then we found the address.

We hunkered down behind some long grass and we saw it was a massive warehouse.

"Right, are we going to go in?" I asked and Harry nodded. I squeezed his hand and we moved fairly quickly and moved up against the warehouse wall.

"You ready?" I mouthed and he nodded and I picked the lock, with a hairpin. I opened the door and was about to enter but Harry grabbed my arm.

"Go behind me," he mouthed and I nodded, breathing out shakily.

Harry took a step in to the warehouse and I followed him and the door slammed behind me. And someone tackled Harry to the ground. A surprised yell left his mouth and he then screamed in pain and I saw why. The person had injected him with something.

Harry's movements became sloppy and then he sprawled out on the floor. The person who injected him turned round and smiled at me and I saw it was Shaun's brother.

"If you just come with me then I won't have to inject you," he said and I backed up against the door and I tried to clumsily find the door handle. Then Shaun's brother tumbled over and I saw Harry had managed to summon energy to knock him to his feet.

"Run!" Harry yelled and I felt guilty for leaving him. But I couldn't do anything to help him standing here.

I opened the door and ran into the yard. I looked behind me and saw that Shaun's brother was running after me.

I kept my legs pumping and kept trying to keep my speed up and not let it slow down. I turned round and couldn't see him anywhere in sight, but that didn't shake the feeling in my stomach that I still wasn't safe. I was nearly into civilisation when a black car sped in front of me, blocking my path in front of me and Shaun got out of the car.

I stumbled backwards and he pointed a gun at me.

"Now, now, you didn't expect me to just let you run off like that?" He said and I shrieked when something was stabbed in my shoulder and I saw it was his brother, pushing the contents of the injection into my body. Suddenly I started to become sleepy and I fell against his chest. Shaun came forward and grabbed my legs and he put me in the back of his car.

I felt a pleasant warmness came over me but then it turned to panic as I would be entering hell again.

But I knew that this time, when I woke up, was that I was going to stop fighting until I got out.

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