Chapter 4

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Oh my God.

I had just attacked Niall Horan.

"I'm sorry," was all I could squeak out as I helped him off the ground.

But he wasn't angry. He smiled as I helped him off the floor.

"Well, a girl has never done that to me before," he laughed, holding his back.

"Are you hurt?" I asked him,looking him up and down.

"No," he said, "just shocked, is more like it,"

My cheeks where reddening faster with every second that passed and he put his hand on my shoulder, rubbing it slightly.

"So what's your name? I see your part of the tour team," he said, pointing at my lanyard.

"Oh, I'm Kate, Kate Burns, I'm Lou's new assistant." I said, flattening down my hair which I'm sure was sticking up in every direction.

"Really? I would've thought maybe a cool girl member of security," he laughed, raising an eyebrow.


"Uh, no, it's just you frightened me and... it must have been pure enstinct." I laughed and he burst out laughing.

"What?" I asked, wondering what he was laughing.

"That was some instinct," he said, rubbing the back of his head.

"Well... wait, why were you in here anyway?" I asked.

"Oh, Harry is in the pool, I was going to tell him we need to go get ready to meet any new members of the team, but I guess I've already met one," he said, winking at me.

Damn, he's good looking. His fluffy blonde hair, the gorgeous blue eyes, the way he...

"Kate!" He said, a bit louder, waving his hand in front of my eyes.

"Oh hey!" I said, coming back into reality.

"Hello," he laughed and he pointed at the door, "Lou is there,"

I turned around and saw Lou standing outside the doors, waving at me.

"Um, I have to go, I'll see you in..." I checked the clock on the wall, "thirty minutes?"

"Yep, see you then!" He said, waving and heading into the pool where Harry must have been.

I ran across the gym to wear Lou was.

"Hey! Grab your stuff, we are going to get ready," she said, opening the door of the changing rooms. I ran in, unlocked my locker, grabbed my bag and followed Lou upstairs.

"So basically, using this oil, you put about a squirt onto their hair and massage the scalp, to keep it shiny and soft, got it?" Lou said and I nodded, mindlessly and bored. We had been going what products each boy uses and what products they all have to use.

"Kate!" She snapped and I looked up.

"Do you think you've got the basics?" She asked me, packing the hair products into a bag and opening the room door.

I met all the boys yesterday and they were all lovely. Liam was very polite but I could tell he had a cheeky side to him, Zayn was very quiet but towards the end of the night we started talking, Louis was loud and funny and Harry was charming, just like everyone said he was.

And Niall was just... everything I would look for in a boy. He was attractive, charming and funny. But I couldn't love him.

Because that would only put him in danger.

"Lou, do any security know that I am... well... you know..." I said, not wanting to say the words.

She shook her head.

"No, it's only me, kiddo," she said.

Great. Not only do I have to keep this secret from the boys, I have to keep it from security.

Which wasn't going to be easy.

We had loaded all the suitcases into the tour bus and Lou and I hopped on.

"Hey!" I heard a familiar voice and saw Niall.

"Hello," I said, sitting down beside him as the bus took off.

"You not going to attack me then," he laughed, running a hand through his hair.

"No not today," I said, smiling at him.

We talked for a while, watched an episode of Friends and we arrived at the arena the boys where playing tonight.

It was... gigantic.

There were fans standing outside the arena already and they all went crazy as the saw the tour bus. They started banging the windows and we felt the bus brake a few times, probably so as to not run over any girls.

The bus stopped outside the back doors of the arena.

"Alright let's move!" Liam shouted, getting off his seat and grabbing his phone and coat. I got up from beside Niall and followed Lou out to the back of the bus. We grabbed a suitcase each of hair products (mine had two guns inside them) and followed the boys through the back door of the arena.

"Right guys! Half an hour to show time! You need your hair done!" Lou yelled at the boys who were playing Xbox. Well only three of them were.

Liam, Louis and Zayn walked over to us.

"Where are Harry and Niall?" I asked Louis, who was standing beside me.

"I saw them on Segways out there," he pointed out the door.

I sighed.


I opened the dressing room door and saw Niall and Harry racing eachother on Segways.

"Niall! Harry! You need to get your hair done!" I yelled as they raced past me.

"Never!" Harry shouted, putting on a Scottish accent and shouting, "FREEDOM!" Taking his top off, whilst on the Segway and swinging around, over his head.

"You will have to catch us!" Niall yelled as him and Harry rounded a corner. I closed the door, shaking my head.

"Are they coming?" Louis asked, laughing.

"Maybe," I said, "if you had a tranquilliser dart,"

I looked at the hair products in front of me and tried to remember what Lou told me. I dripped some oil into my hands, rubbed them together and massaged Louis' scalp. His facial expression relaxed and he moaned slightly.

Maybe I'm good at this.

After I had quickly sprayed his hair with shine spray and hairspray, he looked in the mirror and so did I.

Wow. It looked exactly as it should.

I smiled as I did Liam's hair and then the door burst open as Harry and Niall ran and came to a stop in front of us.

"Sorry we were having too much fun," Niall said and I smiled as Liam got out of the chair.

"Well I accept your apology," I said and blow-dried his hair, so it stayed into a quiff. In five minutes, I had finished doing Niall's hair and the boys got changed to go on stage.

After Lou dragged me out onto the corrider and as the boys were walking, we sprayed more shine onto the boys hair.

"Wish me luck!" Niall said, as someone handed him a microphone and security were escourting them to the stage.

"Good luck!" I yelled and he smiled and waved back.

I turned to Lou as crew were running everywhere, going in different directions.

"What to we do now?" I asked and she grabbed my arm and linked it with her's.

"Now we have a girly chat," she said, smiling as we went back into the dressing room.

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