Chapter 29

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Kate's POV




This noise kept drilling into my skull and I groaned. Jesus Christ but it was so annoying. I tried to open my eyes but they remained shut. I then realised a warm hand was holding mine. I heard a slight snoring so I assumed they were sleeping, but I could already guess who it was.


I then realised exactly where I was. A hospital. The smells and the itchy sheets confirmed it. Everything suddenly came rushing back to me.

Shaun had shot and stabbed me. I wonder how bad my injuries actually were? I groaned as I felt a pain, erupt through my body. This pain made my eyelids flutter. I kept trying to open my eyes until suddenly they flew open.

Everything was unfocused and blurry. I closed my eyes again and opened them, but they didn't seem to focus on anything. It took me ten minutes for my eyes to finally focus. When they did I looked down at my stomach and gasped. Their was a massive bandage wrapped across it and I saw drips still attached to my arms and I felt something tight around my head. I reached up and felt an oxygen mask. I then turned to my left and saw Niall had his head resting in its side on the mattress, he was snoring slightly and his fingers where interlaced with mine.

I almost cried in joy with the sight of him. He was safe. He had a sling on his injured arm and had light bruising around his face, but other than that, he looked fine. I didn't want to wake him, but I had to.

I moved my hand through his blonde hair and I heard him moan. He yawned and stretched, opening his eyes. They locked with mine for a moment and then they widened.

"Kate?" He whispered, touching me lightly, like he was afraid he would hurt me.

"Niall," I said, taking the oxygen mask off. He leaned over the bed and embraced me and he pulled back, taking my face in his hands and he kissed me softly. I moved my hands over his face, running my thumb over his cheek and he pulled back, kissing my forehead.

"You're awake," he said, like it was a miracle.

"Of course I was going to wake up," I laughed and he smiled, looking at the ground and I saw a tear rolling down his cheek.

"Hey, what are the tears for?" I whispered, wiping it off his face.

"I'm going to tell you the truth, Kate, you were dead," he said and I froze.

"What?" I whispered and he nodded.

"You stopped breathing in the ambulance and they did CPR which kept you alive and they did surgery and you didn't get better after that and they turned off your life support. I sat outside as Lou said goodbye and then it was my turn. Before she let me go in, she told me that a doctor had pronounced you dead. As in you weren't breathing or your heart wasn't beating. So I went in. You were so peaceful, it was like you were sleeping. And that's when I realised something. I thought to myself, what am I going to do without you? As I kissed you for what I thought was the last time, I felt you breathe ever so slightly. You were breathing, Kate! You never stopped fighting. And then the doctors told you were alive, and here we are now," he said, tears rolling down his cheeks. His eyes were bloodshot and it looked like he hadn't slept and had just been continuously crying.

"In the ambulance, I felt like stopping. I felt like falling asleep. So I did. But maybe it was the memories of me and you, that made me want to fight, so, that's what I did," I whispered and Niall leaned forward and kissed me lightly.

"I'm glad you did," he said and I hugged him, tightly.

"I love you, Niall," I said and he kissed my forehead, letting my rest against his chest.

"I love you, too, Kate," he whispered.


*One Week Later*

I couldn't keep being an agent a secret any longer from security and the boys. I was feared I was going to be kicked off the tour team.

Surprisingly, no.

When I was released from the hospital, Paul was very happy to see me.

"Kate, I would really like you, to help the security. Many people wouldn't have had the guts to do what you did," he said and I hugged him.

I was told, I had to go to a training session once a week and I would be able to still go on tour with the boys.


"Kate!" I heard Lou yell from the bathroom, just as the door knocked.

"Get that for me, would you, sweetie?" She yelled and I sighed, moaning as I got up, my stomach still hurting. I quickly pulled up my top, looking at the scar that went horizontally across my stomach.

I opened the door and saw Niall standing there.

"Hey, baby," he said, kissing my nose and I stood aside as he came in, closing the door.

"How are you?" He asked and I shrugged and he pulled me close to him, I breathed in the aftershave that clung to the fibres of his jacket and the door knocked again.

I raised my eyebrows at him and he shrugged. I put the lock on the latch and I opened the door to see two policemen standing there.

"Can we have a minute of your time? Here's something we need to discuss," he said and I nodded, closing the door, taking the latch off and letting them in.

"How are you feeling, Miss Burns?" One of the policemen asked and I nodded as one of them sat down on the dressing table chair and one leant up against the table. I heard the bathroom door open and Lou came out of the bathroom, her hair wrapped in a towel and she was dressed in a robe.

"Hello, officers," Lou said, smiling and they nodded.

"Miss Burns, we need to show you something." The policeman said to me, pulling a piece of paper out of his pocket.

"You are part of the security unit now, aren't you?" He asked and I nodded.

He handed me the paper and I saw it was a photo. I looked up at the top and saw it was a security camera photo of what looked like a shopping centre. It was a clothes shop and it looked like Topman. I scanned the picture, trying to find anything unusual and then I found it.

And my blood ran ice cold.

"No," I whispered, bile rising in my throat. Niall looked over my shoulder and I heard him curse under his breath.

The policeman took the page off me and I gulped.

"It is to our understanding that Tristan Andrews was spotted at the shop." He said and I heard Lou gasp.

"What does this mean to us?" I whispered and the policeman looked at me, with concern in his eyes.

"It means, he might want revenge. His associate, Matt has also been spotted, alive," he said and I gulped again.

Shaun and Matt were alive.

And they wanted revenge.

Undercover//N.H//(A.U)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें